SO Upload Template

Sales Order No Required field If Auto SO numbering is setup: Even though user has the SO's set to auto, you can NOT upload a SO without something in this column.  Something has to be entered in this column so the system can distinguish one so line item from another SO line item on a different SO.  If there is no data in this column the program will think the rest of the spreadsheet is also blank. SO Upload will group per change in Sonum field (it will then use the Sonum field as a reference to change) when uploaded user will receive a message that the SO number entered in XL spreadsheet will be overwritten by a system generated number ... and give you the option to continue the upload or abort.  If manual SO numbering is setup:  SO Upload will group per change in Sonum field (it will then use the Sonum field as a reference to change) when uploaded system will use SO numbers entered  in XL spreadsheet.   
Customer Number Required field.  Must be an Existing Customer number in Customer Information.
Attention Optional:  Must be setup in Customer Information
Customer PO Optional: 
Buyer Optional:  Must be setup in Purchase Setup.
Part Number  Required field:  If the Sales Type is Inventory, the part or product number must exist in the Inventory Control Module.
Revision  Optional:   If the Sales Type is Inventory, the revision must exist in the Inventory Control Module for that part or product.
SO Line No Required field:  
Mfgr Code  Required field:  Manufacturer must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded. If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the POExceptionXL directory on the server.
Mfgr Part No  Required field: 
Warehouse  Required field:  (if Invt Part) Warehouse must exist in ManEx and match the ICM AVL for the part that is being uploaded.  If it does not exist the user will be prompted and an exception XL file will be created in the SOExceptionXL directory on the server.
Location  Required field:  Must exist in the Inventory Control Module.
Unit Price Required field:  this upload will only allow you to enter one price line for the same item on the sales order. If additional price line has to be entered, the users will have to use Manex.  
Taxable  Optional:     
Sales Type Required field:   Must be setup in Sales Type & Price Itemization Setup
Qty/Date  Required field:  Qty
Due Date Required field:  this upload will allow entering different due dates for the same item on the sales order (have to fill up all the information in all the fields, which are common and enter different or the same quantities and due dates for each  new due date line),