1. Quick Start Level 1 (QS1) | The attacahed manuals are intended as a quick guide to using ManEx. By completing each, you will be familiar with the look and feel of ManEx, and be able to confidently navigate your way through the system.
These manuals are NOT intended to replace proper in-depth training. After you are familiar with ManEx, we recommend that you recieve detailed trainig to fully realize the power and utility offered by this system designed for your business.
Before you begin, it is important to understand some of the basic buttons available throughout ManEx. You can read about these buttons here: Buttons
1.1. Navigation Overview |
For all MANEX operations, the user starts with the shortcuts:
To access, the user clicks on the appropriate icon.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Acct_Setup_Icon.png) |
This Icon will open the menu for the Accounting Setup.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Error_Log_Icon.png) |
This Icon will open the screen to view or print the Error Log.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/LogOut_Icon.png) |
This icon will open the LogOut screen.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Manex__Icon.png) |
This Icon will open the menu for the ManEx Operations and Accounting
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Security_Icon.png) |
This Icon will open the Security screen.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/System_Setup_Icon.png) |
This Icon will open the menu for the Setup of ManEx.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/System_Utility_Icon.png) |
This Icon will display the menu for the Utilities.
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/Shared_Files/Trigger_Icon.png) |
This Icon will display the menu for Triggers.
Many of the Main Menus have sub-menus. For example:
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Menus/Inventory_Mgmt_1.png) |
And those sub-menus marked with the arrow have sub-menus. For example: |
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Menus/ICM_2.png) |
Selecting Inventory Control Management, for example, will bring up the Inventory Control screen:
Most MANEX screens have four sections: The Action buttons, Information Tabs, the Body, and Directive buttons.
Action Buttons
These are the Action buttons that you will find in ManEx. Each button is a “smart” icon and will display its function if you place your cursor above it. Simple descriptions are shown below for each icon. Not all buttons will be available at one time. For example, the SAVE button is active only after initiating an ADD or EDIT action.
Information Tabs
The Information tabs will be different in each module. For example, in the Inventory Control Management module, the tabs appear like this:
Pressing on each of these tabs brings up another screen, displaying the pertinent information relating to the tab pressed.
The Body
The Body of the screen is the area where information is displayed, entered or edited. For example, the Item Master tab displays the following:
Copy and Paste Functions
ManEx has a Copy and Paste function in the larger free-form fields like the Notes and Profile fields.
Copy and Paste instructions are the same as most Windows applications: You must be in a field that is active for Copy and Paste. ManEx must be in Edit or Data Entry mode for Copy and Paste to be active.
The cursor must be active in an editable text field. Tab or mouse click to go there. Highlight what you want to copy, as illustrated.
Click on the MANEX Utility pull down menu, as illustrated. If the Copy option is lit, then the user may copy the wording highlighted.
To paste, go to the destination and place the cursor at the place you want to paste and left mouse click.
Step 1
Begin MANEX by double-clicking on the desired MANEX Shortcut within the MANEX desktop folder.
Step 2
When the data is used for the first time, the first screen will request the location of a LOCAL directory on the workstation.If the default drive comes up with your server directory and MANEX, DO NOT select it.
Step 3
The Local Directory MUST be changed to point to a local drive and folder on the workstation. If you have not already created a local folder on your c: drive you can click "New" to create one. We recommend naming it somthing like "manexlocal" so it can be easily identified.
Step 4
Once the local drive appears in the Selected Directory window, depress the Select button. You will be asked to verify the location where you will be copying or creating files.
Step 5
And finally, you will be asked to enter your password for MANEX. For more information on Passwords, please see your System Administrator/Security module.
And the workstation is ready for business.
1.3. Create a Customer in ManEx | Although a customer has already been entered into your evaluation database, you may enter your own by following the 5 easy steps below:
Step 1
Select Sales Mgt / Customer Information / Customer Information
Step 2 |
Click "Add" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Record.png) |
Step 3 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls). |
Step 4 |
Enter the Customer Name. (The only required information to create a customer is the customer name)
Step 5 |
Click "Save" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Save_Record.png) |
Congratulations, you have now created a customer in ManEx!
When you are ready to have ManEx run your business, you can complete the rest of the information for this customer. For the purpose of ManEx BHT, this is all that is required.
For an in-depth explanation on completing the customer information, please refer to the Customer And Contact Information Management article.
1.4. Create a Supplier in ManEx | Although a supplier has already been entered into your evaluation database, you may enter your own by following the 5 easy steps below:
Step 1 |
Select Material Planning / Purchase Setup / Supplier Information
Step 2 |
Click "Add" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Record.png) |
Step 3 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls). |
Step 4
Enter the Supplier Name. (The only required information to create a supplier is the supplier name)
Step 5 |
Click "Save" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Save_Record.png) |
Congratulations, you have now created a supplier in ManEx!
When you are ready to have ManEx run your business, you can complete the rest of the information for this supplier. For the purpose of these tutorials, this is all that is required.
For an in-depth explanation on completing the supplier information, please refer to the Supplier Information Management article.
1.5. Create a Part Number in ManEx | To create a part number in ManEx, simply follow the easy steps outlined below:
This tutorial will explain how to create a top level part number in ManEx. To add components to the system you can follow these steps, but alter Step 4 by setting the Part Source to "Buy" or "CONSG" and selecting a different part class and type.
Click HERE for a video demonstration
Step 1 |
Select Inventory Mgt / Inventory Control Management / Inventory Control Management
Step 2 |
Click "Add" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Record.png) |
Step 3 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls). |
Step 4 |
Select the Part Source, Part Class, and Part Type. (For this tutorial select "Make", "FGI", and "PC-ASY")
Step 5 |
Enter the part information (For this tutorial only the Description and part number suffix are required).
