1. In-Plant Store (IPS) (OPTIONAL Module)

1.1. Prerequistes for In-Store PO
ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks.  For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase.   There are three uses for this module: supplier owned but stored on-site, customer owned and stored on-site, and internally owned but obsolete parts that the user does not want to affect the books.  To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com"contactus.aspx

After activation, "Purchase Order Management" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Prerequisites Required for Entering an In-Store PURCHASE ORDER

Supplier The Supplier database must be established
Part number in Item Master The part number must exist for a product or part.
Purchasing Approvals A list of employees and their approval authorizations must exist in the Purchase Setup module. 
Supplier Contract The contract with the supplier must be set up in the Supplier Contract Management module

Optional Prerequisites for Entering an In-Store PURCHASE ORDER

Contacts Contacts can be used for identifying seller.
Tax Authority If purchasing taxable items, must be established in System Setup and in Receiving & Billing.
Units of Measure If purchase units are different than stocking units

1.2. Introduction for In-Plant Store
Internal In-Plant Store Explanation
The IPS module is to keep inventory as Supplier owned but is recognized as being available for consumption by MRP and kitting. When it is consumed by kitting or transfer, a Purchase Order is automatically generated to reimburse the Supplier for the material.

This inventory type can be used to store all excess inventory caused by the minimum purchase requirement on parts for a particular turnkey job, but for which the customer does not want returned, and the User wishes not to count the inventory as assets as these parts may not be used in the future.  The leftover parts can be stored in this inventory for possible future use and does not have to be treated as regular internal inventory for the accounting purpose.  The system allows all in-store transactions to happen without any contract entered in the system until the user is ready to create an In-Store PO.

There are three uses for this module: supplier owned but stored on-site, customer owned and stored on-site, and internally owned but obsolete parts that the user does not want to affect the books.  In any of these situations a supplier must be established (this means that the customer must also be a supplier and the user must be a supplier if they have obsolete inventory in the IPS location).


In-Store purchasing overview:  In-Store is the situation where the Supplier has placed raw materials in the user’s warehouse.  The Supplier still owns the raw materials.  When the user is ready to use the Supplier’s raw materials, he/she issues the parts to a kit then creates an In-Store Purchase Order.  For In-Store POs, the user may select by Supplier or by Part Number.  Then the user may find records according to the selection.  Once found, the user may create a PO for the In-Store Consumption.  In-Store Purchasing also includes receiving. 

This module also provides Instore designation for part numbers with a "MAKE" source.  This will allow users to utilize inventory handling to add items sourced as MAKE parts to enter inventory into the IPS module.  Then, as they are needed, be able to kit to work orders those subassemblies from IPS.  There would be no GL records created when the material is moved into IPS via Inventory Handling.  But on issue to kit, a PO will be generated, for the amount established in the IPS Contracts, and the Kit (along with WIP) will be charged for the standard cost of the assembly. 

Tracking In-Store processing through MANEX:


·         Add the Supplier in the Supplier Information module.

·         Set up a Stores Warehouse and the applicable G/L number in System Setup/Warehouse Setup module.

·         Add the in-stores item into the Item Master in the Inventory Control Mgmt module.

·         Move the materials into the warehouse using the Inventory Handling module.

·         Add the In-Store Contract in the Supplier Contract Mgmt module.

·         Pull a kit (only a kit shortage gets a P.O.)  within the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt module.

·         Add a Purchase Order and select In-Stores  within the PO Mgmt module. 




