1. Debit Memo

1.1. Prerequisites for Debit Memo

Users MUST have full rights to the "AP Offsets and Debit Memos" in Accounting Security .   Users with “Accounting Security Supervisor” rights will automatically have access.



 The Supplier must be setup in the Supplier Information module.

1.2. Introduction for Debit Memo
There are two types of Debit Memos:  One created via the DMR process  and the ones created directly via this entry screen.

Note:  T
hat if the Debit Memo concerns a return of inventory, the user should use the DMR process because any Debit Memo affecting the inventory general ledger numbers should be created via the DMR process.
Note:  A Debit Memo created against an open supplier invoice will automatically net against that invoice in the A/P Aging.  In the case of a DMR Debit Memo, if the supplier invoice has already been paid, then a Debit Memo will forward to the A/P Aging.  This open Debit Memo may be offset against other open invoices from that same supplier via the A/P offset module. 

Additionally, please note that ONLY a "From Inventory DMR" will generate a Debit Memo (Only if the PO has been reconciled and transfered to AP).   If a DMR was created "From a Purchase Order" then there will be no Debit Memo created – this is adjusted automatically within the ManEx system prior to the PO Reconciliation.  Only what has been ACCEPTED will forward to the PO Reconciliation module. 
1.3. Fields & Definitions for Debit Memo


Debit Memo field Definitions

Supplier Name

The name of the supplier for which the DM was created.


The date of the DM.

Debit Memo Number

The unique number assigned to the DM.


The Status of the Debit Memo - "ADD" "Pending" "Posted to AP" "Released to GL"  or "Cancelled"

Supplier Number

The number assigned to the Supplier in the Supplier Information master.

Account Number

The number by which the supplier identifies the user.

Account Status

The status of the supplier, approved, pending, etc., per the Supplier Information master.


The radial denotes the type of DM, either against an open A/P invoice or created as a general DM, just against the account without regard as to whether there was any open invoice. 

If displayed in Red, depressing this button will bring up the information typed in when debit memo was created.

Depress this button to add any notes pertinent to this DM.  If displayed in Red, depressing this button will display any pertinent notes re this DM.

Remit Address Information

This is the remit to address for this supplier per the supplier information master.

PO Num/Ref

The Purchase Order number that the original Invoice was applied against.

PO Date

The Order Date pulled forward from when the Purchase Order was originally created.

RMA Number

This would be the RMA number information that was entered within the DMR module.  

RMA Date

This is the RMA Date information that was entered within the DMR Module.

Invoice No

The Original Invoice that the Debit Memo is being applied against.

DMR Number

The DMR number that was assigned within the DMR module.

DMR Date The date that the associated DMR was processed 
DMR Pack List

The Packing List Number that was assigned to the DMR within the DMR module. 

Date Last Changed

This is the date of any changes made to the original DM.


The initials of the user who made the last change.

Reason for Change

The description of the reason for the last change. 



This is the item number of the detail.


The description pertaining to this specific line item.


The quantity for the line item.

Price Each

The price each for this line item.

Tax Pct

The sales tax percentage applicable to this line item.


The sum of the (quantity X price each) + tax % (quantity X price each) = Total.

GL Number

The general ledger number for this line item.

Sub-Total The total before any discount taken
Discount Taken Discount taken on Original Invoice
Debit Memo Total 

The total of the DM, after discount and including any applicable sales tax.

Depressing this button will display any notes pertaining to the line item highlighted. 

1.4. How To ..... for Debit Memo
1.4.1. Find a Debit Memo


Enter Manex.exe Accounting/Accounts Payable/Debit Memos


The following screen will appear:

Depress the Find Record button. 

The following screen will be available: Determine how to Find By. 

If it’s Debit Memo Number, type the number into the box and depress the Enter key.  
If it’s by supplier, select the Supplier radial.  The following selections will appear:

Select the Supplier from the list by depressing the pull down arrow next to the Supplier field.
Select the applicable Filter (Pending, Posted to AP, Released to GL, Cancelled, or All.

Depress the Display button.

A list of applicable Debit memos will appear in the box:

Highlight the desired DM and double click.  

If user selects Find by PO number a screen will appear after they enter in the exact PO number.  

If the user knows the applicable Invoice number, click on the Invoice Number radial and type in the EXACT Invoice number.

