1. Fields & Definitions for MRP
1.1. MRP Action Tab
MRP Actions: displays the results of a find and allows further item sorting and selection

Definition of Material Requirements Planning Action Fields:

Last MRP Run  This is the date and time for the last material Requirements Planning run. 
 The "Last MRP Run" button located in RED at the top of the screen will be displayed in a larger font if MRP run failed due to an AVL issue and there will be brief comment explaining what issues the MRP run encountered. This will allow any user that might not have seen the xls spreadsheet to be aware of what had taken place on the last attempt to run MRP.   For further detail see Article #729.
See Article #4765 for further detail on how to Use the X-Reference Find

Sorting, Searching and Selecting in the MRP Action Screen

The user may sort by the Part Number, Class or Description by depressing the appropriate button.

To sort the contents of the Summary screen by Part Number, Part Class or Description, click the button. It will turn red and the list will automatically sort in ascending alphanumeric sequence per the selection.

To search for an item by Part Class, click Class and enter the first few characters of the Part Class in the Search by Part Class field. The list will scroll down to the first incidence of each character in the sequence entered.If a character is not found in the position typed, the list will scroll to the bottom.

To Search for an item by Description starting with the 1st character on the left, click Description and begin entering the first characters in the field. The list will scroll down to the first incidence of each character in the sequence entered.If a character is not found in the position typed, the list will scroll to the bottom.

To Search for an item by a word or character string anywhere in the Description, click on Description, click on the Left button next to the Search by Description window (changes to Random).

Enter the search word or characters in the window. Hit return and the first match in the list will be highlighted. Click on the window and hit return to highlight the next match in the summary list. After the last match or if a match is not found, the last item in the summary list will be highlighted.

To visually search the summary list, use the scroll bar or arrows to the right of the list.The Source (Buy, Make or Phantom) and total On Hand quantity is displayed in the last two columns.

For further Details on any item in the Actions main body list, highlight the item by a search or mouse click and select the appropriate Tab to display the desired detail information. To display changes made in other windows or by other users while this window is open, repeat the Material Requirements Find and refresh the screen data.


Buyer The valid buyer code, or ALL buyers. 

The Material Requirements Planning action displayed, or ALL Actions.

Date Filter

The horizon date for the Material Requirement Planning actions.Parts with actions beyond this date are excluded from the report.


A short-cut to the horizon date. Entering the number of days (from the current date), changed the Date Filter accordingly.

Main Body

Part Number

The item/part number is a unique identifier for every Item Master record entered into the database. 


The part Number revision for the item.

Part Class

This is a general part, product or item classification.

Part Type

Type is a sub-classification of Part Class.

Description This is the field of descriptive data about the item.
Part Source

This field is hard coded in the system.BUY is for purchased parts and assemblies, MAKE for an item made in-house (assemblies and sub-assemblies) and PHANTOM for a number used to define a collection of items that does not exist as a separate assembly built on a Work Order (ship kits, upgrade packages, spares kits, etc.).

Material Requirements Planning Action List  in Stock Units Of Measure:

The information listed in this section pertains to the highlighted part number in the main body above. To see the list for another part number, highlight the part number in the main body.  
NoteDates are calculated with the Production Calendar


Defines the Material Requirements Planning action to be taken for the highlighted part.  There are several different actions that will appear depending on the part.  For example if the Part is a Make/Phantom part and the action originates from a higher level assembly for the Phantom, MRP will display "PHANTOM" in this section and that will indicate to the user that there are no actions required but is listed so users can investigate where component actions are originating from.  If the Make/Phantom is required directly for an order itself, it will now follow the same WO action rules as a regular Make Product would.

Balance Quantity

The projected balance of inventory for the part selected.  MRP will display the stock qty UOM. 

New Quantity

Displays the new quantity that the action requires.  MRP will instruct you to Purchase the Stock qty UOM, not the Purchase UOM.  The PO Module will display the UOM conversion (if applicable).   

NOTE:  When creating a PO for an item with different purchasing and stocking UoMs, be sure to enter the MRP suggestion into the Stocking qty field rather than the purchasing qty field.  The system will automatically convert the stocking unit into the purchasing unit for the purchase order qty.

For Example: if the item has inches for Stock UoM and Feet for Purchasing UoM, and the MRP demand is 24 , the buyer would enter the qty of 24 into the stocking qty field and the PO would automatically convert it to 2 feet in the purchasing qty field.  So the supplier deals in feet, but ManEx deals in inches.  The conversion between the two are established in the Unit of Measure & Conversion module.

Original Date

Displays the original (current) date of the existing action. 

New Date Displays the new date that the action requires. For a buy part the New Date is arrived by subtracting the Kitting and Production Lead times setup for the Make part from the Sales Order Ship Date.  For a Make part the New Date is the Sales Order Ship date.  See Article #3064  for futher detail on how the Lead Times for a Level BOM are calculated. 
Days Late

If the action date is earlier than the current date, the number of days late for the action is shown.

Date to Take Action

This is the date by which the action listed must take place. Changing the leadtime of a Buy part will NOT change the due date, only the date to take action.  For a Buy part this date is arrived by subtracting the Purchase Lead time from the New Date.  For a Make part this date is arrived by subtracting the Kitting and Production Lead times from the New Date which is the Sales Order ship date.

See Article #2671

This portion of the MRP module is not fully completed yet in the current version. It is still a work in progress. While it displays the WO’s for quick reference you will still actually have to go into the WO module to create the WO’s as needed. You can also create WO’s directly in the SO module as well at the time you’re creating the Sales orders. 

Clicking on the  button will bring up the following:

Definition of fields in the Projected Inventory screen:


The projected date of a Materials Requirements Planning action.


The Material Requirements Action.

Quantity The quantity of parts involved in the Material Requirements Planning action.
Project  The project number assigned to the PO.

The projected balance of inventory for the part selected.

After depressing the Projected inventory button, highlight and double click on a WO, SO, PO, etc.   This will bring up another drill down screen as follows which will display the Material Requirements Planning Detail.  This screen allows user to Sort, Search, or Drill down to the WO, SO, PO. etc.

Material Requirements Planning Field Definitions:

Work Order Number  This is the Work Order Number in the system. 
Customer Name  The name of the Customer for which the assembly will be made. 
Part Number

This is the assembly part number where the component part number is highlighted.


This is the balance for the Work Order Listed.

Original Ship Date This is the original scheduled ship date of the assembly.

After highlighting and double clicking on a part number in the main body, the Material Requirements Planning Demands and Approved Vendors List will appeared, as displayed below.  This screen will allow users to Sort, Search, or Drill Down to the WO, SO, etc. level.

Material Requirements Planning Demands and Approved Vendor List Field Definitions:

Order Number 

This is the Work Order Number the system is proposing. 

Required Quantity For the Work Order proposed, this is the quantity of the component part number which will be required.
Required Date The date when the component part number highlighted is required to be released to the assembly floor. 
Customer The name of the Customer for which the assembly will be made, if known.  If the customer is not known, an explanation will appear.
Part No This is the Assembly/Part number No the demand is for
Revision This is the Revision for the assembly/Part number the demand is for


This will list the Mfgr's approved on the BOM 
Mfgr Part Number 
This will list the Mfgr PN's approved on the BOMNOTE:  If "GENR" is approved on the BOM MRP will consider any inventory for that part even if the AVL is not approved on the BOM. 

1.1.1. Create POs


Un-Check All Check or Un-check all records in the grid to create POs.

List All Suppliers

List Suppliers assigned to the MPN in the ICM Module

Check the radial to list all suppliers or list only the suppliers assigned to the MPN in the ICM module.   Once the radial is selected this will control the information defaulted into the Preferred Supplier column.  
Supplier Filter

If "No Filter" is selected and multiple records with different suppliers are selected multiple POs will be created (one for each supplier).  If "Select" is checked, user can select from the pull down which Supplier records to display.  Then when the "Create PO for Supplier" button is clicked, the system will create POs for selected supplier only.  

Depress this button to Create the POs for the items checked. 
PO Checking this box indicates which PO is to be created for the selected item.  If you place your mouse pointer over the column it will display the tool tip.
X If there is no Supplier information available in the ICM module the system will allow user to select a supplier from a pick list.  Once this supplier is selected this supplier will default into the Prefered Supplier coulmn for the records that have this box checked.  
Preferred Supplier The default supplier assigned in the ICM module will appear in this column.  If no Preferred Supplied is listed user may select one from the pull down.
Part No Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Rev Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Mfgr Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.  There is a pull down available that will display all the Approved Mfgr and allow user to select a different one if they choose to do so.
MPN Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Quantity Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.  This field can be changed. 
Cost Each Unit price for the item defaults to the value based on the "Price Source" column.  This field can be changed. 
Price Source Derived from the list of "Price Sources" setup in the Purchase Setup module. There is a pull down giving the user the option to change the Price Source if the choose to do so.
Date Req Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.  This field can be changed. 
Action Dt Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Class Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Type Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Description Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
Buyer Defaults in from the MRP action list with "Release PO" action.
1.1.2. Create WO's

This portion of the MRP module is not fully completed yet in the current version. It is still a work in progress. While it displays the WO’s for quick reference you will still actually have to go into the WO module to create the WO’s as needed. You can also create WO’s directly in the SO module as well at the time you’re creating the Sales orders
1.2. Item Master Tab

This screen will display details for the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4038 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management

1.3. Quantity Info Tab
This screen will display manufacturer, warehouse and inventory quantities for the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4039 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management



Complete inventory stock, allocation and usage information by Manufacturer is displayed or available at the click of a button. All current inventory information about any selected part can be displayed here.

1.4. MRP Info Tab

This screen will display MRP parameters for the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4040 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management . 

1.5. Notes Tab

This screen will display Inventory Notes for the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4041 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management

1.6. Customer Tab
This screen will display customer part number(s) assigned to the internal part number for the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4042 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management



1.7. Supplier Tab
This screen will display the name of the Supplier and Supplier's Part Number for the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4043 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management



1.8. Manufacturer Part Spec Tab
This screen will display any drawing, photograph, images, or .pdf files linked to the item highlighted in the MRP Action tab, which is being defaulted in from the Inventory Control Management module.  See Article #4044 for field definitions.  These fields may be edited in Inventory Control Management