Step 6
Click the "Quantitiy Info" tab and click save. (This creates the first AVL for the part in ManEx. You can add more manufacturers and part numbers if desired).
Step 7 |
Click "Save" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Save_Record.png)
Congratulations, you have now created a part in ManEx!
ManEx also has the ability to track MRP information, set-up and run scrap, mfg drawings and much more! We strongly recommend that you get in-depth training on the features, uses, and benefits of inventory control management in ManEx.
For more information, please refer to the Inventory Control Management article.
1.6. Create a Sales Order in ManEx | To create a sales order in ManEx, simply follow the easy steps outlined below:
Step 1 |
Select Sales Mgt / Sales Order Management / Sales Order Management
Step 2 |
Click "Add" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Record.png) |
Step 3 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls). |
Step 4 |
Select the customer name from the list.
Step 5 |
Enter the customer PO number.
Step 6 |
Click "Add Product" and double click the product to select it from the list.
Step 7 |
Enter Order Qty.
Step 8
Select the Schedule Tab, and auto-schedule the deliveries.
Press the "AutoSchedule" button and enter the first (beginning delivery) date the customer expects to receive the order. Specify the delivery qty (by default ManEx will insert the entire order qty) and delivery intervals. The options are by day (DY), week (WK) or month (MO).
Pressing the SAVE button creates a line for each delivery in the sequence requested to which the user may further edit, delete, or add lines.
Step 9 |
Select Pricing Tab and enter unit price and Sales Type
Step 10 |
Click "Save" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Save_Record.png) |
Congratulations, you have now created a sales order in ManEx!
ManEx also has the capability of creating and tracking work orders, verifying the sales order lead time, checking finished good inventory, and much more from this easy to use screen. We strongly recommend that you get in-depth training on the features, uses, and benefits of sales order management in ManEx.
For more information, please refer to the Sales Order Management article.
1.7. Create a Work Order in ManEx | Creating a Work Order (WO) in ManEx is very easy. Simply follow the 7 easy steps below.
Step 1
Select Production / Work Order Management / Work Order Management
Step 2 |
Click "Add" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Record.png) |
Step 3 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls). |
Step 4 |
Select "Product Number" (you may also select "Part Class" to locate the part you want to add the the WO), and double click to select the product from the list.
Step 5 |
Select the Customer from the Customer List, enter the "Due Date", "Build Qty", and related "Sales Order" (if any).
Step 6 |
If you are ready to kit and produce the WO, check the "Work Order Released" box.
Step 7 |
Click "Save" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Save_Record.png) |
Congratulations, you have now created a Work Order in ManEx!
When you are ready to have ManEx run your business, you can also use the "Job Status", "WO Check List", and other fields for additional tracking and system utility. For the purpose of this tutorial, this is all that is required.
For an in-depth explanation on completing the work order information or using the Sales Order module to create work orders, please refer to the Work Order Management article.
1.8. Track Production on the Shop Floor | Tracking production using Shop Floor Tracking (SFT) in ManEx is very easy. Simply follow the 6 easy steps below.
It is important that the work order you are working with has been released for production. You can learn how to do this by referring to the article Create a Work Order.
Step 1
Select Production / ShopFloor Tracking by Work Order
Step 2 |
Step 3 |
Select "Work Order Number" (you may also select "Product Number", "Customer Name", "and "Sale Order Number" to locate the work order you want to process through SFT), and double click to select the work order from the list.
Step 4 |
Select the Work Center you are transferring FROM and click "Transfer"
Step 5 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls).
Step 6 |
Specify the quantity you want to transfer and click "Ok"
If you do not transfer the full qty from the work center, ManEx will ask if you want to transfer the rest of the parts to another workcenter. For this tutorial- just click "No".
Congratulations, you have now processed a Work Order through the Shop Floor Tracking (SFT) in ManEx!
When you are ready to have ManEx run your business, you can have ManEx track internal notes, documentation, transfer histories, quality control, and much more! For the purpose of this tutorial, this is all that is required.
For an in-depth explanation on the features and options in the SFT module, please refer to the Shop Floor Tracking article.
1.9. Create a Packing List in ManEx | To create a packing list in ManEx, simply follow the easy steps outlined below:
Step 1 |
Select Inventory Mgt / Packing List Management / Packing List Management
![](/admin/virtual/imgs/InvtMGT_Menus/Packing List_OPEN.PNG)
Step 2 |
Click "Add" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Add_Record.png) |
Step 3 |
Select "Add by Sales Order" and select the SO for which you are shipping. (if you want to add by Customer or as a Stand-Alone, you may click the corresponding buttons).
Step 4 |
Enter your password (enter "one1" if you have not setup security controls).
Step 5 |
Click the "Detail" tab and the "Add sales order item(s)" button.
Step 6 |
Select the product to ship and enter the shipment quantity.
Step 7 |
Click "Save" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Save_Record.png)
Step 8 |
Click "Print" ![](/admin/virtual/imgs/buttons/Print_Reocrd.png)
Step 9
Select the "Packing List Report"
Step 10 |
Select the "Options" tab, select the desired packing list, and press "OK"
Congratulations, you have now created a packing list in ManEx!
ManEx also has the capability of tracking additional information from this easy to use screen. We strongly recommend that you get in-depth training on the features, uses, and benefits of packing list management in ManEx.
For more information, please refer to the Packing List Management article.