Supplier & Contract Part List Tab

Supplier & Contract Part List Field Definitions 


The Name of the Supplier with which the contract exists. 

This button will be displayed in RED if there are notes regarding the contract.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part.

Rev The revision number applicable to the part Number. 
Part Class

The classification to which the part is assigned.

Part Type

The type within the classification to which the part is assigned. 


The description of the part.


A check in the box indicates that the supplier is considered “Primary” and will be the first supplier consider for this part.


This column is for notes regarding the Part Number.

Contract Number

The number of the contract.

Quote Number

The number of the quotation that the supplier made.

Start Date

The beginning of the contract period.

Expiration Date

The ending of the contract period.

Quantity Limit

The top limit on each In-Store purchase.


The unit of measure for the part.