1. FAQ - Inventory Cycle Count
1.1. How can I clear out a Cycle Count that was started in error?

For Example, a user has begun the Cycle Count process by pulling items fwd into the module for counting by accident, but for what ever reason, you do not wish to continue on with the reconciliation process of the count.  But now those parts are locked in a count and will not be editable throughout the system (Kitting, PO Receiving, Inventory Handling, etc. . . )  If the part is locked in a count you will see messages similar to the below throughout the system.



If you wish to Purge the Cycle Count out of the system you can run the below procedure and any record that has not had a count entered into the Cycle Count module will be cleared.


Please be sure to follow the procedure below to install this program.  It is highly recommended that you follow this procedure on your TEST system first before applying it against your Live ManEx System.



1.)                 Create a Backup of your Live ManEx System

2.)                 Extract << purgecc9.exe>> into the ManEx Root Directory

3.)                 Run the Executable

4.)                 Verify the Results

5.)                 Remove << purgecc9.exe>> from the ManEx Root Directory


Once satisfied with the results in your test system, you may proceed with your Live ManEx System.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


1.2. Why are some ABC type parts no longer being included in the Cycle Count?
QWhy are some ABC type parts no longer being included in the Cycle Count?
A.   Check your calendar date to be sure it is extended out far enough for the program to find the date in the calendar.
For ExampleIf the System Admin Calendar setup ends 12/31/2008, and the Cycle count day for "B" type is 180 days, and the cycle count is ran on 10/25/2008 the date would be 1/25/2009, the program will not find 1/25/2009 in calendar, so the "B" type parts are not included in the cycle count.  Once the System Admin Calendar is reset to end 12/31/2009 and the Cycle Count is re-ran then the "B" items are included in the Cycle Count.