1. System Utilities
1.1. Import Utilities

Here is a list of our current Import Utilities:

JEImportsql.exe -  Journal Entry Import using an xlsx template to import Journal Entries into Manex System

  • Place executable in Manex Desktop Directory. 
  • Input information in JEImport.xltx
  • Run JEimportsql.exe and select your JEImport.xltx 

UpdateSupplierStatusType.exe - Used to update Mass numbers of Suppliers Status and Type

  • Place executable in Manex Desktop Directory
  • User has to fill in the template (SupplierUpdateStatusType.xlt) with Supplier ID, Supplier Name, Status and type. The ' Supplier Status' and 'Supplier Type' entered in the template have to exist in the system setup first. 
  • Run UpdateSupplierStatusType.exe and select your SupplierUpdateStatusType.xlt to import

Standard Cost Rollup Import - Please note this is designed to work with buy parts only because Make Parts need to be leveled and rolled differently

  •  Start costroll for Buy parts in SQLManex Desktop module as normal
  • Run the GetRollSql.exe to export that current open costroll into the template CostRollimport.xltx. Program will prompt to locate this file after starting program
  • Populate calculated cost in Excel File created from template (will time stamp with today's date)
  • Run ImptStdCostSql.exe It will prompt to choose the Excel File that you modified in the previous step.
  • Open Cost Roll Module in Manex Desktop and verify that the changes have been entered and  ' User calculated cost' checkbox is checked. Once verified or saved if additional manual changes made again in module and then click the roll costs button to update the costs in inventory and generate the necessary GL transactions.

AddTargetPrice2Invt.exe- Used to do mass update of the Target Price in Inventory

  • Place executable in Manex Desktop Directory
  • Input and save your information on TargetImportSQL.xls 
  • Run executable and begin import process and follow prompts.


PartClassTypeImport.exe - Import mass number of Part Class Types using an xlsx template (typically used during Manex implentation)

CustomerImport.exe - Import Mass number of new customers using an xlsx template (typically used during Manex implementation) 

SupplierImport.exe - Import Mass number of new Suppliers using xlsx template (typically used during Manex implementation

ImportInventoryReceiving.exe -  Import mass numbers of Beginning receiving entries (typically used during Manex implementation)

Partclasstypeimport.exe - Import mass number of Part Class Types using an xlsx template (typically used during Manex implentation)

ImportRouting.exe- Import mass number of new routings using xlsx template (typically used during Manex Implementation)

Please contact manex if you have any further questions or need a template for any of the following Import Utilities. 

1.2. Work Order Number Re-assign
1.2.1. Prerequisites for Work Order Number Re-assign

After activation, System Utility access for each user must be setup in the ManEx Security module.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.

This utility is designed only for users who use manual work order numbering.
1.2.2. How To ..... for Work Order Number Re-assign Change a Work Order Number

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Work Order Number Re-assign 

Note:  This utility is only for users who use the manual work order numbering.

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Edit button.

Enter the old Work Order Number and the New Work Order Number:

Depress the Save record button to save changes.  Depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes.

If you depress the Save record button the following message will be displayed:

Depress "Yes" and the Work Order will be updated with change.  Depress "No" and the Work Order will not be updated with change.
If the New Work Order number assigned already exists in system user will receive the following message:


1.3. Rebuild Accounts Table
1.3.1. Prerequisites for the Rebuild Accounts Table
After activation, System Utility access for each user must be setup in the ManEx Security module.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.
1.3.2. Introduction for the Rebuild Accounts Table
This module will Rebuild the entire chart of accounts.  The entire chart of accounts will be recreated and balances recalculated.
1.3.3. How To Rebuild Accounts Table Rebuild Accounts Table

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Rebuild the Account Tables. 

The following message will be displayed:

Depress the Yes button, and the system will begin the process of updating the accounts.  The entire chart of accounts will be recreated and balances recalculated

When the system has finished with this process the following message will be displayed.

1.4. Load Company Logo
1.4.1. Prerequisites for Load Company Logo

After activation, System Utility access for each user must be setup in the ManEx Security module.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.

1.4.2. Introduction to Load Company Logo

This utility screen is used for loading your business/Company logo into the system. This logo will then print on reports such as Packing Lists, Invoices, etc . . .

1.4.3. How To ...... Load Company Logo
 Image files may be retained on any server available to users.  The most important concept is to understand that the folder(s) used must be shared and available to all users of ManEx both for end user workstations and the server itself to be accessible from Manexcloud. The complete path to the image is stored in the ManEx program.  For example C:LOGO is where file is. That path needs to exist with the file in it on the server as well as all workstations. 

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Load Company Logo  

The following screen will be displayed:
Depress the Load Picture button. Then the browser will be displayed:

Locate your ManEx server (or wherever your images are stored), and select the appropriate folder until you arrive where your desired image resides. Once your find your desired image, click on the file name. Please note directory the file is located in must grant access to IIS_IUSRS Windows profile in security access for folder. This is needed so users IIS website can display image that is loaded on Manexcloud browser reports.
Depress the OK button, and the image should then display in the Load Customer Logo screen.

