1. Product Data Management
1.1. Bill of Material
1.1.1. Introduction


{rootURL} orders
NOTE: {rootURL}  is the URL you use to access web ManEx


From this screen, the user can:

  1. view all Bill of Materials (available BOM's are limited to the user record permissions set in setup)
  2. view additional details for each BOM by clicking on the related item
1.1.2. Fields and Definitions
Bill of Material - Standard
Itm# -  The item number assigned to the components in the BOM.
Part Number - The components internal Manex part number
Rev - The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs
Source -  The sources of the assembly components. Select Make, Buy, Consigned or Phantom
Description - The Item Master description of the component part.
Cust Rev -  The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs
Class - The Part Class of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Type - The Part Type of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Quantity - The quantity of the component part used in the assembly. This qty does NOT compensate for setup and run losses; The Setup % and Run Qty fields in the Item Master screen cover production losses
UOM -  The stocking/kitting unit of measure for the part
Work Center - The work center identified in the routing for the assembly at which the part is needed. Kitting of the part by work center will use this information to determine which parts are to be kitted for each work center
Offset - Production offset is a BoM item level field that allows users to control delivery dates in relation to the starting date of the work order.  By using this field, the user may move the material requirement date by the specified number of days in either direction
Used - Identifies the part as requiring kitting from the storeroom. Typical Non-kitted items include chemicals and adhesives that are re-issued when they run low but are included on the BOM for costing or reference
Effectively - This is the date that the part is added and/or removed from the BOM and the demands will be displayed in MRP. MRP picks up all the records with an effective date earlier or equal to current date, and all NULL/BLANK effective dates
Obsolete - The date the part is no longer required on the BOM for new work orders and the demands will NOT be displayed in MRP
Bill of Material - Purchasing
Part Number - The components internal Manex part number
Rev - The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs
Total Qty -  The quantity of the component part used in the assembly. This qty does NOT compensate for setup and run losses; The Setup % and Run Qty fields in the Item Master screen cover production losses
# Items - The item number assigned to the components in the BOM
Cust Part Num - The number the customer uses to identify the part.
Cust Rev - The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs
Class - The Part Class of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Type - The Part Type of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Description - The Item Master description of the component part
UOM -  The stocking/kitting unit of measure for the part
Standard Cost - The STANDARD COST of an item is a calculated value determined by the sum of individual costs. These individual costs may be in any combination of the Material, Labor, Overhead, Other and User Defined costs
MatlType -  AVL Material Type Code. LF, LF-Date, LF-Mark, LF-P/N, RoHS, RoHS-Date, RoHS-Mark, RoHS-P/N, and Unk are the AVL Material types that are hard-coded into the system.

LF (Lead-Free), RoHS (the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment) or (In general, RoHS requirements include limitations on other heavy metals in addition to being lead free. But many companies may not meet the full requirements of RoHS, but still want to identify the material as Lead Free(, and Unk (Unknown) are the Inventory Material Types that are hard-coded into the system. Then sometimes the user wishes to identify a date code, marking or part number which designates that the part has switched from unknown to LF or RoHS, and that is what the additional modifier is for.

