Checks Tab
Field Defintions - Bank Reconciliation Checks tab:

NOTE: Users have the ability to sort by all the grids.  If you click on the same header twice the sort order will switch from ascending to descending.

Statement Date

The date of the bank statement

Reconciliation Status

The status of this reconciliation – In Process, Reconciled

If Displayed in RED, there is an existing note pertaining to the Reconciliation, entered by the user
Depressing this button will bring up the Enter New Statement Information screen
Depress this button when the Unreconciled Difference is zero to reconcile the Bank Account
If the user wants all of the deposits checks as cleared, this button is used.
The user highlights the first deposit to be checked and then uses this button to check all of the rest.
AP Check
Payee The Name of the Payee
Date The date the Check was created
Check No The Number on the Check  
Amount Total Dollar Amount on the Check 
Cleared Check if this check has cleared the bank account
Journal Entries (Credits)
Date Orginal date the JE was Created
Amount Total Dollar Amount of the Journal Entry
Journal Entry Journal Entry Number
Reason Reason for the Journal Entry
Cleared Check if Cleared from Bank Account
Depress this button to add a New Journal Entry
Deposits Cleared per Bank This information will be defaulted in from the New Statement Information
Deposits Marked as Cleared This is the sum of all deposits that were marked as cleared
Difference in Deposits This is the difference between the Deposits Cleared per Bank and the Deposits Marked as Cleared. This should be zero
Un-Cleared Deposits This is the sum of all of the deposits listed which were not marked as cleared
Checks Cleared per Bank This information will be defaulted in from the New Statement Information
Checks Marked as Cleared This is the sum of all checks that were marked as cleared
Difference This is the difference between the Checks Cleared per Bank and the Checks Marked as Cleared. This should be zero
Un-Cleared Checks This is the sum of all of the checks listed which were not marked as cleared
Beginning Balance

Beginning Balance for this account

Ending Balance

The ending balance per the bank statement

Unreconciled Difference

This would be any difference between the New Ending Balance per Bank and the Calculated Balance per Bank. This amount should be zero