1. User Defined Fields
1.1. Introduction for User Defined Fields

SETUP - USER Defined Fields

{rootURL}UDF Setup 
NOTE:  {rootURL}  is the URL you use to access web ManEx 


From this screen, the user can:

  1. Add new UDF
  2. You can add and delete fields, but you cannot modify their settings.  You can complete these actions and more in SQL Server Management Studio. 
1.2. Fields and Definitions for User Defined Fields
Section:  These are the modules or sections you want to add/Setup new User Defined fields to. 
Name - Name of the Field
Default Value - The Value entered if applicable
Required - Check this box if it is a required field
Data Type -  Field Type
Max Length -  Length of Field
List Generation - Generation List
 -  Delete this Field
1.3. How To ....for User Defined Fields
1.3.1. Setup User Defined Fields
Enter WebManEx and Select Setup
Select User Defined Fields 
Highlight a Section and the following screen will appear (Note: this screen will be different depending on what Section is selected), displaying the UDF. 
With in this screen you can Add and delete fields, but you CANNOT modify their settings.   
Depress the "Add new UDF" and the following screen will be displayed:
Enter in a Name and select the Field Type from the drop down list, once the Field Type is selected, user will be able to add the Default Value, check the Required box, and add Max Length, if applicable.  
Once this is all complete user can select  Save.

The User Defined Fields can then be linked to Inventory PN, Purchase Order, Customer, Packing List, Invoice, Sales Order, and Bill of Material by selecting a record in the ManEx Desktop, and selecting the UD action button (as displayed below).

The UDF for that section will then be displayed, and user can make changes (if applicable), Save & Exit or Cancel.