Bill of Material - Exploded
Itm # - The item numbers assigned to the components in the BOM
Source - The sources of the assembly components. Select Make, Buy, Consigned or Phantom
View Part No - The components internal Manex part numberDepressing this button will display BOM Details, Item Master Custom Fields, AVL Configurations, and Ref Designators for selected part
View Rev - The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs
Class - The Part Class of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Type - The Part Type of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Description - The Item Master description of the component part
Work Center - The work center identified in the routing for the assembly at which the part is needed. Kitting of the part by work center will use this information to determine which parts are to be kitted for each work center
Line Note -
Offset Days - - Production offset is a BoM item level field that allows users to control delivery dates in relation to the starting date of the work order.  By using this field, the user may move the material requirement date by the specified number of days in either direction
Obsolete - The date the part is no longer required on the BOM for new work orders and the demands will NOT be displayed in MRP
Effective - -This is the date that the part is added and/or removed from the BOM and the demands will be displayed in MRP. MRP picks up all the records with an effective date earlier or equal to current date, and all NULL/BLANK effective dates
Used -  Identifies the part as requiring kitting from the storeroom. Typical Non-kitted items include chemicals and adhesives that are re-issued when they run low but are included on the BOM for costing or reference
PN Note - Depressing this button will display BOM Details, Item Master Custom Fields, AVL Configurations, and Ref Designators for selected part
UOM -  The stocking/kitting unit of measure for the part.
Scrap - This amount is added to the exact quantity used on an assembly to provide an overage to cover losses during running due to predictable machine and human losses
Setup Scrap - Setup losses may be added to the BOM requirement and Run Scrap for an item.For instance, an auto-insertion machine may use extra parts for alignment checks
Standard Cost - The STANDARD COST of an item is a calculated value determined by the sum of individual costs. These individual costs may be in any combination of the Material, Labor, Overhead, Other and User Defined costs.  
Bill of Material - Sourcing
Source -  The sources of the assembly components.  Select Make, Buy, Consigned or Phantom
View Part No - The components internal Manex part number. Depressing this button will display BOM Details, Item Master Custom Fields, AVL Configurations, and Ref Designators for selected part
View Rev -  The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs
Class - The Part Class of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Type - The Part Type of the component part as assigned in the Item Master
Description - The Item Master description of the component part
UOM - The stocking/kitting unit of measure for the part
Standard Cost - The STANDARD COST of an item is a calculated value determined by the sum of individual costs. These individual costs may be in any combination of the Material, Labor, Overhead, Other and User Defined costs.
Part Mfr - Is the name of the manufacturer of this part
MfrPartNo - Displays the Mfg. Part Number for an existing highlighted Mfg
Last Sup - Last Supplier used.
Most Sup - Supplier Most Used.
1.1.3. How To Find and View a Bill of Material
Login to the WebManEx and Select Product Data Management  
    Select the Bill of Materials Icon and the following find screen will be displayed:

    Select Bill of Material from this screen and ALL then depress the "Go" button and a Listing of Part Numbers will be displayed:
    Double Click on a Part Number and the Bill of Material for this Part will be displayed.  This screen will display all Active parts, Buy, Consigned, Make, and Phantoms.  
    User may drill down to see more detail per part by: 
  1. Click on the row for the details you want to see. ManEx will add the details below the row.
  2. Click on the row again to close/hide the details
  3. There are four tabs available.  Each tab will display different information for the items listed in this Bill of Material.

    The first tab is the Standard Tab - this tab will display all the active parts for this BOM, the Item #, Source, Part Number, Rev, Description, Cust Part Num, Reg, Class, Type, Qty per assembly, UOM, Work Centers, Offset days (if applicable), If used in kit, Effectively, and Obsolete Dates. 
    The second tab is the Purchasing Tab - this tab displays the Buy and Consgined parts listed on the BOM, Part Number, Total Qty per assembly, Item #, Customer Part Number (if applicable), Class, Type, Description, UOM, Standard Cost, and Matl Type. 
    The third tab is the Exploded Tab - this tab will explode out any Sub Assemblies, Make or Phantom Assemblies listed on the original BOM, along with the Part Numbers, Class, Type, Description, Work Center, Line Notes, Offset Days, Obsolete and  Effective dates, Used on BOM, PN Notes, UOM, Scrap and Setup Scrap and Standard Cost.  
    The fourth tab is the Sourcing Tab -  This tab will display the Buy and Consigned parts or parts that will be sourced out to Suppliers.  This tab will list the Source, Part Number, Class, Type, Description, UOM, Standard Cost, Part Mfgr and Mfgr Part No, Last Supplier used and Supplier Most used.

      On any of the tabs if user want to view more detail for a specific part, such as the AVL information, or Reference Designators,or add any  BOM or Item Master Detail:
    1. Click on the row for the details you want to see. ManEx will add the details below the row.
    2. Click on the row again to close/hide the details


    Depress the BOM Detail Buttons and the following screen is displayed
    Depress the Item Master Buttons and the following screen is displayed

    All standard grid customizations apply. See related Article for more information.
    1.2. BOM Reports
    1.2.1. BOM Report FAQ

  Why am I seeing a difference in total cost on the "BOM indented and costed report" in SQL compared to the VFP version?

    Q:Why am I seeing a difference in total cost on the "BOM indented and costed report" in SQL compared to the VFP version?

    A: In VFP the report used to include the Std Cost value for the Make/Buy itself and then also explode out the components for Make/Buy sub-assembly (which was incorrect)  In SQL the report will take the std cost for the Make/Buy and not include the components.

    1.2.2. Introduction


    {rootURL} BOM
    NOTE: {rootURL}  is the URL you use to access web ManEx 

    From this screen, the user can:

    1. Import a Bill of Material 
    1.2.3. How To
    All Reports are found within the Report Manager and are basically viewed the same. See Article 5477 for further detail on Reports.
    1.3. BOM Import
    1.3.1. Prerequisites
    To import a BOM, one of the templates below must be used.  

