SYSTEM - How can I Pin my ManEx Shortcuts to the task Bar in Windows 7?
Q.    How can I Pin my ManEx Shortcuts to the task Bar in Windows 7?
A.     If you are using RDP,  you will need to pin the rdp shortcut.  Otherwise, you should create a shortcut to ManEx (like most users have on their desktop) then right click and pin that shortcut to the task menu or start bar.  This works just fine for some of our users.  If this does not work or you are NOT using RDP, try the following steps:  
  1. Pin a local app to the task bar (like Paint)
  2. Open %user proflie%/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Quick Launch/User Pinned/TaskBar
  3. Change the properties of the recently pinned application so the Target and Start in settings are for the mapped drive application
  4. Change the Icon

If the user follows these steps, they will be able to have a mapped network application pinned to the task bar.

The other option is to enable quick launch and put the shortcut in that folder.  I use both on my system.

This will show how to enable quick launch.