1. Customer Order Status
1.1. Introduction


{rootURL} orders
NOTE: {rootURL}  is the URL you use to access web ManEx


From this screen, the user can:

  1. view all orders for a selected customer (available customers are limited to the user record permissions set in setup)
  2. view additional details for each order by clicking on the related row
    1. Due Dates shows the current WO schedule for the selected order
    2. Shipments is a history of all shipments against that order
1.2. Fields and Definitions
  1. Customer - the customer for which order status should be displayed. This field uses auto-complete. Depending on the number of possible records, it may require 1, 2, or three characters before it lists possible matches. Tabbing will automatically select the first result in the list.
  2. Order Status - a filter for the results. It allows the user to return a small subset of records rather than all orders. NOTE:  If “All” is selected the system will search for all opened Customer Orders within the last year. (This is limited for performance reasons). 

Part Num 

The number the user has assigned to the part or product

Description  The description of the part number

The revision number pertaining to the part number

Purch Order The Purchase Order number of the order
Order Date This is the date of the Sales Order
Order Qty The quantity of that part number ordered by the Customer
Ship Qty The amount of the order already shipped
Back Ord The un-shipped portion of the part number
Rlsd This box will be checked if the Work Order has been released

1.3. How To
1.3.1. Find and View Details on a Customer Order
 Login to the WebManEx and Select Sales
Select Order Status and the following screen will be displayed:
To View addtional details about an order - Start typing a customer name and a list of customers will be displayed, select a Customer, then select the Order Status from the pull down, depress the "GO" button and the following screen will be displayed:
  1. Click on the row for the details you want to see. ManEx will add the details below the row.
  2. Click on the row again to close/hide the details

All standard grid customizations apply. See related article for more information.