Introduction for BOM & AVL
The Integrated Bill of Material and AVL Module allows the user to create, modify, copy, inactivate or delete Bills of Material (BOM’s).BOM’s are the master documents that define what material goes into a product. Item numbers (Product, assembly, subassembly or component) used in BOM’s link the BOM’s to the data that is entered and maintained in the Inventory Control Management- Item Master and Quantity Info screens.  Most of the basic data fields (class, type, description, revision, unit of measure, warehouse and order policy) remain the same whenever an item is used in a BOM.  Only the data fields that are maintained in the BOM Module, such as the reference designators, kit-to Work Center and quantity per assembly may be changed from one BOM to the next.BOM’s are used to kit components and subassemblies for Work Orders and to drive demand for Material Requirements Planning.
See Article #2560 to view how Inventory, BOM's and AVL's are connected within the ManEx system.
NOTE:   If users choose to use effective and obsolete dates in place of proper revision control, you must be absolutely certain that they do not take effect at any point after production begins and before the WO is closed. If this isn't properly managed, you will get the variances.  While some may be minor and positive variances may partially offset negative variances, you CANNOT rely on this and you WILL have discrepancies.

The best approach is to always roll the revision when there is a change to an assembly that will affect the value in any way. This becomes even more important if you have WOs open long after the due date and it has had additional changes to the configuration.  See Article #5055 for further details.

Indented Bill of Material: The Top-down breakdown of the structure of a product. In an indented BOM listing, every subassembly and component is indented one level from the assembly or subassembly into which it goes.

Parent and Child Relationships in BOM’s: Each product “parent” has an indented list of “child” components and subassemblies that go into it. Each child item is indented under its parent and may in turn have child components indented under it.

Accepted Manufacturer List (AML): The AML is the list of manufacturer part numbers entered in the Inventory Control Mgt.- Quantity Info screen. A manufacturer must first be set up in the Inventory Control Mgt./ Part Manufacturer Setup before its approved part number can be added.

Accepted Vendor List (AVL): AVL’s show which manufacturers are approved or qualified for use for a particular customer’s product line or individual product. Only manufacturer part numbers that have been entered in the AML for a particular item can be selected or deleted from the AVL for a customer. A customer’s Approved Vendor List of manufacturers for each internal part is maintained in that customer’s Consigned Inventory record for that part.

Consigned Inventory AVL Record: When a Customer part number is assigned in the Inventory Control Mgt.- Customer Reference screen, a Consigned Inventory Record is generated for that item and customer. The Quantity Info screen for the Consigned Customer part number is where the Customer’s AVL is maintained.
Q.  Do I have to go into the Inventory Control Management module and assign a customer to the part number?   A.  Only if the user wants the cross-reference to the customer part number to show for internal parts on the BOM. This field will show up if a BOM Assembly is attached to a specific customer.

Anti-AVL: Normally the AVL for each customer applies to all of their product BOM’s. However, if a customer wishes to disqualify a manufacturer from use in one particular BOM, removing a check-mark from the Anti-AVL field may be used to keep the otherwise approved manufacturer from being used on specific BOM’s.

Generic and Manufacturer Preferences: A Generic (Genr) manufacturer means that any manufacturer’s part can be used.Generic is generated by the system as the default manufacturer if no other is specified. If specific manufacturers are listed for a part, preferences for use in an Internal or in a Customer’s product may be entered. Preferences are entered in the Inventory Control Mgt.- Quantity Info screen as 1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, etc. next to the manufacturer.


Bills of Material serves many functions in the manufacturing environment. They are central to all manufacturing operations and are used for everything from product specification to quotation document. BOM’s are key to material requirements planning, kit organization, product structure, and configuration control.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP): The BOM is the master plan for building product. An indented BOM from the product top level down to the lowest level component provides the entire material picture for a product. Its quantity and manufacturer preferences are used to kit materials for production to assemble. Its linkage to Item Master Purchase and Production Lead Times and Work Center offsets are used by the MRP to determine which parts to purchase or make and when to provide them. By listing multiple manufacturers and alternate part numbers, the BOM can be used to manage work order shortages.

Kitting by Work Center: Selection of a Work Center for each BOM Line Item causes that item to be kitted with other parts for that Work Center. Grouping of the parts needed for the first Work Center helps determine when to start a work order and eliminates the need for sorting out needed parts at each Work Center. Also if parts are not kitted until needed for later work centers, they need not be purchased or made until closer to the time they are actually needed.

Production Offset: This time difference between the start of the kit for the first Work Center and the kitting for the Work Center where the part is needed is called Production Offset and can be entered for each line item in the BOM. For example, mechanical parts and chassis parts may not be needed until the work order reaches the final assembly work center. By identifying those parts as Final Assembly parts and entering “x” number of days of Production Offset, the parts will not be scheduled for delivery by the MRP nor need they be kitted for “x” days later than the rest of the Work Order. An entry in this field will displace the due date required by the amount of offset established in the BOM. If the user wanted a part or assembly to be ready on the third week of an order that took 4 weeks, then the user would enter a 3 week offset, and the MRP module would suggest ordering the parts three weeks later than otherwise. Please refer to the Material Requirements Planning Management manual.

Engineering Change Control: BOM’s are unique by their revision number and as such are used to control changes to the structure or components in a product. By creating a new Revision level of the BOM with an Effective Date the next day after the Obsolete Date for the old BOM Revision, the user can drive changes in material requirements, kitting and work orders. Or if the new BOM Revision level is to co-exist with the down-rev. Revision, the new BOM is just activated without obsoleting the old BOM. With BOM Revision control, several revisions may exist with different definitions for each. BOM Notes may be used to record Engineering Changes for tracking purposes in the absence of a formal ECO system or documentation.

Reference Designators: Unique reference or insertion designations can be assigned in the BOM as guides for placement, assembly, repair or data recording for Statistical Quality Control (SQC).
Note:  If the Leveling of Make items is in process then the users will not be able to Add/Edit a BOM, even if the user is already in modification mode of the BOM, the user will not be allowed to save the changes until the leveling process is complete.  This is due to the fact that the affected records in leveling of Make Parts is large and complex, the saving time to commit the whole changes to inventory tables does take a large amount of time, so we do not want users making modifications to the BOM when the process is still leveling, so we have added a flag that the users will see within the BOM module.