    It is okay if you have blank lines, but they should be subsequent lines of the same assembly, NOT the first line item no.  First priority is the assynum and rev columns in the spreadsheet,.   If you populate that data, in the first item number it will use that as the import record assembly number.  NOTE: If you are entering parts for different customers on the same spreadsheet you MUST enter different assynum and/or rev to distinguish between customer parts.  If assynum is same it will override customer number and use prior customer linked to that assembly number.

    If the assynum and rev columns are blank in the first item no (as in item 1 in this bom) THEN the import will use the file name as the assembly number, then, if the rest of the line items have data that is the same, the system will put it on another import record with the listed number.  


    Font size:  We made it larger so it is easier to read and use on things like a tablet. However, if your screen size is small it may appear too large.   

    1.3.2. Introduction


    {rootURL} BOM
    NOTE: {rootURL} is the URL you use to access web ManEx 


    From this screen, the user can:

    1. Import a Bill of Material 
    1.3.3. Fields and Definitions BOM Import Templates

    itemno BOM Item Number   This can be left blank on the spreadsheet, but will be required to populate witin the import screen later
    used Used in kit, enter "Y" (used in kit), "N" (not used in kit), or "F" (Floor Stock) See Article #34 for further detail.  This can be left blank on the spreadsheet, but will be defaulted to "Y" within the BOM Import Screen

    partSource Component Source, enter "Make", "Buy", "Consg" or "Phantom"  Needs to be populated
    qty Quantity of Component used in Parent Part  Can be left blank on the spreadsheet and will be defaulted with "0" within the BOM Import screen

    custPartNo Customer Part Number (if applicable)  This can be left blank

    crev Customer Revision Level (if applicable)  This can be left blank
    descript Part Description  
    u_of_m Stock/Usage Unit of Measure (each, feet, inches, ....)  
    partClass Component Part Class  
    partType Component Part Type  
    warehous Warehouse/Location of component  
    partNo Internal Component Part Number (New or Existing)  This can be left blank if brand new part or enter existing part number if known
    rev Internal Component Revision Level  
    workCent Work Center where Component is Used  this can be left blank on the spreadsheet.  It will be defaulted with "STAG" within the BOM Import screen
    standardCost Standard Cost for Component  This can be left blank
    bomNote Note that pertains to a specific Bill Of Material  This can be left blank
    invNote Note that pertains to an Invoice  This can be left blank
    refDesg List of Ref Designators for Component  This can be left blank
    mfg Manufacturer's Name  
    mpn Manufacturer's Part Number  
    matType Component's Material Type  (LF, RoHS, Unk)  This can be left blank, but will have to be populated within the BOM Import screen
    custno Customer Number   This is the Customer unique Indetification number assigned to it within the Customer Information module

    assynum Parent Assembly Number  Left blank for the line that is creating the product, but populated on the component lines for that bom
    assyrev Parent Assembly Revision  Left blank for the line that is creating the product, but populated on the component lines for that bom
    assydesc Parent Assembly Description  Left blank for the line that is creating the product, but populated on the component lines for that bom

   Import Screen Upload Screen

    This header will be displayed throughout the WebManEx.  For further detail on the header icons see Article #5292.

    Depressing the "MX" icon at the top left hand corner of the screen will list the ManEx modules available.

    Depressing the "Magnifying Glass" Icon at the top left hand corner of the screen will give the user all the different option to find a record.

    Depressing on the "Up Arrow" Icon will give the user the opportunity to Change from "New" or "Reports".

    Depressing on the "Bell" Icon will display a list of BOM Imports that have been started.

    Depressing the "Clock" Icon will allow you to clock into a Job or Work Order.

    If you attempted to create a new import for the exact same assembly and rev that already exists in the Notifications.  The following message will be displayed.  

    This is to prevent users from accidentally working on multiple versions of the same record and wondering why their last changes weren't sticking, we automatically redirect you to the existing active import. Once you transfer the bom, you can start a new one for the same bom. Or, you can change the part number or rev in order for it to be treated as a new import. Or, you can delete the current active record to start fresh. 

    NOTE:  The import in process will NOT exist in the desktop. You must first transfer it in order to see the parts and changes. The "EXISTING ACTIVE IMPORT" is just an import that you can finish and transfer in order to see it in the desktop.

    This header will display the Assembly/Rev.;  Description;  Customer;  Part Class;  Part Type; for the BOM Upload, along with the Date/Time the Upload was started and the initials of the user that started the upload.

    This header has the following action icons:

    Select the "Validate" button and the Validation screen will appear validating the information entered.   

     Note: During the Validated processes if the system finds errors these fields will be shaded in Red indicating that these fields have missing or incorrect information.

    Select the "ShowKey" This screen will display what the field colors stand for:

    The Red Note Pad (to the right) will display notes pertaining to this BOM Import and allow user to add or edit the notes. 

    Depress the Filter in the left hand corner of the screen to change how the notes are being filtered:

    Flag  -            on top left of note screen is to Flag the Note.
    Clipboard  -   on top left of note screen is to copy Note to Clipboard.
    Tag  -            on top left of note screen is to Add a Tag to Note.

    Trash Can  -  on top right of note screen is to Delete Note.
    Pencil  -        on top right of note screen is to Edit Note.
    Plus Sign  -   on top right of note screen is to Add new Note.

    The    "Plus sign"         on the top right of BOM Import header is to add a new item to BOM Import.
    The    "Import Parts"    button on top right of BOM Import header is to import BOM to desktop.
    The    "Trash Can"       on the top right of BOM Import header is to delete BOM Import completely. 

    Itm # BOM Item Number 
    Used Used in kit, enter "Y" (used in kit), "N" (not used in kit), or "F" (Floor Stock) See Article #34 for further detail.
    Source Component Source, enter "Make", "Buy", "Consg" or "Phantom"
    Class Component Part Class
    Type Component Part Type
    Part Number Internal Component Part Number (New or Existing)
    Rev Internal Component Revision Level
    Description Part Description
    qty Quantity of Component used in Parent Part
    Cust Part No Customer Part Number (if applicable)
    Cust Rev Customer Revision Level (if applicable)
    UOM Stock/Usage Unit of Measure (each, feet, inches, ....)
    WHS Warehouse/Location of component
    Std Cost Standard Cost for Component
    WC Work Center where Component is Used

    Part Information

    Item Num BOM Item Number 
    Used Used in kit, enter "Y" (used in kit), "N" (not used in kit), or "F" (Floor Stock) See Article #34 for further detail.
    ManEx Part Num Internal Component Part Number (New or Existing)
    ManEx Rev Internal Component Revision Level
    Cust Part Num Customer Part Number (if applicable)
    Cust Rev Customer Revision Level (if applicable)
    Descript Part Description
    Source Component Source, enter "Make", "Buy", "Consg" or "Phantom"
    Class Component Part Class
    Type Component Part Type
    Qty Quantity of Component used in Parent Part
    UOM Stock/Usage Unit of Measure (each, feet, inches, ....)
    Warehouse Warehouse/Location of component
    Standard Cost Standard Cost for Component
    Work Center Work Center where Component is Used
    BOM Note Note that pertains to BOM
    Inv Note Note that pertains to Invoice

    Note:  The data to the right in gray is the data that was imported originally. 


    Approved Manufacturers

    L Checking this box will add the AVL information to the part number
    B Checking this box will add the AVL information to the BOM
    C If this box is checked this means that it is connected to a Customer part number
    Manufacturer Manufacturer Name
    Manufacturer Part Num Manufacturer Part Number
    MatlType Material Type

    1.3.4. How To Find a BOM Import that has Already Been Started

    Login to the WebManEx and Select Product Data Management

      Select Import and the following screen will be displayed 

      Click on the Bell symbol (with the number 4 by it) up in the right hand corner and a list of Notifications will be displayed of all the Import Started:

      Highlight the Import of interest and the following screen will be displayed:

      Depress "Click Here" and the import will be displayed on screen:



      If you attempted to create a new import for the exact same assembly and rev that already exists in the Notifications.  The following message will be displayed.  

      This is to prevent users from accidentally working on multiple versions of the same record and wondering why their last changes weren't sticking, we automatically redirect you to the existing active import. Once you transfer the bom, you can start a new one for the same bom. Or, you can change the part number or rev in order for it to be treated as a new import. Or, you can delete the current active record to start fresh. 

      NOTE:  The import in process will NOT exist in the desktop. You must first transfer it in order to see the parts and changes. The "EXISTING ACTIVE IMPORT" is just an import that you can finish and transfer in order to see it in the desktop.


      Import BOM

      User MUST first download a blank template and enter the BOM information into the template.