The Debit Memo will appear:



1.4.2. Add a Debit Memo

Enter Manex.exe Accounting/Accounts Payable/Debit Memos


The following screen will appear:

Against an Open AP Item

To add a Debit memo against an open A/P invoice, depress the Add button. Type in your accounting password.

Depress the down arrow next to the Supplier Name field. A list of suppliers will appear:

Once the supplier is selected, pertinent information will appear in the screen:


If you need to change the Remit Address Information, depress the down arrow next to the Remit Address Information field. Other address options will appear:

Select the address that pertains to this DM.

Click on the Radial for Type as Against an Open AP Item.You will receive the following warning:


Depress the Ok button. 

If you want to add a DM Note, depress the DM Note button, depress the Edit button, type in your note, and depress the Save button.  Depress the Exit button when complete. 

Enter the EXACT invoice number.  The PO Number or Reference will update automatically. 

Depress the Add Detail Button.  Type in the Item Number.  The rest of the information pertaining to that Item Number will automatically update.

Type in the quantity for this line item.

The extension for the Total will update.  (If you want to add an Item Note, depress the Item Note button, depress the Edit button, type in the note, and depress the Save button, depress the Exit button when finished).  The Item Note button will then be displayed in Red.
To add freight charges or freight tax to Debit Memo, depress the "Add Detail" button, enter "99" in the item field and the following selection screen will appear that will list the freight and freight tax that was associated with the original Invoice.  
Highlight and double click on the freight and/or freight tax to have it included on the AP Debit Memo.  The debit memo total will update including the freight and freight tax.
When the DM is completed, depress the Save button to save changes, depress the Abandon Changes button to abandon changes.  Once the DM is saved, the Approval button will appear. 

Depress the Approval button.  

The following Message will appear:
Depress the Yes button. Enter in your password.  The invoice amount in the A/P Aging will be adjusted downward by the amount of the DM.

The Status of the Debit Memo will be updated to “Posted to AP”, and the appropriate journal entry will be created for posting into the General Ledger.
Add an Open Debit Against Account

Follow the steps above, with the following exceptions:

For Type, click the radial for Open Debit Against Account.

In the Debit Memo Detail Information section, depress the Add Item Button. Type in Item number, Description, Total and the General Ledger Number.

Note:  if you don’t know the G/L number, place the cursor in the G/L field and hit the Enter key twice.  This will bring up the following:


Depress the arrow next to the Find By field.  Select either Find By Account Type or Account Numbers. 

If you selected by Account Type, the following listing will appear, once you’ve depressed the down arrow next to the GL Type field:

Scroll up or down until the appropriate G/L range is found.Then depress the down arrow next to the Account Numbers field.

The following selection for the posting account will appear:

Select the account.  Depress the OK button. 

The completed screen will look like this:


1.4.3. Edit a Debit Memo

The user may edit a Debit Memo up to the time it’s approved and transferred to General Ledger.  After Approval (status = “Posted to AP”)  the DM can’t be changed.

To Edit, find the DM using the procedures in Article #2225   Depress the Edit button and enter your password, the Remit Address Information, Date, and detail information is editable.

Make the desired changes.  Depress the Save button to save the changes, depress the Abandon Changes button to abandon the changes.  Depress the Approval Button to Post the Debit memo to the AP.  
1.4.4. Cancel a Debit Memo

Cancel a Debit Memo

The user may cancel a Debit Memo up to the time it’s approved and transferred to General Ledger.  After Approval and Transfer, the DM can’t be canceled.

To delete, find the Pending DM using the procedures in Article #2225 .  Depress the Cancel button.  Enter your password.  The following Message will appear:


Depress the Yes button.  Enter your password.  The status will then be changed to “Cancelled.”

1.5. Reports for Debit Memo
To obtain the reports for Debit Memos, depress the Reports button. The following screen will appear:
Highlight the Report of Interest. Depress the Options button. 


Print Debit Memo Report


The following screen will appear:
Select one of the radio buttons for the output you desire; Screen, Printer, XL File, TXT File, or PDF.
Enter the Debit memo No. in the Red Box.

 Depress the OK button.
The following report will print:




Debit Memo Report


The following screen will appear.
Select one of the radio buttons for the output you desire;  Screen, Printer, XL FIle, TXT File, or PDF.
Enter the To and From date.  Highlight the Supplier(s) and depress the > button.  If you want all of the Suppliers, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button.

The following report will print: