1. Supplier Contract Management (OPTIONAL Module)

1.1. Prerequisites for Supplier Contract Mgmt

ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks. For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase.  If user purchase's the Optional module -In-Plant Store (IPS) they will also receive the Supplier Contract Management module. These two modules go together. To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com"contactus.aspx

Prerequisites for Entering a Supplier Contract:

After activation, "Contract Purchase Management" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.


Supplier must be added in Supplier Information

Inventory Part

Part MUST exist in Inventory Control Management

1.2. Introduction for Supplier Contract Mgmt

Supplier Contract Management is for recording the contract with the supplier for In-Store items.


IPS inventory is received via Inventory Handling or IPS Upload.   The IPS module is to keep inventory as Supplier owned but is recognized as being available for consumption by MRP and kitting.  When it is consumed by kitting or transfer, a Purchase Order is automatically generated to reimburse the Supplier for the material.
There are three uses for the IPS module: supplier owned but stored on-site, customer owned and stored on-site, and internally owned but obsolete parts that the user does not want to affect the books.  In any of these situations a supplier must be established (this means that the customer must also be a supplier and the user must be a supplier if they have obsolete inventory in the IPS location).


         Tracking In-Store processing through MANEX:


·         Add the Supplier in the Supplier Information Module.

·         Set up an In-Store Warehouse and the applicable G/L number in System Setup/Warehouse Setup module.

·         Add the in-stores item into the Item Master in the Inventory Control Mgmt module and create an In-Store Warehouse.

·         Move the materials into the warehouse using the Inventory Handling module.

·         Add the In-Store Contract in the Supplier Contract Mgmt module.

·         Pull a kit (only a kit shortage gets a P.O.)  within the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt module.

·         Add a Purchase Order and select In-Stores  within the PO Mgmt module. 

1.3. Fields & Definitions for Supplier Contract Mgmt
1.3.1. Supplier & Contract Part List Tab

Supplier & Contract Part List Field Definitions 


The Name of the Supplier with which the contract exists. 

This button will be displayed in RED if there are notes regarding the contract.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part.

Rev The revision number applicable to the part Number. 
Part Class

The classification to which the part is assigned.

Part Type

The type within the classification to which the part is assigned. 


The description of the part.


A check in the box indicates that the supplier is considered “Primary” and will be the first supplier consider for this part.


This column is for notes regarding the Part Number.

Contract Number

The number of the contract.

Quote Number

The number of the quotation that the supplier made.

Start Date

The beginning of the contract period.

Expiration Date

The ending of the contract period.

Quantity Limit

The top limit on each In-Store purchase.


The unit of measure for the part.


1.3.2. Manufacturer & Price List Tab

Manufacturer & Price List Tab Field Definitions

For the Part Number highlighted in the Supplier & Contract Part List tab:

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part.


The revision number applicable to the part Number.

Part Class

The classification to which the part is assigned.

Part Type

The type within the classification to which the part is assigned.


The description of the part.


Add/Delete Manufacturer (Buttons) These buttons are used to add or delete manufacturers 

The name of the manufacturer.

Manufacturer’s Part Number

The number the manufacturer has assigned to the part.


Add/Delete Price (Buttons) These buttons are used to add or delete quantity price breaks.  
Quantity Break
This is the point where the user wants to stop using the price listed and have the system use the next price listed.  For Example if you have the following price breaks setup as in the screen above:  
100  @  $2.685;   This price will be used for qty's 1-100
300  @  $2.50;     This price will be used for qty's 101-300
1,000  @  $2.00;  This price will be used for qty's 301- and UP

If you have only one price break setup for example;     1 @  $5.65  this price will be used for qty's of 1 and UP. 
Price Each The price for one unit at the quantity indicated on the left.

1.3.3. Contract Part & Supplier List Tab

Contract Part & Supplier List Tab Field Definitions

Part Number List:

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the part.


The revision number applicable to the part Number.

Part Class

The classification to which the part is assigned.

Part Type

The type within the classification to which the part is assigned.

Description The description of the part.

If the user has the multi-plant version, the division number will display here.


