Check Register Tab

Depressing the Check Register tab will bring up the following screen:

Bank The name of the bank from which the checks will be written

Account No

The number that the bank has for this account.
Account Name The name that the bank has for this account.
Payee The name of the institution or business which will appear on the check.
Date Range The range of dates you want data displayed within
Check No Range The range of check numbers you want data displayed within
Check Status
Depress this button to display data based on selection
Depress this button to change selection
Bank The name of the bank from which the checks will be written
Account No The number that the bank has for this account.
Check No Check number 
Date Date of Check
Payee The name of the institution or business which will appear on the check.
Amount The total amount of the check issued.
Status Status of Check
View Dtl View Detail
Total Total of Check Amount