1. FAQ - ECO, BCN, Deviation (EBD)
1.1. Can users leave parts removed through ECO in the kit for costing purposes?

Q:  Can users leave parts removed through ECO in the kit for costing purposes?

A:     The ECO won't remove parts, if you click that specific work order to take effect to use the new created assembly (with parts removed), you will have to click "Update Kit" button in Kit module in order to remove the parts, and if you have issued parts already, the system will ask you where you want to put those qty.   (This is if the parts are already pulled for the kit before the ECO was approved).

1.2. Can we use the ECO module to process BUY part changes?

From time to time, a BUY part changes revision because the manufacturer changed specifications for the part. So things that might change would be the description, maybe the material type code, and maybe the related documents. The question arose because users wanted a place to track the changes in revision, like they can with assemblies.



We are going to suggest that the users copy the old buy part to a new one with a different revision, but then they would have to keep track of why they changed both of them in a notes field for both parts.

1.3. Do line shortages pull through with an ECO?

Question:  Do line shortages pull through with an ECO?

Answer:   No

1.4. If the user has already recorded kit shortages before an ECO, will they still be displayed after the kit is updated?

Question:  If the user has already recorded kit shortages before an ECO, will they still be displayed after the kit is updated?

Answer:   Yes, they should still be there.

1.5. How to Handle items left in FGI at old Rev after ECO udpate.

If user creates a SO and WO for  product #123 Rev. A qty of 15.  Transfer 7 into FGI leaving a balance of 8 in process.  Creates a packing list and invoice for 5, leaving 2 in FGI and 8 in process.  Creates an ECO to change the revision from A to B.  The SO and WO update to Revison B for qty of 8 that was in process.  The qty of 2 in FGI remain at Revision A and will not be affected by the ECO changes. 

The user has the following two options to choose from in order to be able to ship the qty of 2 remaining in FGI at Revision A:

1.  Create a rework work order for the new revision, and a shortage for the old revision, rework as necessary, and then place in FGI again under the updated revision.


2.  They can do an Inventory Handling Issue for the old revision, then receive the new revision back in.  This assumes there is a very simple and non-functional change to the updated revision.

1.6. How to Handle Temporary Deviations.
How to Handle Temporary Deviations.
It will depend on the sequence in which the user creates their work orders.   

If users want the deviation applied to the work orders due within a date range, then when the work orders are created, based on the deviation they would have someone add the alternate part to the kit and remove the part it replaces.  In the work order notes, reference to the deviation should be made.

If users want the deviation applied to the work orders as they are going through kitting within a certain time frame, then they will need to put a copy of the deviation on the "Do NOT Use" part and when they go to kit, the storeroom needs to make the same change to the kit described above.


Either way, the reference to the deviation on the kit will provide the authorization and record that the deviation was applied.

1.7. Will an ECO work on a Phantom Make Assembly?

Question:  Will an ECO work on a Phantom/Make Assembly?

Answer:   Yes

1.8. Why doesn't my approved deviation appear as approved in the shop floor tracking?
Q.  Why doesn't my approved deviation appear as approved in the shop floor tracking?

A.  Because deviations are temporary, they must have an expiration date before they will appear as approved in SFT (Shop Floor Tracking).   Ensure that the deviation has an effectivity and expiration date and the deviation status is Approved before checking in SFT.   Once the status of the deviation has been changed from Approved to Complete the deviation will no longer appear in SFT. 
Deviation is for Reference only, it allows the users to have documentation as to why the temp change to the product was made, etc. ..  but, if you are truly changing the product, then it should require a Revision change and there for be an ECO or BCN not a Deviation
1.9. When an ECO is created to change the Revision or Part Number then why wouldn't the customer part number be changed also?
Q.    When an ECO is created to change the Revision or Part Number then why wouldn't the customer part number be changed also?

A.   We can not assume just because you are changing the revision of your Internal Make Product that your customers are also changing their Revision for their part number.  You could have multiple Customer Part number linked to the Same Internal Part number for different Customers all together.  Again we can not assume that just because you are increasing your internal Part number revision that all Customers are also increasing their Revision.
Resolution:   When time allows, ManEx will add a checkbox to the EBD/update-create records screen that is captioned “update BOM CPN Rev ”, and defaulted to true (checked).   Modify the logic so that the customer part number for the customer associated with the BOM (as determined by the inventor.bomcustno) is automatically updated to match the new revision in the ECO (if there is one). But before proceeding, check to see if the checkbox has been unchecked, and skip it if it has been unchecked .   Enhancement Ticket #1461.