If you wish to remove the loaded image, then simply depress the “Remove Picture” button and the file will be removed. 
Then the logo will print on all associated documents.
1.5. Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type
1.5.1. Prerequisites for Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type

After activation, System Utility access for each user must be setup in the ManEx Security module.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.

1.5.2. Change Parameters for the Part/Class

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Change Parameters for the Part/Class 

The following screen will be displayed:
Depress the Edit action button, Select the Part Class and Type you want changes to affect.  (Note:  If you want the changes to affect all part types within the Part Class Check the "Change Parameters for Selected Class - Disregarding Part Type" box) 
Enter the changes, the boxes next to the fields being changed MUST be checked also for the changes to be implemented.  If this box is NOT checked the change will NOT be implemented.
Depress the Save changes action button to incorporate changes to part class and type, or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes. 
1.5.3. Inventory Global Change (Mfgr,Class,Type)

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Inventory Global Change (Mfgr,Class,Type)

The following screen will be displayed:
Depress the Edit button and select the Change. 
If user selects "Replace Manufacturer Name" they will need to select the Current Part Mfgr and the New Part Mfgr from the drop down lists.
If user selects "Replace Manufacturer Part Number" they will need to select the Current Part Mfg from the drop down list, enter the Current Mfgr Part # and New Mfgr Part #.
If User Selects "Replace Part Class and/or Type" user will neet to select the Current Part Class and Current Part Type, and New Part Class and New Part Type from the pull down lists, then check the box if they choose to Replace the Part Class in Supplier Line Card module also.  
User may select to change more than just one option at a time.
Depress the Save changes action button to proceed with the changes and the screen below will be displayed, or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes. 
Note:   All Purchase orders with Status of Open and Closed will be updated when changing the MFGR info.   Users will NOT loose history when replacing a mfgr, part class and/or type. The history reports will still retain the transactions but the reports will show the new manufacturer, Class and/or type.  They will NO longer display the old mfgr, class and/or type.    
User will receive the following message upon save if they are attempting to change parameters from Lot Coded parts to Non Lot Coded parts or visa versa.  This change can only be done within the Inventory Control module.
 Manex Minutes for Mfgr Change
1.5.4. Inventory Class/Type Global Replacement

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Inventory Class/Type Global Replacement

The following screen will be displayed:
Select the Existing Part Class from the Pull Down, and the part numbers that exist in this Part Class will be listed in the left as shown in the screen below.
Select the Part Class and Type you are replacing the highlighted records with from the Pull downs.  Select the Class/Type Parameters you want copied.  Highlight the part numbers you want replaced.  
Once you have completed all of the required fields, depress the "Replace Highlighted Records" button, the Save action button, and the Abandon Changes button will become available. Depress the Save action button to make the changes, depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.
After the parts have been updated the parts replaced will disappear from the screen, and user may select another part class to change or depress the Exit button to exit this screen. 
User will receive the following message if they try and change a part from Lot Coded to Non- Lot Coded or visa versa using this utility.  This change can only be done within the Inventory Control module.
1.5.5. Lookup Mfgr Part Number from XL List
The first step is to create the excel file with a list of the manufacturers part numbers that you are searching for.
Select the whole list, and NAME the range “MFGRlist”. 
Save the spreadsheet.


Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Lookup Manufacturers Part Number from XL List 

The following screen will be displayed:  (Be sure to read the Note)

Browse and find the xl spreadsheet you created.
Depress OK and System will search for the Manufacturer Part Numbers within the Inventory Module and display the results:
An  .XLS file will be created for the Mfgr Part Numbers found and for the Mfgr Part Numbers Not Found. 
1.5.6. Global Warehouse Replacement

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Global Warehouse Replacement Module

This utility will allow you to globally replace an Old Warehouse with the new Desired Warehouse.

This utility will not allow the user to replace a warehouse with a different GL account assigned to it.


The following screen will be displayed:

Enter the Old Warehouse and the New Warehouse, depress the "Go" button and the old warehouse will be replaced with the new warehouse.

System will NOT allow you to replace the existing warehouse with a warehouse that previously existed and then deleted.  If system locates these types of records the following message will be displayed and  a 'NewWhemoved.xls' spreadsheet will be created with detailed information.

If the system finds parts in inventory which display both the old and the new warehouses, the following message will be displayed and a 'NewWhExists.xls' with detalied information will be created.



1.5.7. Global Inventory Description Case Changer

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Global Inventory Description Case Changer 

The following screen will be display:
Select the Case Method from the Pull down, and depress the "Go" button.  NOTE:  This will change ALL the existing Inventory Description Case.
1.6. Global BOM Part Replacement

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Enter System Utility/Global BOM Part Replace

The Global BOM Part Replace feature is a valuable time saver!  ManEx will update every Bill of Material with a replacement part number just by the use of this screen. The user is saved from repetitive editing at the BOM level. Note that when there is a global change in the BOM, the effectivity and obsolete dates are used. The old part is made obsolete and the new part is made effective as of the date the change is made. If you don’t want to overwrite the BOM, you might consider setting up a new rev and then copying the BOM. 

