Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server

Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server

Please go to the following Webpage's for more info on this

Hardware And Software Requirements For SQL 2017

SQL Server Memory Settings and Performance

Hardware Requirements for using MANEX SQL version


MANEX Server Recommendation

Operating System

manex recommends Windows Server 2016 with SQL Server 2017 as a minimum for the server.


For VM environments, we recommend starting with 1 vCPU and increasing the amount if you notice the processor queue length getting higher than 10.

​For physical server environments manex recommends Intel Xeon E3 or higher, or the equivalent AMD CPU.

Server RAM

​For Microsoft SQL Server 2017 we recommend a minimum of 32GB and increasing by 2GB per user, over 10 users.

SSD/Hard Disk

SQL Server 2017 requires 6 GB of available hard-disk space alone to install. Keep in mind there must also be enough room for the database and to allow for future expansion. The recommended minimum for manex is 1TB of hard disk drive space.

manex also recommends, for best performance, to use solid state drives(SSD) as they are vastly superior to HDD.

Network Requirements

We recommend against the use of wireless networks, but if you do utilize WiFi, we recommend making sure the following setting is turned off for the wireless network adapter "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power."

We recommend not limiting users throughput below 10mb.




MANEX Client/User Computer

Operating System

Windows 10 is preferred OS.


VM Environments we recommend a minimum of 1vCPU for user machines.

For physical machines manex recommends a minimum of at least a 4th Gen i3 or higher, or equivalent AMD CPU

Main Memory

Minimum manex requirement for user machines VM or physical: 8GB

SSD/Hard Disk

​manex recommends a minimum of 250GB hard disk drive space on user machines.


Microsoft Software Requirements for SQL Server

.NET Framework

SQL Server requires .NET 3.5 SP1. If SQL Server is installed on a machine that is connected to the internet that does not have .NET 3.5 SP1 you will be asked to install it.

Windows Powershell

Windows PowerShell 2.0 is required for installation of Database Engine components and SQL Server Management Studio. If it is not detected during installation then it will need to be installed.


For more detailed descriptions for installing Windows SQL Server please see the SQL Server Documentation page on the Microsoft Website.

Microsoft SQL Server Memory Settings and Performance

SQL Server is designed to use all the memory the system it is running on has available. While this is fine for systems that are dedicated to running only SQL Server it can cause performance issues with systems that need to run other applications. manex recommends that a dedicated server is used to run a SQL Server system. If the server is used to run multiple applications there could be performance issues. If it is not possible to have a dedicated SQL system then SQL Server allows users to change the Server Memory Configurations. This allows users to modify their SQL Server to use only as much memory as wanted leaving enough for any other tasks that may need to be performed. Again, manex recommends having a dedicated SQL server system, as changing the Memory Configurations could cause performance issues.

For more information about SQL Server memory settings and how to setup SQL Server memory configuration please visit: Server Memory Server Configuration Options.


MANEX SQL Software Requirements For Client server(Desktop) And MANEXCloud(Web)

Microsoft SQL Installation and Setup

​SQL manex minimum requirement is SQL Server Manager 2017 or newer. manex also recommends you dedicate the SQL Server instance only to manex. This is to get the optimal performance.

SQL Express versions will work but there are limitations such as database size and amount of users. It is up to your IT/Database admin to determine what actual hardware requirements are going to be needed to ensure adequate room for future growth and development.

MANEX Client Library Files

The manex client library files can be downloaded from the manex CRM. These need to installed for each workstation that is going to be running the manex SQL system. This includes running it on the server if using remote desktop connection. The all in one client files can be downloaded from this link Client Files it includes ODBC .dll’s and Crystal reports viewer software which is required on workstations if accessing any custom desktop Crystal Reports.


MANEXCLOUD Specific Setup Requirements (web server only)


Install the Latest manexCloud application provided by manex. For detailed instructions see: Installation of manexCloud

Setup Internal Website (IIS Setup)

Setup your internal website to be used in conjunction with The manexCloud web system. For detailed instructions see: IIS Setup


Install the manexService application provided by manex. For detailed instructions see: Install manexService


In order to run the latest manexCloud, you MUST have asp.net 4.5 installed on your web server. You can download it at below link if you don't already have it. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653

For details on how to monitor your server for bottlenecks using Performance Monitor

If you have questions on the, built in, Windows Performance Monitor, this website is an excellent source; http://www.appadmintools.com/documents/windows-performance-counters-explained/

This will explain, how, and what each Performance Monitor Counter does.