
The Item Master get API is used to view item details and find information such as item unique ID numbers. 

Example URL-{Root URL of your Manexcloud site}/api/ItemMaster/Get?apiKey={Your API KEY}&uniqkey={uniq_key from inventor table} 

Note: PartMFGR or MPN can be used in place of uniqkey in above URL.  


Parameter Description Required Comment
uniqkey  Item Unique Identifier Key  Y (Or partnum) Used to select the part.  
partnum  Part Number   Y (Or uniqkey) Can be used instead of uniqkey to select a part.
revision  Revision  N Used with partnum to select a part. 

Example Strings

Edit Part Description






A successful request should result in


"$id": "1",

"Code": 200,

"Message": "Inventor details:",

"SessionId": null,

"IsValidUser": true,

-"ResponseObject": {

"$id": "2",

-"InvtmfHdList": [


"$id": "3",

"InvtmfGrList": [


"$id": "4",

"W_Key": "_4750SXAYN",

"Uniq_Key": "_4750SWEOD",

"Qty_Oh": 0,

"Reserved": 0,

"Netable": true,

"Count_Dt": null,

"Count_Type": " ",

"Rstk_Ord": 0,

"Count_Init": " ",

"Location": " ",

"Instore": false,

"Reordpoint": 0,

"Reorderqty": 0,

"Marking": " ",

"Pkg": " ",

"Body": " ",

"Width": 0,

"Pitch": 0,

"Safetystk": 0,

"Countflag": " ",

"Is_Deleted": false,

"Is_Validated": false,

"Uniqmfgrhd": "_4750SXAYM",

"Uniqwh": "_0DM120YNM",

"Uniqsupno": " ",

"InstoreInstalled": false,

"InvtLotList": [ ]



"InvtmfspList": [ ],

"InvtserList": [ ],


"UNIQ_KEY": "_4750SWEOD",


"MFGR_PT_NO": " ",

"MARKING": " ",

"BODY": " ",

"PITCH": " ",

"PART_SPEC": " ",

"UNIQPKG": " ",

"IS_DELETED": false,

"MATLTYPE": " ",







"InstoreInstalled": false,

"IsInvtMfhdExist": false



"Uniq_Key": "_4750SWEOD",

"Part_Class": "AUDIO ",

"Part_Type": "SPEAKER ",

"Custno": " ",

"Part_No": "416-110989 ",

"Revision": "b ",

"Prod_Id": " ",

"Custpartno": " ",

"Custrev": " ",

"Descript": "Loud ",

"U_Of_Meas": "EACH",

"Pur_Uofm": "EACH",

"Ord_Policy": "Lot for Lot ",

"Package": "BULK ",

"No_Pkg": 0,

"Inv_Note": "",

"Buyer_Type": " ",

"Stdcost": 1,

"Minord": 0,

"Ordmult": 0,

"Usercost": 0,

"Pull_In": 0,

"Push_Out": 0,

"Ptlength": 0,

"Ptwidth": 0,

"Ptdepth": 0,

"Fginote": "",

"Status": "Active ",

"Perpanel": 0,

"Abc": "B",

"Layer": " ",

"Ptwt": 0,

"Grosswt": 0,

"Reorderqty": 0,

"Reordpoint": 0,

"Part_Spec": " ",

"Pur_Ltime": 3,

"Pur_Lunit": "WK",

"Kit_Ltime": 0,

"Kit_Lunit": " ",

"Prod_Ltime": 0,

"Prod_Lunit": " ",

"Udffield1": " ",

"Wt_Avg": 0,

"Part_Sourc": "BUY ",

"Insp_Req": false,

"Cert_Req": false,

"CERT_TYPE": " ",

"Scrap": 0,

"Setupscrap": 0,

"Outsnote": "",

"Bom_Status": " ",

"Bom_Note": "",

"Bom_Lastdt": null,

"Serialyes": false,

"Loc_Type": " ",

"Day": 0,

"Dayofmo": 0,

"Dayofmo2": 0,

"Saletypeid": " ",

"Feedback": "",

"Eng_Note": "",

"Bomcustno": " ",

"Laborcost": 0,

"Int_Uniq": " ",

"Eau": 0,

"Require_Sn": false,

"Ohcost": 0,

"Phant_Make": false,

"Cnfgcustno": " ",

"Confgdate": null,

"Confgnote": "",

"Xferdate": null,

"Xferby": " ",

"Prodtpuniq": " ",

"Mrp_Code": 0,

"Make_Buy": false,

"Labor_Oh": 0,

"Matl_Oh": 0,

"Matl_Cost": 1,

"Overhead": 0,

"Other_Cost": 0,

"Stdbldqty": 0,

"Usesetscrp": false,

"Configcost": 0,

"Othercost2": 0,

"Matdt": "2014-10-30T13:31:00",

"Labdt": null,

"Ohdt": null,

"Othdt": null,

"Oth2Dt": null,

"Stddt": "2014-10-30T13:31:00",

"Arcstat": " ",

"Is_Ncnr": false,

"Toolrel": false,

"Toolreldt": null,

"Toolrelint": " ",

"Pdmrel": false,

"Pdmreldt": null,

"Pdmrelint": " ",

"Itemlock": false,

"Lockdt": null,

"Lockinit": " ",

"Lastchangedt": "2014-10-30T13:30:00",

"Lastchangeinit": "T1000 ",

"Bomlock": false,

"Bomlockinit": " ",

"Bomlockdt": null,

"Bomlastinit": " ",

"Routrel": false,

"Routreldt": null,

"Routrelint": " ",

"Targetprice": 0,

"Firstarticle": false,

"Mrc": " ",

"Targetpricedt": null,

"Ppm": 0,

"Matltype": "Unk ",

"Newitemdt": "2014-10-30T13:30:00",

"Bominactdt": null,

"Bominactinit": " ",

"Mtchgdt": "2014-10-30T13:30:00",

"Mtchginit": "T1000 ",

"Bomitemarc": false,

"Cnfgitemarc": false,

"C_Log": "",

"Importid": null,

"useipkey": false,

"InstoreInstalled": false,

"SerializationRequired": false,

"NewPartNo": null,

"NewRevision": null,

"RevOnly": false



Common Errors

API Key Error

If there is an error with the entered API key the system will return an error describing it.


"$id": "1",

"Code": 403,

"Message": "Invalid API Key.",

"SessionId": null,

"IsValidUser": false,

"ResponseObject": null


URL Error

If there is an error within the URL the system will return a HTTP error.


"$id": "1",

"Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost/api/InventoryHandling/Ge/123456789'.",

"MessageDetail": "No action was found on the controller 'InventoryHandling' that matches the name 'Ge'."


Missing Required Parameter

If a required parameter is missing the system will return an error describing the incorrect parameter.


"$id": "1",

"Code": 403,

"Message": "Inventor edit failed.Unique_key required.",

"SessionId": null,

"IsValidUser": true,

"ResponseObject": null
