Introduction for PO DMR

Discrepant Material Return is used to return material which is different than what was ordered, received late, over shipment, damaged, etc.


There are two ways to return discrepant materials.


1.                    The discrepancy is discovered in PO Inspection/Acceptance Receiving and rejected there.

2.                    The discrepancy is discovered after the Inventory has been placed into stock.  This module allows for review by the Materials Review Board.  Then, if not acceptable, the material may be returned to the supplier.  Once the DMR (discrepant material return) is created, information regarding the return is forwarded into Accounting where a Debit Memo and the accompanying accounting journal entry is created.


Once the Discrepant Material is added, the user may print out a DMR (discrepant material return) Packing List.


In Defect Code Entry we allow users to move product into FGI, when a part is transferred to FGI, the program will compare the total cost of components with the "material cost" of the assembly, then create the configuration variance. In addition to that, the system will create additional 4 records for "Labor", "Overhead", "Other Costs" and "User Defined" costs.