1. Accounts Receivable Offsets

1.1. Prerequisites for A/R Offsets

Users MUST have full rights to the "AR Offsets, Write-offs & CM" in Accounting Security .   Users with “Accounting Security Supervisor” rights will automatically have access.
1.2. Introduction for A/R Offsets
The accounts receivable offsets section provides for application of outstanding CREDITS and PREPAYMENTS against open invoices.

An A/R offset will NOT create a transaction in the GL.  The offset itself has NO impact on the general ledger. It shifts the funds according to the way that the Credit memo and Receivable were established. See attached spreadsheet, each transaction involved from shipping and invoicing through credit memo and offset to check deposit are tracked.
1.3. Fields & Definitions for the A/R Offsets


Accounts Receivable Offsets - Field Definitions

Customer Name

The name of the customer for which the user desires A/R Offsets. 

Offset Date

The system defaults to today’s date but the user may override.

If lit in red, there are notes regarding the offset reason.

Invoice No

This column lists all unpaid invoices and all unapplied credit memos or pre-payments

Inv Date

This column displays the date of the invoice, credit memo or prepayment listed.

Balance Amount

This is the current unpaid invoice balance, or unapplied portion of credit memo or pre-payment.


 User may assign a Group Number within this field

+ Amount

This is the amount to be added to the unpaid invoice balance or unapplied credit memo or pre-payment.

- Amount

This is the amount to be subtracted from the unpaid invoice balance or unapplied credit memo or pre-payment

New Balance Amount

This is the new balance after the Balance Amount has been added to or subtracted from. 


The totals are the sum of all of the individual Balance Amounts, + Amounts, - Amounts and New Balance Amt columns. 

1.4. How To ...... for A/R Offsets
1.4.1. Add A/R Offsets

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Accounting/Accounts Receivable/A/R Offsets 


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Add record action icon, user will be prompt for a password, after entering their password, the module will become editable.  

Select a Customer from the pull down list.  

Once the desired Customer to Offset is selected, the receivable records are displayed.


The user may then use the +Amount and -Amount columns to Offset payments against invoice, as illustrated.

Only when the total amounts of the additions and subtractions are equal does the save button become enabled.

After verifying the correct application of offsets, the user may save the information. 

On saving the information, the user will be prompted to enter a reason note for the Offset.


Depress the Reason button on screen.  Then depress the Edit button, enter the reason, depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.  You’ll be returned to the prior Offset screen.  Depress the Save record action button or the Abandon changes action button.