Record a Physical Count

Find an In-Process Physical Inventory.  The following information will appear in the Count tab screen.

Depress the Edit action button.  Type in your password.

To sort by warehouse, depress the Warehouse button.  To sort by Class, depress the Class button.  To sort by part source, depress the Part Source button.  You will also be able to sort by tag number or part number by depressing on the heading.

Enter the final count from the tag or the worksheet.  The system will capture the initials from your password.  The system will enter the date.
All warehouses and location will be listed for the internal part pulled forward for a count, with the exception of quantities that are in WO-WIP, these quantities are not included in the Physical Inventory.  At this time user may move parts from one warehouse/location to another if needed by entering the count that resides in that location/warehouse.   User are not allowed to add new items to the PI inventory listing, due to the fact that the count could phycially already be in process. If we allow you to keep adding and deleteing records from the count it might cause issues for what is already in process.
Also, ManEx does not allow user to edit a lot code for inventory items once they have been accepted into the system. ManEx does not allow you to change the Lot Code information anywhere within the system once received. Once in the system we have to maintain that lot code with those records through out the system, to have good Lot Control.
Depress the Save action button.

The screen would appear as follows: