Reports - Kitting & Shortage

To obtain the Kit Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.

Note: In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.

Select the Report Type:  KIT - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for KIT

To obtain the Kit reports, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. 

The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop:  

Highlight the desired report and then depress the OK button  


Kit Material Availability W/AVL Detail report

The following screen will be displayed if there is NOT a Work Order open on screen.  (Note: If there is a Work Order open on screen this screen will be by passed and the report for the Work Order open on screen will be printed).   Enter a Work Order Number.  Select to Ignore any of the Scrap.   If you wish to NOT ignore any of the scraps, then leave single quotes ' ' as default.   (Default is from Kit Default Setup within System Setup).

NOTE:  If the Kit is in Process the results of the report will always show the same as what is displaying on the Main Kit screen. Regardless as to what the user selects for the Ignore Scrap parameter..

If the Kit is NOT in process yet, it should follow the below:

 First run should take what the Kit Default is set to (ignore or not to ignore at kitting).   If the user refreshes that report and then selects ignore Both . . . then it should ignore both.   If the user refreshes and selects Ignore Scrap . . . then it should only ignore the Run Scrap (%).   If the user refreshes and select Ignore Setup Scrap . . then it should only ignore the setup Scrap.  Select 'No' and it should include both of the scraps. 

Depress the OK button.

If users select to run the kit availability report for a closed kit, the KitStatus field will display in RED if = 'KIT CLOSED'.  It will also display if the kit status = 'REWORK', otherwise it will not display
This report will check the Kitting Default setup and display the AVL's based off of the default setup to show All Manufacturers or Show only Approved Manufacturers.
Phantom Parents will be indicated on the report with 'Phantom:' next to it.  
The following report will be displayed: 

Kit Pick List Work Sheet report

The following screen will be displayed if there is NOT a Work Order open on screen.   (Note: If there is a Work Order open on screen this screen will be by passed and the report for the Work Order open on screen will be printed).  Enter a Work Order Number, Dept ID or leave as default.

Select the Scrap option, Suppress Not Used in Kit Items option, and the Suppress Locations with 0 qty option.  (Note:  if no options are selected the "Use System Default"  from the Kit Default Setup and General Inventory Setup within the System Setup will be used.

NOTE:  If user wishes to change view these options or change them for a specific report being printed, they must first bring the report to screen then select the refresh button

and the options will be displayed.

Depress the OK button.

The following screen will be displayed if there is a Work Order open on screen
The options to Ignore Scrap or not, Suppress Not Used in Kit Items and Suppress Locations with 0 qty will be defaulted from the Kit Default Setup and General Inventory Setup within the System Setup will be used.

Depress the OK button and the report will be printed for the Work Order open on Screen.

NOTE: If user wishes to change view these options or change them for a specific report being printed, they must first bring the report to screen then select the refresh button and the options will be displayed or they may select "Cancel" then the refresh button and the options will be displayed. 


The following report will be displayed:

Part Labels 

Highlighting the Part Labels brings up the Detail of printer that needs to be used to print the labels.

Depress the OK button. 

The following screen will be displayed if there is NOT a Work Order open on screen.  (Note: If there is a Work Order open on screen this screen will be by passed and the report for the Work Order open on screen will be printed).   Enter a Work Order Number and Depress OK.

The labels printed will appear like this:

Box Labels (Not Completed in SQL)

Highlighting the Box Labels brings up a selection of printers to be used. Highlight the printer and depress the option tab.


The following screen will appear:

Select the appropriate radio on the right hand side of the screen: Customer, Product, or Work Order. Select the Customer from the drop down list. Select the Work Order from the drop down list. Depress go and the items that require labels for that work order number will appear in the bottom section of the screen.

Depress go and the items that require labels for that work order number will appear in the bottom section of the screen

Type in the qty of labels required and depress OK.



 The labels printed will appear like this  

Kit Traveler by WC report (Not Completed in SQL)

Select the appropriate radio on the right hand side of the screen: Customer, Product, or Work Order. Select the Customer from the drop down list. Select the Work Order from the drop down list. Depress the OK button.


The following report will be displayed:


Over Issued Material report

Select Inventory type: Internal or Consign.
Enter Customer:  This entry only applies when Consigned is selected as a Type.  Entry must be within Single Quotes.  If All Customers are desired leave '*' Defaulted. 

Depress the OK button.


The following report will be displayed:

Work Order Kit & Shortage Issued Material History (Not Completed in SQL)

Select the appropriate radio on the right hand side of the screen: Customer, Product, or Work Order. Select the Customer from the drop down list. Work Order from the drop down list. Depress the OK button.
This report will also give you Lot Code and Serial Number History for parts used on Work Orders. 
The leading zero's for serial numbers will be removed from report.