1.3. Fields & Definitions for In-Plant Store


Sort By Depress the radial to Sort the In-Store items by Supplier or Part Number 
On/Off Check this box to select the Part to Create In-Store PO  
Supplier Name of Supplier (Defaulted from Supplier Contract Mgmt)
Issue Date Date issued to the In-Store Warehouse (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt )
Used By Displays Work Order part is being used for (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt
Part Number  Part Number of In-Store item  (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt )
Rev Revision of In-Store item  (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
Quantity Quantity required for WO from the In-Store Warehouse  (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
Class In-Store item Class  (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
Type In-Store item Type    (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
Description In-Store item Description   (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
Part Mfgr In-Store item Part Mfgr   (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
MPN In-Store item Part Mfgr Part Number   (Defaulted from the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt)
Cost each Cost each for In-Store item (Defaulted in from Supplier Contract Mgmt
Extended Amnt Extended Amount for In-Store item 
Contract No Supplier Contract Number assigned to In-Store item (Defaulted from Supplier Contract Mgmt) All parts with same contract number will be grouped together on one In-Store PO for the same supplier.  For further detail see Article #3438 .
Quote No. Quote number assigned to In-Store item  (Defaulted from Supplier Contract Mgmt )
UOM Unit of measure for In-Store item   (Defaulted from ICM
PUOM Purchase unit of measure for In-Store item  (Defaulted from ICM
Package Packaging for In-Store item  (Defaulted from ICM
Buyer Buyer assigned to In-Store item  (Defaulted from ICM
PO No PO number assigned to In-Store item 
Div Division assigned to In-Store item 

1.4. How To ........ for In-Plant Store
1.4.1. Set-Up for an In-Store PO

Set-Up for In-Store PO's

Item must exist in the Inventory Control Management with an In-Store warehouse location. 
Create an Inventory Receipt in the system for the In-Store location using the Inventory Handling module. Since the Receipt was made to a In-Store location there will be no Accounting transaction created at this time.

Set-up the Supplier Contract Information. 
 Pull the parts to a Work Order Kit. 

At this time the following Accounting Inventory Issue Transactions will be created within the system.  
The next Step is to Create the In-Store PO


1.4.2. Creating an In-Store PO
Enter the PO Management Module.

The following screen will appear:

Depress the Add a record button.

Select In-Store PO 

The following screen will appear. Sort By: Supplier or Part Number by clicking on the appropriate radial.

If you Sort By Part Number, an entry box will appear, type in the Part Number and the Revision character, if applicable.

If you Sort By Supplier, the following screen will appear, highlight the supplier of choice.Depress the > button. If you want all of the Suppliers, depress the >> button.

Depress the
Find Record button to find records according to the selection. The bottom of the screen will populate. You may sort by Div/PartNo., Supply/Contr, Part Mfgr, or Used By; by depressing the appropriate button. 

Depress the On/Off button to check all of the selections. Or, check them individually.

Depress the Copy button. This will create a list of Purchase Orders for In Store Items, which will go directly to the default printer.   The temporary purchase order number will appear on the report.
Depress the Exit button.  This will create the IPS PO.  Depress exit button again and it will pull up the IPS record created. The system will NOT allow the user to edit an IPS PO. 
Note:  In-Store PO's group the parts by Contract number per Supplier.  For further detail see Article #3438 .


The user will then need to review the IPS PO created and approve the purchase order.

Pressing the APPROVAL button in the Purchase Order module will ask for the user’s password.

The user must enter a password that has been authorized to approve the dollar amount of the order.  Entry of an authorized password and approval inactivates the 1st approval button and places the initials of the person approving the order next to the approval button.   If the user is requiring two approvals, the process is repeated for the second approval. Once the PO has received it's final approval a Purchase Order number will be assinged and the PO Status marked as closed.  At this point the normal Un-Reconciled Receipt account transaction will be created within the system. Then from this point on the Accounting transaction follow the normal flow through the system.

Returning In-Plant Inventory to Supplier

If the user has in-store items, which they want to return to Vendor without any impact on accounting or PO (like obsolete parts) they can return these parts using the Inventory Handling module.
Depress the Issue tab.  Depress the Add record button.  Enter Part Source, Part Number, Issued Qty, Issue Account Description, Issued To, Mfgr, then select the In-Store warehouse.   Check the "In-Store Return 2 Vendor" box.  (Note:  This box will only be visible if the In-Store warehouse is selected).   If this box is checked no purchase order will be created and there will be no impact on accounting.   




Depress the Save button to Save the changes, depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes.



1.5. Reports - In-Plant Store
1. To access reports, depress the Print at the top of the screen. The  report screen will appear:

2. Select the output you desire by selecting one of the output radial selections at the top left of the screen, Screen, Printer, XL File, TXT File, or PDF.

3. Highlight the report desired and depress the OK button.

  • Consumption Report by Devision 
  • Consumption Report by Part Mfgr and Mfgr Part # 
  • Consumption Report by Supplier and Contract #  

1.6. FAQs- In-Plant Store
Facts and Questions for the In-Plant Store