1. Fields & Definitions for PO DMR
1.1. Return Items Tab

Fields & Definitions

Supplier The name of the supplier
PO Number The number of the Purchase Order.
CO The Change Order pertaining to the Purchase Order
Receiver # The number of the Purchase Order Receiver
Packing List # The number the supplier assigned to the Packing list
Item The number of the line item per the Purchase Order.
Part Number The user assigned number for the part being returned
Rev The revision of the part number, if applicable.
Class The classification of the part number returned.
Type The type within the classification.
Description The description of the part number
Manufacturer The name of the part manufacturer
Mfgr part Number The number assigned to the part by the manufacturer
DMR # The number assigned to the DMR.
DMR Date This is the date the DMR was created.
RMA # The number the Supplier provided for the Return Material Authorization.
RMA Date The date of the Supplier’s Return Material Authorization
Return Quantity The number of units returned to the supplier. See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.
DMR Confirm By The name of the user who authorized the DMR.
DMR Created so far Previous DMR's Created

Return Items tab field definitions


Part Number Original Warehouse


Part Number Original Location

 Accpt Qty

Qty after returns processed

 PO Rejected

PO number that qty was rejected against

 Return Qty

The quantity of material returned


The quantity balance

 Due Date

The date to expect the replacements

 Distribute to

A special person or department to deliver the parts to


A person or department requesting the DMR

Lot Code The lot code as assigned in PO Receiving module.
Accpt Lot Qty The total quantity of the lot
PO Rejected

PO number that qty was rejected against

Returned Qty

The quantity of material returned 

Exp Date The expiration date assigned to the lot
Reference The reference number assigned to the lot 

Lot Code  The lot code as assigned in PO Receiving module.
Quantity The balance left after all returns.
Reference The reference number assigned to the lot 
Exp Date The expiration date assigned to the lot

Serial Number  The serial numbers being returned
Return The quantity of material being returned 

1.2. Packing List Tab

Field & Definitions

 Supplier The name of the supplier
 DMR Packing List The Packing List number the user has assigned to the material return.
 Ship to The address where the return will be shipped.
 Remit To The address for the receipt of the Debit Memo, if applicable.
 Attention The supplier representative to whom the Purchase Order was sent.
 Ship Via The name of the carrier for the returned material.
 Ship Charge The mode of the charge of the shipping for the return
 FOB The point where title of the returned goods passes.
 Terms The payment terms offered by the supplier
 Waybill The carrier’s waybill number pertaining to the material return.

1.3. View DMR Tab

 DMR #  The number assigned to the DMR.
 RMA #  The number the Supplier provided for the Return Material Authorization.
 RMA Date  The date of the Supplier’s Return Material Authorization
 DMR Packing List  This is the alphanumeric packing list identifier
 DMR Date  This is the date the DMR was created.
 Return Quantity  The number of units returned to the supplier.
 DMR Confirm By  The name of the user who authorized the DMR.
 PO Number  The number of the Purchase Order.
 CO  The Change Order pertaining to the Purchase Order
 Receiver #  The number of the Purchase Order Receiver
 Packing List #  The number the supplier assigned to the Packing list
 Item  The number of the line item per the Purchase Order.
 Class  The classification of the part number returned.
 Type  The type within the classification.
 Part Number  The user assigned number for the part being returned
 Rev  The revision of the part number, if applicable.
 Manufacturer  The name of the part manufacturer
 Mfgr part Number  The number assigned to the part by the manufacturer
 Description  The description of the part number
 Supplier  The name of the supplier
 Ship to  The address where the return will be shipped.
 Remit To   The address for the receipt of the Debit Memo, if applicable.
 Attention  The name of the supplier’s contact.
 Ship Via  The method of shipment for the return
 Ship Charge   The mode of the charge of the shipping for the return
 FOB  The point at which legal title passes.
 Terms  The payment terms offered by the supplier
 Waybill  The number of the shipper’s document