1. Accounts Payable Offset

1.1. Prerequisites for A/P Offset

Users MUST have full rights to the "AP Offsets and Debit Memos" in Accounting Security .   Users with “Accounting Security Supervisor” rights will automatically have access.

Invoices MUST be Released and Posted before they will be displayed in the AP Offset Module.
1.2. Introduction for A/P Offset

The Accounts Payable Offset section allows the user to apply an open debit memo and/or prepayments against an invoice, or to debit and credit several invoices to change the amounts due per invoice.

1.3. Fields & Definitions for A/P Offset


Supplier Supplier Name
Current Date Current Date
Transaction Date Date of Transaction

Depress this button to a note to an  AP Offset.  This note will be printed on the AP Offset Report.  Note:  This note will NOT appear on screen.

Invoice Date Date the Invoice was created.
Invoice Number Invoice Number
Invoice Amount Total Amount of Invoice
Balance Due Balance due on Invoice
Reference No Reference number assinged to Invoice
Type Type of Transaction


A Group letter will be defaulted in when creating an AP Offset
Offset amount that will be added to the Invoice balance due 
Offset amount that will be subtracted from the Invoice balance due
New Balance The New Balance after the offset amount adjustment
The totals of the Balance Due and New Balances must equal and the totals of the -Amounts & +Amounts much match to save an AP offset.
1.4. How To .... for A/P Offset
1.4.1. Add an AP Offset


Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Accounting/Accounts Payable/AP/Offset  

The following screen will be displayed:

To add a new AP Offset, depress the Add button.  Enter in your password, select the desired Supplier from the pull down.

NOTE:  Only the items currently existing in the A/P Aging with a status other than "Editable" and "Deleted"  will be displayed.   Invoices MUST be Released and Posted before they will be displayed in the AP Offset Module.

To offset, select the applicable invoice.  Enter in any amount you want subtracted to the invoice in the - Amount column.  Enter an equal amount in the + Amount column that you want subtracted from a Debit Memo.  Continue this until the totals appearing at the bottom of the screen equal the same amounts for both the + and – Amounts columns, as illustrated below:

User can at this time add an Item Note to the AP Offset and this note will only appear on the AP Offset Report.
Depress the Save action button.  The A/P Aging will adjust accordingly.