The following screen will be displayed:
Depress the Add Record icon.  Then enter in the Current Internal Part Number.  The Part number Class, Type and Description will default in, along with the related BOM’s.


Enter in the Replacement Internal Part Number, the part number Class, Type, and Description will default in.
Select which BOM's to be updated by checking the Repl Column.  Depress the Save record action button to proceed, or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.
If the Save record action button is depressed the following message will appear:



Select Yes, and the following report will be displayed.


1.6.1. ManEx Minutes for Global Replacement
1.7. Convert Consigned To Turnkey

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password 

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Convert Consigned to Turnkey

This module will convert Consigned make products into Turnkey make products.
Note:  If you don’t want to over write the existing BOM, you might consider setting up a new Revision via the ECO module. 
This function is to allow users who have a bill of materials (an assembly) that contains consigned parts to convert that BOM to ALL turnkey (buy) parts.  Because the ManEx scheme requires users to enter an internal part number in order to establish a consigned part, the internal numbers already exist.  The utility takes advantage of that by asking the user for the ASSEMBLY that they wish to have the components changed from consigned to turnkey.  So when the user gets the prompt, they are to enter the ASSEMBLY number, and not the component number.  When the program is completed, the user should then check the BOM for the assembly they changed and be sure that it has in it, what’s desired, primarily no more consigned parts.

The following screen will be displayed:

In the system you have a BOM already setup with Consigned part numbers.


Type teh Product Part Number (Assembly) and applicable revision number into the fields:


Depress the OK button.  You will receive a message that the conversion has been completed.


Return to the ManEx system and verify that the BOM has been properly converted over to Turnkey.

1.8. Inactivate Customer Parts

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inactivate Customer Parts

This is a utility to inactivate all the parts associated with an inactive customer. To use this utility first you will have to go to the Customer module and in-activate the Customer(s) you don’t do business with any more.  Then enter the ‘Inactivate Customer Parts’ module, you will be presented with all in-active customers, you can select all or some of them, the program will find all consign parts associated with that customer and it will also find all the internal parts that are listed as components on the BOM associated with the customer and do not belong to any other customer BOM. It will change status on all of those parts to be Inactive.  

This utility will DE-ACTIVATE all inventory parts linked to a Selected INACTIVE customer(s) that have no open Sales Order, Purchase Orders, BOM’s nor Inventory qty on hand.

The following screen will be displayed:


Select the Customer(s), then depress the OK button.  The following message will be displayed:


Depress the OK button.  The Excel file referenced above will be placed in the ManEx directory on the workstation.


Here is a sample of the XLS files that would be generated. The user can enter the system and the part number records listed in the inactivated.xls file will be marked as “Inactive” within the Inventory control Module.

Part numbers that appeared within the notinactivated.xls file will still remain in the system as “Active”

1.9. Delete Unwanted Sales Order

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Delete Unwanted Sales Order

This utility will allow users to delete any Sales Order record within the system as long as there are no shipments or reserved qty against it.  In addition to deleting the Sales Order, the utility will also check to see if there were any linked Work Orders to that Sales Order, if any were found it will display a warning and then also generate a XLS spreadsheet for the users to review and re-establish links to new Sales Orders if desired.


The following message will be displayed:

Depress "Yes" to continue 

Enter Sales Order Number, depress the enter key, the following message will be displayed:

Depress OK to continue
If shipments have been found against the SO you are trying to delete you will receive the following message and the SO will NOT be deleted:


1.10. BOM Obsolete Item Utility

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/BOM Obsolete Item Utility Module

This utility will allow the users to mark all items on desired Inactive BOM as Obsolete. 



The following warning will be displayed:

Depress Yes, the following screen will appear.  Enter Part number and revision. 

If status of the BOM is not Inactive user will receive the following message:
Depress OK and system will abort.

If status of the the BOM is Inactive user will receive the following message:

Depress OK to continue or Depress Cancel no to continue.

If user chooses to continue the following message will be received once the utility has set all components on the assembly to be obsolete as of the Inactivation date (not the date the utility was ran). 


1.11. Change Phantom to Make Utility

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Change Phantom to Make Utility Module

This utility will allow the users to change the part source for a Phantom product to Make.  Warning after using this utility you will be required to re-run MRP right away!!  Changing the Source from Phantom to Make will change how the system explodes and calculates the needed demands for both the Component and Product level.


The following warning will be displayed:
Depress "Yes" to continue or "No" to abort.
If user selects "Yes", the following screen will be displayed: 
Enter the part number and revison of Phantom part you want to change to Make.
Depress OK to continue or Cancel to abort. 
If user selects OK to continue, the following warning will be displayed:
Once the process has been completed the user will receive the following message that the assembly has been modified.


1.12. Global Inventory Material Type Update

Enter the SQLSYSUTILITY.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Inventory Maintenance by Part Class & Type/Global Inventory Material Type Update Module 



The following warning will be displayed:

Depress Yes - the following update screen will flash in the upper right hand of the screen

When program is complete you will receive the following message:

Depress - No - Program will abort with no updates.



1.13. FAQs - System Utility
Facts and Questions for the System Utility Modules