Summary Tab
The Summary Tab (screen) displays the results of an Inventory Find operation and is the starting point for further sorts, searches and selections based on Part Number, Part Class or a word or string of characters in the Description field. To view detailed information on a particular item, highlight the item and click on the appropriate Tab. An example Summary screen for all Internal Inventory is shown below

Note:  To display changes made in other windows or by other Users while this window is open, you must repeat the Inventory Find and refresh the screen data.

If a particular item does not appear on the Summary Screen, it may have been excluded by an Inventory Find that was too specific. Click on the Find a record and broaden the search criteria to display more records. Clicking OK with “Internal Inventory” and both “All Records” boxes checked will display ALL Internal items. Display all Consigned or In-Store records for a selected Customer or Supplier the same way.

Sorting, Searching and Selecting in the Inventory Summary Screen

  • To sort the contents of the Summary screen by Part Number, Part Class or Description, click the button at the top of the column.
  • It will turn red and the list will automatically sort in ascending alphanumeric sequence per the selection.
  • To search for an item by Part Class, click Class and enter the first few characters of the Part Class in the Search by Part Class field.
  • The list will scroll down to the first incidence of each character in the sequence entered. If a character is not found in the position typed, the list will scroll to the bottom.
  • To Search for an item by Description starting with the 1st character on the left, click Description and begin entering the first characters in the field. The list will scroll down to the first incidence of each character in the sequence entered. If a character is not found in the position typed, the list will scroll to the bottom.
  • To Search for an item by a word or character string anywhere in the Description, click on Description, click on the Left button next to the Search by Description window (changes to “Random”).
  • Enter the search word or characters in the window. Hit return and the first match in the list will be highlighted. Click on the window and hit return to highlight the next match in the summary list.  After the last match or if a match is not found, the last item in the summary list will be highlighted.
  • To visually search the summary list, use the scroll bar or arrows to the right of the list. The Source (Buy, Make, Consigned or In-Store) and total On Hand quantity is displayed in the last two columns.

For further Details on any item in the summary list, highlight the item by a search or mouse click and select the appropriate Tab to display the desired detail information.

To display changes made in other windows or by other Users while this window is open, you must repeat the Inventory Find and refresh the screen data.


  This button will take the user to a screen, where they can make a selection by what ever criteria needed by choosing (internal part number, mfgr part number, customer part number, supplier part number, or description) to search.  


The following screen will appear: 


The user can enter partial string and search is not case sensitive.  After system finds parts in response to the search (inactive parts will be highlighted in Purple),  the user can make a selection by checking on one of the check boxes located at the left.  If system was unable to find the exact match, a message will appear up in the right hand corner (in red) to let the user know that the part did not exist in the item master but the following are similar parts found. 

The user can choose to Select Without Exit; Select & Exit; or Exit Without Selection.