1. Rejecting Quantity in PO Receiving & Inspection
  1. Highlight the PO item number located in the middle section of the PO Receiving and Inspection screen.
  2. Type in the accepted quantity (if any).
  3. Place the cursor in the next box (rej qty) and type in the rejected quantity.
  4. Select a reject reason from the pull down in the top section of the screen.
  5. If lot coded type in the accepted qty and rejected qty in the lot code screen.
  6. If serial numbers are required check the serial numbers that have been rejected.
  7. Continue this process until all items are either accepted or rejected.

  8. Depress the Save button.   
  9. If all items on the Purchase Order have been received it will be marked "CLOSED". 
1.1. Rejecting Items if Accounting has Processed the Invoice
  1. If the Purchase Order has been processed through accounting:
    1. Transfer the discrepant material into the MRB (materials review board) warehouse via Inventory Handling.
    2. Enter the PO DMR module (discrepant material return).
    3. Add from Inventory. (This is called an INVENTORY DMR).
  2. If the user has already pulled the kit associated with the part to be returned to the supplier.
    1.  Enter the Kitting module.
    2. Find the work order.
    3. Depress the Utility tab and depress the De Kit button.  This process will return the part into the inventory warehouse. (Please refer to the Kitting & Shortage Mgmt module).
1.2. Rejecting Items if Accounting hasn't Processed the Invoice


After the user has accepted all of the items on a Closed Purchase Order and then subsequently it’s discovered that the material received is discrepant, do the following if Accounting hasn’t already processed the Supplier’s Invoice for payment:


  1. Enter the Purchase and Receiving Managment Module.
  2. Find the closed PO, using the Find a Purchase Order.
  3. Depress the Edit button.
  4. Type in your password.
  5. Highlight the discrepant Part Number Line Item in the top section of the screen.
  6. In the middle section of the screen, enter the revised accepted quantity, and the rejected quantity.
  7. Go back up to the top section of the screen and select a reject reason.
  8. If there is Lot Code Tracking involved, also adjust the Lot accepted quantity and rejected quantity, and check the serial numbers that have been rejected.
  9. Depress the Save button.