Reports - Packing List Mgmt
To obtain the Packing List reports, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. 

The following screen will appear:


Select the appropriate radio for the output format you desire: Screen, Printer, XL File, TXT File, or PDF.

Highlight the desired report and then depress the Option tab if applicable. 


Some of the radial options/info is defaulted from the Print Packing List/Invoice Setup

Click on the radial to choose to use either Preprinted Form, or Laser Form.

Type in number of copies to be printed.

Click on the radial to choose using internal part numbers or customer part numbers. 
Click on the radial to choose to show list of Un-printed Packing List, Single Packing List, or Reprint Last Batch.

If you want the report to show records with a zero Invoice Amount, check the box.   

Click on the radial to choose sort by, either Packing List, Sales Order, Customer, or Ship Via. 
If you want an additional Bar Code page printed along with the packing list that will contain Bar Code information for specific fields you would check the "Include Bar Code Addendum" box.

To select one Packing List, highlight the Packing List, depress the > button. If you want all Packing Lists, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button.
(RMA) will appear next to the SO No.  If printed from an RMA.
If printing a Packing List report with SN's the leading zero's will be removed from report.

Mfgr and MPN will be listed on the Packing Slip report for Buy parts only. 
'C of C Required' will be displayed on the Packing List Report, only if the "Certificate Required" box is checked in Packing List.

The following is printed


Highlighting the Shipping report brings up a further selection:

Highlight the desired selection, either by Sales Order, Customer, Packing List. 

Depress the Options tab will bring up the following screen:


You’ll be prompted for the date range. To clear the default selection, check the Clear Selection box. Enter the Sales Order Number.

Once selection is made, depress the OK button.


The following is printed:


Depress the OK button and the following will print:


Highlighting the Serial Number Ship History report brings up a further selection:

Highlight the desired selection, either by Packing List Number, Sales Order,  or Part Number.  

Depress the Options tab will bring up the following screen:


You’ll be prompted for the date range. To clear the default selection, check the Clear Selection box. 

To select one Part Number, highlight the part number and depress the > button. If you want all Part Numbers, depress the >> button.

 Once selection is made, depress the OK button.
The leading zero's for SN's will be removed from report.

The following will print:


Highlighting the Shipping Label brings up a further selection:

Highlight the desired print selection.   

Depress the Options tab will bring up the following screen:

User will be prompt the enter a Packing List Number, Number of Labels to be printed, and Item Number on Packing List. 

Once selection is made, depress the OK button.
Note:  ManEx uses the standard labels used in the UPS printers.




The following is printed:


Highlighting the Shipping Lable (AIAG) brings up a further selection:

Highlight the desired printer selection.   

Depress the Options tab will bring up the following screen:

User will be prompt the enter a Packing List Number, Number of Labels to be printed, and Item Number on Packing List. 

Once selection is made, depress the OK button.




The following is printed:
ProForma Invoice

User will be prompt the enter a Packing List Number.  

Once selection is made, depress the OK button.
The report form will look just like ProForma Invoice form that resides within the Sales Order module, except the one within the Packing List module will display the Actual Ship Qty that was entered for that highlighed packing list.  Printing this report does NOT update any accounting information.  It will also NOT flag the packing list record as printed/posted.
The following will print: