1. Fields and Definitions
1.1. BOM Import Templates

itemno BOM Item Number   This can be left blank on the spreadsheet, but will be required to populate witin the import screen later
used Used in kit, enter "Y" (used in kit), "N" (not used in kit), or "F" (Floor Stock) See Article #34 for further detail.  This can be left blank on the spreadsheet, but will be defaulted to "Y" within the BOM Import Screen

partSource Component Source, enter "Make", "Buy", "Consg" or "Phantom"  Needs to be populated
qty Quantity of Component used in Parent Part  Can be left blank on the spreadsheet and will be defaulted with "0" within the BOM Import screen

custPartNo Customer Part Number (if applicable)  This can be left blank

crev Customer Revision Level (if applicable)  This can be left blank
descript Part Description  
u_of_m Stock/Usage Unit of Measure (each, feet, inches, ....)  
partClass Component Part Class  
partType Component Part Type  
warehous Warehouse/Location of component  
partNo Internal Component Part Number (New or Existing)  This can be left blank if brand new part or enter existing part number if known
rev Internal Component Revision Level  
workCent Work Center where Component is Used  this can be left blank on the spreadsheet.  It will be defaulted with "STAG" within the BOM Import screen
standardCost Standard Cost for Component  This can be left blank
bomNote Note that pertains to a specific Bill Of Material  This can be left blank
invNote Note that pertains to an Invoice  This can be left blank
refDesg List of Ref Designators for Component  This can be left blank
mfg Manufacturer's Name  
mpn Manufacturer's Part Number  
matType Component's Material Type  (LF, RoHS, Unk)  This can be left blank, but will have to be populated within the BOM Import screen
custno Customer Number   This is the Customer unique Indetification number assigned to it within the Customer Information module

assynum Parent Assembly Number  Left blank for the line that is creating the product, but populated on the component lines for that bom
assyrev Parent Assembly Revision  Left blank for the line that is creating the product, but populated on the component lines for that bom
assydesc Parent Assembly Description  Left blank for the line that is creating the product, but populated on the component lines for that bom


1.2. Import Screen
1.3. Upload Screen

This header will be displayed throughout the WebManEx.  For further detail on the header icons see Article #5292.

Depressing the "MX" icon at the top left hand corner of the screen will list the ManEx modules available.

Depressing the "Magnifying Glass" Icon at the top left hand corner of the screen will give the user all the different option to find a record.

Depressing on the "Up Arrow" Icon will give the user the opportunity to Change from "New" or "Reports".

Depressing on the "Bell" Icon will display a list of BOM Imports that have been started.

Depressing the "Clock" Icon will allow you to clock into a Job or Work Order.

If you attempted to create a new import for the exact same assembly and rev that already exists in the Notifications.  The following message will be displayed.  

This is to prevent users from accidentally working on multiple versions of the same record and wondering why their last changes weren't sticking, we automatically redirect you to the existing active import. Once you transfer the bom, you can start a new one for the same bom. Or, you can change the part number or rev in order for it to be treated as a new import. Or, you can delete the current active record to start fresh. 

NOTE:  The import in process will NOT exist in the desktop. You must first transfer it in order to see the parts and changes. The "EXISTING ACTIVE IMPORT" is just an import that you can finish and transfer in order to see it in the desktop.

This header will display the Assembly/Rev.;  Description;  Customer;  Part Class;  Part Type; for the BOM Upload, along with the Date/Time the Upload was started and the initials of the user that started the upload.

This header has the following action icons:

Select the "Validate" button and the Validation screen will appear validating the information entered.   

 Note: During the Validated processes if the system finds errors these fields will be shaded in Red indicating that these fields have missing or incorrect information.

Select the "ShowKey" This screen will display what the field colors stand for:

The Red Note Pad (to the right) will display notes pertaining to this BOM Import and allow user to add or edit the notes. 

Depress the Filter in the left hand corner of the screen to change how the notes are being filtered:

Flag  -            on top left of note screen is to Flag the Note.
Clipboard  -   on top left of note screen is to copy Note to Clipboard.
Tag  -            on top left of note screen is to Add a Tag to Note.

Trash Can  -  on top right of note screen is to Delete Note.
Pencil  -        on top right of note screen is to Edit Note.
Plus Sign  -   on top right of note screen is to Add new Note.

The    "Plus sign"         on the top right of BOM Import header is to add a new item to BOM Import.
The    "Import Parts"    button on top right of BOM Import header is to import BOM to desktop.
The    "Trash Can"       on the top right of BOM Import header is to delete BOM Import completely. 

Itm # BOM Item Number 
Used Used in kit, enter "Y" (used in kit), "N" (not used in kit), or "F" (Floor Stock) See Article #34 for further detail.
Source Component Source, enter "Make", "Buy", "Consg" or "Phantom"
Class Component Part Class
Type Component Part Type
Part Number Internal Component Part Number (New or Existing)
Rev Internal Component Revision Level
Description Part Description
qty Quantity of Component used in Parent Part
Cust Part No Customer Part Number (if applicable)
Cust Rev Customer Revision Level (if applicable)
UOM Stock/Usage Unit of Measure (each, feet, inches, ....)
WHS Warehouse/Location of component
Std Cost Standard Cost for Component
WC Work Center where Component is Used

Part Information

Item Num BOM Item Number 
Used Used in kit, enter "Y" (used in kit), "N" (not used in kit), or "F" (Floor Stock) See Article #34 for further detail.
ManEx Part Num Internal Component Part Number (New or Existing)
ManEx Rev Internal Component Revision Level
Cust Part Num Customer Part Number (if applicable)
Cust Rev Customer Revision Level (if applicable)
Descript Part Description
Source Component Source, enter "Make", "Buy", "Consg" or "Phantom"
Class Component Part Class
Type Component Part Type
Qty Quantity of Component used in Parent Part
UOM Stock/Usage Unit of Measure (each, feet, inches, ....)
Warehouse Warehouse/Location of component
Standard Cost Standard Cost for Component
Work Center Work Center where Component is Used
BOM Note Note that pertains to BOM
Inv Note Note that pertains to Invoice

Note:  The data to the right in gray is the data that was imported originally. 


Approved Manufacturers

L Checking this box will add the AVL information to the part number
B Checking this box will add the AVL information to the BOM
C If this box is checked this means that it is connected to a Customer part number
Manufacturer Manufacturer Name
Manufacturer Part Num Manufacturer Part Number
MatlType Material Type