Labor Tab

The labor tab displays the labor costs for each, markup amount and charge for each for each quantity break.Also displayed is the quantity pricing.This information forwards into the Summary tab.


Labor tab field definitions


The line number. 

 Product Number

The unique number assigned to the product.


The revision number assigned to the product.

 Class The classification of the product.

The type within the classification pertaining to this product.


The description of the product.

 Quantity Break

This column displays the quantity pertaining to the Product Cost Summary.

 Cost Each

This column displays the labor cost each for the quantity listed on the left.

 Use Pct

Check this column if the percentage is to be used.


This column displays the markup in dollars and cents for the quantity listed.

 Charge Each

This is the total of the cost each plus the markup.

Apply to Price Break Type In Price List

Field denotes the type of price break type. The list forwards from the Sales Type & Price Itemization Module.



A check in this box denotes that this screen has been completed and is available to forward into the Summary tab.