      System will look at the Item Number and Description to determine whether it is a different part, if the Item Number and description match then the Shaded parts do NOT have to be populated.  The information from the previous lines will be used, when creating the BOM import.

      If the assynum, assyrev, and assydesc fields are all blank on the first line item, system will use the File Name as the Assembly Number.   for further detail see Article 5490.

      Once the template has been completed with all the BOM information, save the file. 

      Login to the WebManEx and Select Product Data Management

        Select Import and the following screen will be displayed 

         Enter the file name in the field or depress the "Browse" button to locate the file to import.
        Once the file has been selected it will be displayed in the Field as displayed below:

        Depress the "Upload Button"  If you attempted to create a new import for the exact same assembly and rev that already exists in the Notifications.   The following message will be displayed.  

        This is to prevent users from accidentally working on multiple versions of the same record and wondering why their last changes weren't sticking, we automatically redirect you to the existing active import. Once you transfer the bom, you can start a new one for the same bom. Or, you can change the part number or rev in order for it to be treated as a new import. Or, you can delete the current active record to start fresh. 

        NOTE:  The import in process will NOT exist in the desktop. You must first transfer it in order to see the parts and changes. The "EXISTING ACTIVE IMPORT" is just an import that you can finish and transfer in order to see it in the desktop.

        Depress the "Upload" button and the data will be Uploaded into the following screen and Validated.


         During the Validated processes if the system finds errors these fields will be shaded in Red indicating that these fields have missing or incorrect information.  

        Click on an item and all the detail for that item will be displayed.  User may make changes/corrections to any of the Part Information, Ref Desg, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part Numbers, and Material Types.  The fields shaded in Red  indicates that the information is incorrect or missing and must be corrected before the import process can take place. 

        The data to the right on the Part Information screen that is light gray is what was imported from the template.    

         The Class and Type will have a pull down to select from:

        Clicking on the magnifying glass to the right of the ManEx Part Number will do a search to located any existing parts that are similar to the one entered: 

         NOTE:  If user has Inventory Part Numbering setup to MANUAL, user has the option to enter a part number in the ManEx Part Num field, or if a ManEx part number exists for the part being imported user may use the existing ManEx part number,  but if user does NOT want to use the existing ManEx PN, they MUST select "NEW" and then enter in the part number they want to use.  If they have Inventory Part Numbering setup to AUTO then they MUST select an existing PN or have "NEW" in this field, and a part number will be assigned to this part upon import.  

        User may add Reference Designators by clicking on the (+).  The number of Ref Desg needed for this part will be displayed in ().  To remove an existing reference designator click on the (garbage can symbol) to the right of the desg you want to remove, click on the (Undo) to restore the reference designator you removed.  


        You need to save changes before you can add additional reference designators if you do not (Undo) any of the ones you deleted.  If a user adds more ref desg then required at time of upload it will only use the number of ref desg required starting from the top of the list down.


        To add a New Mfgr, depress the (+) button on the right and new fields will be displayed in green:

        Enter Mfgr, Mfgr PN, and select a new MatlType or leave the default (Unk).  Once all the changes have been completed and there are no more fields shaded in RED, depress the "Save & Exit" button, "Cancel" button, or "Delete" button. 

        If users changes the Manufacturer or Manufacturer Part Num then hovers over that field the Mfgr or Mfgr PN originally uploaded will be displayed in gray and the new Mfgr or Mfgr PN will be displayed in black and will be bordered in RED on three sides as displayed below.

        Select the "Validate" button to validate all changes. 

        Once all the data is correct, user then may select the "Import Parts" button to load the BOM into the ManEx system.

        If the BOM has already been loaded to ManEx user will receive the following message giving the user the option to reimport this BOM. 

        If user is trying to Import Parts with Errors the following message will be displayed, giving the user the option to continue with errors or cancel import:

        Once the BOM has been loaded to ManEx the Header will turn from White to Gray as displayed below: 



        1.3.5. Limitations to the Reference Designators

        Reference Designators

        • Reference Designators MUST begin with letters and have incremental numbers next to the letters.