The following report will be displayed:


Customer Consigned Shortage Summary report (Not Completed in SQL)

Highlighting Customer Consigned Shortage Summary report brings up a detail screen:

Highlight By Work Order or By Part No. Depress the option tab.


The following screen will appear:

Select the Customers by highlighting and depress the > button. If you want all customers depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button. 





The following report will be displayed:


Purchased Part Shortage Summary report -

NOTEThe kit has to be in process in order for the parts to show as a shortage on the Report

Highlighting Purchased Part Shortage Summary report brings up a detail screen:

Highlight By Part No. or By Work Order Due Date


Depress the OK button. 
NOTEThis report will ONLY display the actual scheduled qty’s on the PO NOT the ordered qty on the PO.  It will also, ONLY display the next due PO info. it will not display all the Open POs.  (View the PO Detail Report to get the detail PO info)

·         The report  will suppress the line if the warehouse = 'WO-WIP' and AvailQty = 0.00.



The following report will be displayed:

Work Order Shortage report or Work Order Detail Shortage report
NOTEThe kit has to be in process in order for the parts to show as a shortage on the Report

The following screen will be displayed if there is NOT a Work Order open on screen. (Note: If there is a Work Order open on screen this screen will be by passed and the report for the Work Order open on screen will be printed).

Enter a Work Order Number, Select to Ignore Scrap, Ignore Setup Scrap, or Ignore Both Scraps, (if you wish to NOT ignore any of the scraps, then leave single quotes' ' as default).
Once you have made your selection depress "GO"
The report will display "LS" = Line Shortages and "MS" = Misc Line Shortages.  This will be displayed in Red on the left of the part number as displayed in the example below.
The Work Order Status and the Kit Status will be displayed on the report header, since both the WO and Kit could be closed with shortages and information still being displayed on this report. 



The following report will be displayed:

Buildable report or Buildable Report with Top Three Shortages (Not Completed in SQL)

Select the Customers by highlighting and depress the > button. If you want customers depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button.

NOTE:  Buildable column will display KNS (Kit not started), or KIP (Kit in Process) until the Kit Complete checkbox is checked in the Kitting module.  At this time the Work Order will be listed on the Buildable reports, and the buildable qty will properly display the correct qty based on any shortages.  

The Buildable reports are intended  to be used during the Scheduling meeting for Production scheduling only.  


The following report will be displayed:


Kits to be Closed 

For the Kits to close selection, select the desired Sort by: Last Complete Date; Work Order; Product Number; Customer:

Depress the OK button.


The Estimated Manufacturing Variance being displayed on this report is  calculated by taking the sum of the components (including all overissues (including line shortages)) issued to the work order at their standard cost at the time of the kit close and comparing it to the costed BOM at the time of the kit closing.    Note:  The user will still have the option to disposition the shortages and overages at the time the kit is closed.  
The Kitted BOM Cost calculations is based off the WO Due date and compares that to the EFF/OB dates on the BOM.  So users need to be very careful with the WO Due Dates and make sure that they stay current along with the EFF/OB dates on the BOM.   

The following report will be displayed:


Purchase Part Shortages by Work Order report 
NOTEThe kit has to be in process in order for the parts to show as a shortage on the Report

If there is a Work Order open on screen the values screen will display only asking if you want to Suppress items with no shortages.  Once user depresses the OK button the report displayed will be for the Work Order open on screen. 

If there is NOT a Work Order open on screen the values screen will display asking user to enter in a Work Order Number, and if you want to Suppress items with no shortages.  Once a Work Order number has been entered user must d
epress the OK button.
This report will display all the Open POs (displayed in Yellow box below) for the parts with shortages per Work Order, displays all shortages including Consigned and Make parts along with the Purchase parts and On-Hand Quantity.  The "Not Available" qty displays what the on-hand qty will be once all open PO's are received, and Kit Shortages fulfilled.   
The following report will be displayed:   The "Shortage"   will be the total from Kit Shortages, etc;  the "OH Balance"   will be Available Inventory, and the "Not Available"  displays what the Balance or on-hand qty will be once the Purchase Order has been received, and Kit Shortages fulfilled.  (Multiple of 200 minus shortage of 100 and OH balance of 25 equals a balance of 125).  The report is assuming a head of time that the users will order the minimum/multiple buy qty's setup in the MRP info setup on that part.        

As Built Kit History form (Not Completed in SQL)

Select the appropriate radio on the right hand side of the screen: Customer, Product, or Work Order. Select the Customer from the drop down list. Select the Work Order from the drop down list.

Depress the OK button.



The following report will be displayed: