1. Fields & Definitions for SQC
1.1. Defect Data Collection
1.2. View Chart Tab
See Article #5115  for more detail on each individual Chart Listed at the Top.  Once you have selected the type of graph you wish to view the graph will be displayed in the window below the selection.  
1.3. Template Selection/Setup Tab
Template Selection Setup

This is the first screen to be used in the module. In this screen, STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL graphics are created by selecting parameters to be considered in the graph.

This screen operates differently than all other ManEx screens. When bringing up the SQC module, the user is first presented with a template screen from which to choose parameters to be included in the information displayed. 

When the user enters the system, he/she may select how they want to start the process of selection.  Click on the Customer, Part Number or Work Order radial.

1.4. Template Detail Tab
Template Detail Tab
Date Range Enter the Date Range, From and To.  Mark the Radial for the view by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
User Defined Limits for DPM Chart

Central Line

lnCentralLine=lnTotalDef/lnTotalComp, where lnTotalDef is sum of all defect quantities * 1000000 and lnTotalComp is sum of inspected quantities*Parts Per Unit (entered in the routing module)

At this time system will decide if it can use average group size or not. If the size group varies more tan 15% the system will use variance Upper and Lowercontrol limit.   If average group size could be used the average group size gets calculated by taking lnAvrgSubgrSize=lnTotalComp divided by number of groups and rounded to the nearest integer.

Calculation for the Upper Control Line


Calculation for the Lower Control Line

lnLowerLine = ROUND(lnCentrLine -((3*(SQRT(lnCentrLine*(1000000-lnCentrLine))))/SQRT(lnAvrgSubgrSize)),3)

lnLowerLine = IIF(lnLowerLine<0,0,lnLowerLine) 

User Defined Limits for pChart

The formula for the Central line (Red) is:   p = Total Number Failed (divided by) Total Number Inspected  

Upper Control Limit (UCL) = p + 3 (divided by) p (1-p) divided by n

Lower Control Limit (LCL) = p - 3 (divided by) p(1-p)  divided by n (or 0, whichever is greater)

n = number inspected (sample size)

User Defined Goal for the Yield Chart "Yield" =  Total number of units handled correctly through the process step(s). This is usually measured in a percentage.  The results being displayed in the "Yeild Chart" is the ratio of summed inspected qty and summed passed qty, grouped by date (user can select WO number, defect code to be filtered).