Fields & Definitions for the General Journal Entry

General Journal Entries field definitions

Date  This is the transaction date of the entry

This is the period for the posting.


This is the fiscal year for the posting. 

Type  This is the type of entry, manual, recurring or automatic 

This is the status of the entry New, Posted, Unapproved or Approved.

JE No 

This is the number assigned to the entry.


This field indicates whether the Journal entry is to be reversed in a future period.

Rev Period/Fy

If the entry is to reverse, these fields display the period and fiscal year of the reversal. 

Approved By 

These fields display the initials of the approver and the date approved. 

G/L Account

This is the account number. 

 Account Title

This is the title of the general ledger account.


This is the amount of the debit or credit to the account number. 

Remaining Balance 

This is the “out of balance” condition if the amount is other than 0.00. 

Depress this button to Approve a Journal Entry
Depress this button to General  Recurring Journal Entries 

The Journal Number is generated by the system for reference purposes and is reflected in a number of reports including the "Posted Transaction Reports" and the "Detail General Ledger (cross-tabbed) Report".