Introduction for CAR

The Corrective Action Request (CAR) module is used to record and track to the conclusion of all corrective action requests.


The user may establish his/her own type(s) of corrective actions in the system setup. Examples of types of corrective actions may be Supplier, Customer, Production, Administration, etc. In addition to classifying corrective actions by type, the user may also establish number types for the corrective action. Examples of number types might be RMA, DMR, Internal, etc.


The user enters information relating to each CAR including ISO reference, Quality Manual Descriptions, Customer/Supplier information and/or Work Center/Department involved.


There is provision for text entry of the Description of Condition, the Apparent Cause, and the Actual Cause, along with provision to enter a graphics image.


In the Corrective Action section, there is provision to enter Corrective Action Taken, as well as information for Follow Up & Review.


In the Main screen, a list of all open corrective actions is displayed, and may be sorted by Due Date, New Due Date (if revised), CAR number or CAR Type.  There is provision to enter the name of the CAR Coordinator, and include a list of team members and their percent completion of the task. There is also a place for users to enter the date and name of the team member who verified the problem; the date and name of the team member who granted the final approval of the CAR; the date and name of the team member who followed up on the CAR; and the date and name of the team member who closed the CAR.