1. Upload PO Items Additions
1.1. Prerequisites for PO Upload Addtions

After activation, "PO Import" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rghts” will automatically have access.

User has to complete the PoItemsAddTemplate.xlt in the xlfiles directory to create <st1:place w:st="on">PO Items Deletions upload XL file
If user wants the system to automatically approve all the POs after the "Upload PO Items Additions" the "Auto Approve PO when importing from XL"  box must be checked in the Purchase Setup module. If this is not checked in the Purchase Setup module then all the POs will be updated with the PO Items Additions and the PO status will be changed to "EDITING" and users will be required to approve the PO within the Purchase Order Management module.
If user wants the system to automatically assign a new change order number upon upload after approval the "Auto Assign New Change Order # Upon Approval"  box must be checked in the Purchase Setup module. If this is not checked in the Purchase Setup module then upon upload user will receive a popup window giving them the option of updating the change order # after the upload or not. 
1.2. Introduction for PO Upload Additions
This module will allow users to upload additional items to an existing PO.
1.3. Fields and Definitions for PO Upload Addtions
1.3.1. Upload PO Items Additons
Ponum Required field  Enter existing PO number, user wants to add items to.
Supname Required field  Supplier Name on existing PO in ManEx System.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.  
PO Line Item Number Required field  Assign a line item number to the item that is being added (cannot be a duplicate) 
MRO or Invt Part  Required field  Must enter "MRO" or "Invt Part"  cannot enter just  "Invt or Inventory"  must be "Invt Part"
Part Number Required field:   If enterning Inventory Part Number, it must exist in ManEx. If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Part Revision Required field  If a revision exists
Cost each Purchasing Unit Required field  Enter a Cost each
Tax-pct  Optional:  If left blank it will take the default from the supplier setup. User may manually enter in a Tax-pct that does not match the Supplier Setup information, but must exist within the System Setup.   
Manufacturer Required field:   Manufacturer must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded. If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Manufacturer Part Number Required field:  Manufacturer Part Number must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
First Article Default from Item Master
Inspection Exception? Optional 
Exception Optional
Date Required Required field:  You can have a order qty of 1000 and have 200 scheduled out of 5 different days. 
Quantity Required (Purchase Unit of Measure) Required field:  Purchase Unit of Measure must exist in System Setup.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Warehouse Required field:   (if Invt Part) Warehouse must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Warehouse Location

Optional:  (if warehouse entered)

If Auto Location Creation is not Enabled in system setup:
• And template has a WHSE that does exist on the ICM AVL for that part the upload will complete
• And the template has a Location that does exist on the ICM for that part the upload will complete
If Auto Location Creation is enabled
• And template has a Whse that does not exist on the ICM for that part, the upload will continue AS LONG AS that WHSE exist within your Whse setup.

• And template has a Location that does not exist on the ICM. The upload will complete.

Allocated to WO Number Optional:  The system will do a check to make sure that the WO number exists within the ManEx System. If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.  
Allocated to Project Number Optional:  The system will do a check to make sure that the Prj number exists within the ManEx System.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Requestor if MRO Required field:  (if MRO item)  If this field is not populated the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
GL Number Required field:   (if MRO item) The system will do a check on the GL number to make sure that it not only exists in the Accounting setup, but also has to exist on the MRO Purchase GL number section within the Purchase Setup module. If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server. 
1.4. How To ............. for PO Upload Additions
1.4.1. Add - Upload PO Items Additions
Enter Material Planning/Purchase Order Management/Upload PO Items Additions

NOTE: If user wants the system to automatically approve all the POs after the uploaded is complete the "Auto Approve PO when importing from XL" box must be checked in the Purchase Setup module. If this is not checked in the Purchase Setup module then users will be required to approve within the Purchase Order Management module. 

Locate XL File to Upload

If the system finds any problems with template the user will be prompted the following message and exception XL file will be created in the PO Exception XL directory on the server.

Depress OK and user will receive the message (shown below) that the "PO Upload was not complete" and system will abort.

If any of the information is missing from the required fields in the first row of the XL file, user will receive the following message. 

Depress OK and user will receive the message (shown below) that the "PO Upload was not complete" and system will abort.

If part being uploaded has the "Disallow this part from Purchasing" box checked within the Inventory Control Mgmt module, this message will be displayed and PO upload will not complete.
The user will be prompted the following message that the PO Upload was not complete and system will abort.  
If system does not find any problems with the template and system is setup to Auto create PO Numbers the following message will appear:  This message is for user to verify the number of recorrds being loaded from the import sheet.  User may depress "YES" to continue the upload or "NO" to abort the upload.


If you depress Yes to Continue the user will be prompted the following message that the PO Upload complete.
If you depress No to Abort Upload the user will be prompted the following message that the PO Upload was not complete.