1. Fields & Definitions for Payment Scheduling
1.1. Batch Summary Tab


Batch Summary Field Definitions

Sch Date

This is the date that the user has selected for this batch to be paid.


The name of the bank from which the checks will be written.

Account Title

The G/L title for this bank.

Batch Description

The user assigned description pertaining to this batch.

Amount The total amount of the scheduled batch.
Curr Balance

The current balance in bank account 

Batch Detail Section: 

Due Date    The due date on the Invoice

The name of the supplier which is being paid.

Invoice No.

The Suppliers number assigned to the invoice.

Invoice Amt.

The total amount of the individual invoice.


The unpaid balance of the invoice.

Disc. Taken

The applicable early payment discount amount.

Pay Amount

The amount of the check payment for this specified invoice.

Batch Total The sum of all of the scheduled invoice payments for this batch.

A/P Due in Days Section:

Total A/P

The grand total of all of the open Accounts Payable per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P Current

The total of all invoices due today and later per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 1-30

The total of all invoices due yesterday and out 30 days per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 31-60

The total of all invoices due 31 days to 60 days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 61-90

The total of all invoices due 61 days to 90 days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P 91-120

The total of all invoices due 91 days to 120 days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

A/P Over 120

The total of all invoices due 120 days to infinity days ago per the Accounts Payable Aging module.

1.2. Batch Scheduling Tab
Clicking on the Batch Scheduling tab will bring up the following screen:


Field Definitions 

Bank Name

The name of the bank from which the checks will be written.  Only the Active Bank Accounts will be available in the pull down when processing new records.

Current Bank Balance The current bank balance of the Bank being displayed in the Bank Name.
Scheduled Date

This is the date that the user has selected for this batch to be paid.

Batch Description

The Batch description the user assigned to this batch.

Account Title

The G/L title for the bank being displayed in the Bank Name.

Account Number

The account number for the bank account selected.  

Items to Display Select the radio on how you would like the invoices to be displayed either by "Earn Discount by Date", "Due by Date" or "All Unpaid"
To Date Enter the date to have the invoices displayed to
Depress this button to have the invoices displayed
Use these buttons to check or uncheck all records
Set Cursor where to start to either check or uncheck the rest of the records and depress this button, the records will be checked or unchecked from this point on down.

If this box is checked, the invoice is included in the batch for payment. 

Disc Date

The date on which the early payment discount expires for terms such as 2 % 10, net 30. 

Due Date

Under the terms the supplier has for the user, the last possible payment date available before being considered delinquent.For example, if the terms are 2 % 10, net 30, the date appearing in this column would be 30 days from the invoice date without consideration for the early payment discount. 


The name of the supplier which is being paid.

Invoice No.

The Suppliers number assigned to the invoice.

Invoice Amt

The total amount of the individual invoice.


The unpaid balance of the invoice. 

Discount Amount

The applicable early payment discount amount. 

Pay Amount The amount of the check payment for this specified invoice
Inv Date The date the Invoice was created
Depress this button to add an item to a batch
Highlight the item and depress this button to delete an item from a batch
Total Amount Scheduled

The sum of all of the scheduled invoice payments for this batch.

To view the Invoice Date, scroll to the right.

If there are several invoices in the batch, the user may sort by invoice date by depressing the Invoice Date column header. 

1.3. Check Maintenance Tab

This tab is used to record and print a manual check, to void a check or to re-print a single check. Upon clicking on the tab, the followng screen appears:

The name of the bank from which the checks will be written.

Current Bank Balance The current bank balance

Depress this button and a test check will go to your printer so that you may check on the alignment first.

Account Title The G/L title for this bank.
Bank Account Number The number that the bank has for this account.
Check No The number of the Check for the Transaction
Date The date of the Transaction
Options - Once you have selected an option it must remain selected because of how the system saves each selection differently.   We do NOT allow the user to change the selection if they happen to select the wrong one by mistake. because it would create issues within the system.  If you need to change your selection you will need to abandon any changes and start a new record again this time selecting the correct option.
Pay to the Order of Address Check to
Check Amount The total amount of the check issued.
Supplier The name of the supplier which is being paid.
AP Prepayment Check if this is a Accounts Payable Prepayment
View the check note
Detail Information
Itm Line item number
Description The user assigned description pertaining to this batch.
Invoice No The Suppliers number assigned to the invoice.
Invoice Amt The total amount of the individual invoice.
Balance The unpaid balance of the invoice. 
Disc Taken The applicable early payment discount amount. 
Amt Paid The amount of the check payment for this specified invoice
GL Number The general ledger account number where the charge will post
  View the Item Note
Total Detail The sum of all of the line items. 
1.4. Automatic Bank Deduction Tab


This is the companion screen to the Bank Reconciliation  - Generate Automatic Deductions tab.  In this screen, the automatic deductions are set up.  Upon generation in the Bank Reconciliation module, the appropriate journal entry will generate and the outstanding check list will display the automatic deduction.


To view the detail on a specific deduction, highlight it and the pertinent detail will display in the Detail section.

Automatic Bank Deductions field definitions:


View If the Radial is Current – open deductions will display.If the Radial is Closed –previous deductions will display. 
Number of Payments   If the Radial is Original – the number of times the deduction will be generated.  If the Radial is Remaining - the balance of the number of times the deduction will be generated. 
Setup Date      The date on which the deduction was created.
First Deduction Date The date on which the bank will be making the fist deduction.
Last Deduction Made The date of the most recent deduction.
Last Date Changed If any changes have been recorded, the latest date of such change will appear here.
Changed By  The initials of the user who recorded the last edited change.
Reason The reason for the latest change.
  This button will close the deduction so that no further deductions can be generated within the Bank Reconciliation module
  If this button is lit in red, there are notes regarding the automatic deduction. 

Automatic Bank Deductions Section:

Bank   The name of the bank from which the deduction will be generated. 
Account Number The number the bank has for the user’s account.
Payment Amount The total of the specific automatic deduction.
Day of the Month The specific day when the deduction will be generated by the bank.
Description  The reason for the automatic deduction. 

Detail Section:

Item    The item number assigned.
Description    The detail and reason for the specific line item.
Amount   The cost of the individual line item.
G/L Number  The general ledger account number where the charge will post.
Total Detail  The sum of all of the line items.  This amount must agree with the Automatic Bank Deductions Payment Amount.

1.5. Check Register Tab

Depressing the Check Register tab will bring up the following screen:

Bank The name of the bank from which the checks will be written

Account No

The number that the bank has for this account.
Account Name The name that the bank has for this account.
Payee The name of the institution or business which will appear on the check.
Date Range The range of dates you want data displayed within
Check No Range The range of check numbers you want data displayed within
Check Status
Depress this button to display data based on selection
Depress this button to change selection
Bank The name of the bank from which the checks will be written
Account No The number that the bank has for this account.
Check No Check number 
Date Date of Check
Payee The name of the institution or business which will appear on the check.
Amount The total amount of the check issued.
Status Status of Check
View Dtl View Detail
Total Total of Check Amount