        All of the following are acceptable:

        • U1
        • U1-2
        • U1-U2
        • U1,U2
        • RES1
        • RES1-2
        • RES1-RES2
        • RES1,RES2
        • U1,U3-U5,U10,J7
        • U 5

        All of the following are NOT acceptable

        • 1F6-1F9
        • RES

        Here is sample of the reference designators and how they will be interpreted by the parser



        --    XL Values                                                   : Parsed Values


        -- 1. a1-10                                                       : Range a1 through a10

        -- 2. d5-7                                                        : Range d5 through d7

        -- 3. abd9-15                                                     : Range abd9 through abd15

        -- 4. c50-10                                                      : Single value c50-10

        -- 5. c50-1                                                       : Single value c50-1

        -- 6. 10rr50-10                                                   : Single value 10rr50-10

        -- 7. b-10                                                        : Single value b-10    

        -- 8. cdf-jhsss                                                   : Single value cdf-jhsss

        -- 9. dd1-msdhe                                                   : Single value dd1-msdhe

        -- 10. egh2-xx6                                                   : Single value egh2-xx6

        -- 11. egh2-egh12                                                 : Range egh2 through egh12

        -- 12. ff4-8jj                                                    : Single value ff4-8jj

        -- 13. asd122                                                     : Single value asd122

        -- 14. U 50                                                       : Single value U 50

        -- 15. For U9                                                     : Single value For U9

        -- 16. 1-12                                                       : Single value 1-12

        -- 17. 1a2-1a12                                                   : Range 1a2 through 1a12     

        -- 18. 12a1-111292aaa                                             : Single value 12a1-111292aaa

        -- 19. 1f1-10                                                     : Range 1f1 through 1f10

        1.3.6. Limitations to the Different Import Template Types

        Assembly Info

        • If you do not populate the assy* column, then the file name will be used.

        Template Types

        The following explains the different limitations to the different Import Template Types that are available in the WebManEx

        .XML Map for Excel:

        • Cells must NOT contain \n (new line, alt+enter, etc).
        • XML must use <Root>,<Row>, and only column names specified in the template

        .CSV Template:

        • Cells must NOT begin or end with , (comma)
        • Cells must NOT contain \n (new line, alt+enter, etc)

        .XLSX Template:

        • New lines within each cell (\n, alt+enter, etc) will be automatically removed from all cells

        • NOT currently supported 

        1.3.7. BOM Import - FAQ What do the BOM import settings do?
        How does the score system work? 
        These settings determine the score provided for each match. 
        • An import record that had 2 AVLs (one already loaded) and an existing customer part number would get a score of 80 and the new AVL would be set to be added on completion. 
        • Another part that matched by MANEX number and description (exact match) would score 110. 
        • Another part that had both AVLs but no other matches would also score 80.
        The record with the highest score would be selected by default (or the one matched first if two records had the same highest score) and the system would alert the user to other possible matches.

        What does match REV sort and overage calculation do? Rev sort (ascending/descending) indicates how to sort multiple records of the same part number. It will pick the first matching record. In other words, other things being equal, do you want it to select the latest revision (descending) or the first revision (ascending).

        How does the Skip empty REV field work
        In the BOM settings menu user has option to Skip empty Rev field. 

        Skipping empty Rev fields means that an empty Rev isn't treated as a rev. It can match any rev.

        If you don't check the option, then an empty is the Rev ( or non-rev) and will only match an existing part without a rev.


 How do I Remove Duplicate AVL's?
        If a user sees duplicate AVL's in the BOM import list of parts then it means somehow they were able to get a duplicate manufacturer in the database. We have a built in SP (dbo.InvtMpnCleanRefresh)  to clear that.
        It is attached to this article as well.

 Receiving primary Key violation error upon import. What does it mean?

        Upon import you may be presented with something similar to the error in image below. Typically means on your import template for this BOM you have the same Manufacturer and MPN combination listed more than once when creating a brand new part. Typically won't see this when system matches to existing part #'s.



        1.3.8. BOM Import Settings
        How does the score system work? 
        These settings determine the score provided for each match. 
        • An import record that had 2 AVLs (one already loaded) and an existing customer part number would get a score of 25 and the new AVL would be set to be added on completion. 
        • Another part that matched by MANEX number and description (exact match) would score 70. 
        • Another part that had both AVLs but no other matches would also score 20.
        The record with the highest score would be selected by default (or the one matched first if two records had the same highest score) and the system would alert the user to other possible matches.

        What does match REV sort and overage calculation do? Rev sort (ascending/descending) indicates how to sort multiple records of the same part number. It will pick the first matching record. In other words, other things being equal, do you want it to select the latest revision (descending) or the first revision (ascending).

        How does the Skip empty REV field work
        In the BOM settings menu user has option to Skip empty Rev field. 

        Skipping empty Rev fields means that an empty Rev isn't treated as a rev. It can match any rev.

        If you don't check the option, then an Rev is empty( or non-rev) it will only match to an existing part without a rev.