Pricing Tab
 The pricing tab contains information as to the price to be credited, if any, and the price to be charged for the re-work, if any.  Each line will display the Sales Type.
There are three options on pricing.
1.      The user may enter zero for both the return and the re-work.  For further detail on how this affects the GL accounts see  Article #3397
2.      The user may enter full price for both the return and re-work.  For further detail on how this affects the GL accounts see Article #3396 .
3.      The user may enter zero on the return and a dollar amount for the re-work.

Pricing Tab Field Definitions:

Credit example:

The first line is populated with the data from the part number entered on the previous screen.


The user’s description covering the Part Number.

Quantity The amount of the order which the customer will be returning. This is displayed as a negative

The amount of credit which the user will be providing to the customer.


Quantity multiplied by Price.This amount should be negative.

Sales Type The type of credit. This choice depicts the accounting of the Credit Memo entry as set up in Sales Setup.

If this is checked, it means that the item returned was subject to sales tax and a pro-rata portion will be credited.


If a price is to be credited as a lot charge rather than as a cost per unit credit, then the Lot box at the right of the screen is checked. This will take the unit cost as a lot charge for the item without extending the units by the price. This may be used if a flat fee is charged for a number of parts  .Note: The credit must be equal to or less than the original Sales Order price.

Depressing this button will allow user to enter additional credits for the product above. These charges may carry a different unit price, and may be of any description.  As the information is completed, the total credit for the line item is carried to the bottom of the box.  A Non-inventory line added on this screen will be credited on the first shipment made for this RMA order.
Depressing this button will delete the highlighted line
Totals The total of all of the extensions

Pricing Tab Field Definitions:

Re-work example:

The first line is populated with the data from the part number entered on the previous screen.


The user’s description covering the Part Number.


The amount of the order which the user will be re-working/replacing for the customer.


The amount the user is charging the customer, per unit for the re-work/replacement.  Note:This amount must be equal to or less than the original Sales Order price.


Quantity multiplied by Price.

Sales Type

The type of re-work.This choice depicts the accounting of the entry as set up in Sales Setup.


If this is checked, it means that the sale is subject to sales tax.


If a price is to be assessed as a lot charge rather than as a cost per unit charge, then the Lot box at the right of the screen is checked. This will take the unit cost as a lot charge for the item without extending the units by the price. This may be used if a flat fee is charged for a number of parts.  Note:The charge must be equal to or less than the original Sales order price.

Depressing this button will allow user to enter additional charges for the product above. These charges may carry a different unit price, and may be of any description.  As the information is completed, the total cost for the line item is carried to the bottom of the box.  A Non-inventory line added on this screen will be charged on the first shipment made for this RMA order
Depressing this button will delete the highlighted line

The total of all of the extensions.