Batch Summary Tab


Batch Summary Field Definitions

Sch Date

This is the date that the user has selected for this batch to be paid.


The name of the bank from which the checks will be written.

Account Title

The G/L title for this bank.

Batch Description

The user assigned description pertaining to this batch.

Amount The total amount of the scheduled batch.
Curr Balance

The current balance in bank account 

Batch Detail Section: 

Due Date    The due date on the Invoice

The name of the supplier which is being paid.

Invoice No.

The Suppliers number assigned to the invoice.

Invoice Amt.

The total amount of the individual invoice.


The unpaid balance of the invoice.

Disc. Taken

The applicable early payment discount amount.

Pay Amount

The amount of the check payment for this specified invoice.

Batch Total The sum of all of the scheduled invoice payments for this batch.

A/P Due in Days Section:

Total A/P

The grand total of all of the open Accounts Payable per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P Current

The total of all invoices due today and later per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 1-30

The total of all invoices due yesterday and out 30 days per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 31-60

The total of all invoices due 31 days to 60 days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 61-90

The total of all invoices due 61 days to 90 days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 91-120

The total of all invoices due 91 days to 120 days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P Over 120

The total of all invoices due 120 days to infinity days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.