For the part highlighted on the left, the Supplier(s) of that part will display.  The primary or “First Choice” supplier will have a check mark in the Prim column, as illustrated above. 

1.4. How To .... for Supplier Contract Mgmt
1.4.1. Find an In-Store Supplier Contract

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password


The following screen will be displayed, enter the Material Planning/Purchase Setup/Supplier Contract Management Module 


The following screen will appear:

To find an existing contract, depress the Find action button.

The selection screen to the right will appear: 
To find by Contract Number, Supplier, or Part Number user must enter the number in the Red Box.
If you select ALL, the selection screen to the right will appear: 
User can either enter the Contract number in the Red box, or highlight the selected record and double click on the highlighted record. 

After the Find selection is completed, all the Contracts for the Selected Supplier are displayed on screen. 


1.4.2. Add a New In-Store Supplier Contract

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Material Planning/Purchase Setup/Supplier Contract Management 


The following screen will be displayed:

To add a new In-Store Supplier Contract, depress the Add action button while in the Supplier & Part List tab.

Enter the password.  The selection screen to the right will appear:   

If you select All, the selection screen to the right will appear:

Enter the Supplier or Supplier ID into the red box or highlight and double click. 


Once the Supplier is selected, a list of parts will appear:

Enter the applicable Part Number into the red box or highlight your selection and double click.

The part number selected will populate the screen, as displayed below:


If you want to add a note regarding the supplier contract, depress the Supplier Contract Note button. Depress the Edit button. Enter in the note.  Depress the Save button.  Depress the Exit button.

If you want to add a note regarding the Part Number, click on the Note column. Depress the Edit button. Enter in the note.  Depress the Save button.  Depress the Exit button.

Enter in a Contract number, a Supplier’s Quote number, and a start date for the contract.  Today’s date will default, but you can override it.  Enter in an expiration date.  Enter in a quantity limit (the highest quantity which can be purchased).

Depress the Manufacturer & Price list tab.  The following screen will appear:


Note that the Manufacturer and Manufacturer’s Part Number per the Inventory Master have populated the left hand of the screen. 

If there are Manufacturer's listed in the Inventory Control module that are NOT being displayed on the Mfgr & Price List tab, user may depress this button and a list of manufacturer(s) listed in the Inventory Control module that are NOT being displayed in the Mfgr & Price List tab, will be displayed and user at this time may add them by double clicking on them.

If there are no Manufacturer's listed in the Inventory Control module other than the ones listed on screen the following message will appear:

If user would like to Delete a Mfgr from the Mfgr list, highlight the Mfgr and depress this button, the following message will appear:

Depress "Yes" to continue the deletion process or "No" to cancel the deleting process.
While the Manufacturer is highlighted, depress the Add Price button on the right hand side of the screen. Enter a quantity break and the Price Each for that quantity. Continue depressing the Add Price button on the right hand side of the screen, entering a quantity break and the Price Each for that quantity until ALL of the Pricing breaks under the contract are entered.
If user would like to Delete a price, highlight the record and depress this button, and the following message will appear:
Depress "Yes" to continue the deletion process or "No" to cancel the deleting process.

To apply Price Breaks to other Mfgr, user has the option to apply them individually or deperss this button   
If user elects to Depress the "Apply Price Break to Other Mfgrs"  the following screen will appear:
Select the Mfgr(s) and depress OK to continue or Cancel to abort screen.
Depress the Save record action button. 

NOTE:  Users MUST enter Qauntity Break and Price Each for every manufacturer listed or they will receive the following message and will unable to Save the record until ALL Quantities and Pricing breaks have been entered for the part highlighted.

Depress the Contract Part & Supplier List tab:

Note that the Part Number you selected in the Supplier & Contract Part List tab is listed in the Part Number list.  Highlight that Part Number.  The primary supplier for that part will display, as illustrated above.
1.4.3. Edit an In-Store Supplier Contract

Find the Supplier contract you wish to Edit.

Depress the Edit action button.  Type in the password. You’ll be able to add a Contract Note, change the Contract Number, Quote Number, Start Date, Expiration Date, Quantity Limit, Quantity Break and Price Each.

Depress the Save action button to save your changes, or depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes.