1. BOM Reports
1.1. BOM Report FAQ


1.1.1. Why am I seeing a difference in total cost on the "BOM indented and costed report" in SQL compared to the VFP version?

Q:Why am I seeing a difference in total cost on the "BOM indented and costed report" in SQL compared to the VFP version?

A: In VFP the report used to include the Std Cost value for the Make/Buy itself and then also explode out the components for Make/Buy sub-assembly (which was incorrect)  In SQL the report will take the std cost for the Make/Buy and not include the components.

1.2. Introduction


{rootURL} BOM
NOTE: {rootURL}  is the URL you use to access web ManEx 

From this screen, the user can:

  1. Import a Bill of Material 
1.3. How To
All Reports are found within the Report Manager and are basically viewed the same. See Article 5477 for further detail on Reports.