The first screen is Return Material Authorization.  On this screen you can see the amount being returned against the Sales Order and Invoice. If there is to be a re-work, this information will also display.

RMA Tab Field Definitions

RMA Number The unique Return Material Authorization number.
RMA Date The date the Return Material Authorization was created.
Customer The name of the Customer for which the Return Material Authorization was created.
Original SO No The number of the original Sales Order covering the materials being returned.
RMA Status The status of the Return Material Authorization, open, closed, etc.
Buyer The name of the purchaser at the customer.
Customer P/O The customer PO in RMA module is not pulled from the original sales order/invoice.  It's a new field that user can enter in RMA module.
Invoice Number The user’s invoice number for the original Sales Order.
Packing List The user’s packing list number for the original Sales Order.
RMA Ack If this box is checked, the user has acknowledged the return.
(Date) The date the Return Material Authorization was acknowledged.
(Initials) The initials of the user who acknowledged the Return Material Authorization.
Ln The line number of the Return Material Authorization or the line number of the order to be re-worked/replaced and returned to the customer.
Part Number The user’s internal number for the part or assembly.
Rev The revision number pertaining to the Part Number.
Class The user’s classification covering the Part Number.
Type The type within the classification covering the Part Number.
Description The user’s description covering the Part Number.
RMA Qty If the number is negative, it’s the amount of the original order which the customer is returning.If the number is positive, it’s the amount of the order which the user will be re-working/replacing for the customer.
Back Order The amount of product still owed to the customer (it’s negative, if on a return line).
Received Quantity The amount of the product received back from the Customer (it’s negative).Please refer to RMA Receiving procedures, below.
UOM The unit of measure pertaining to the product.
Extended The price per unit (in the Pricing tab) multiplied by the units in the RMA Quantity column.The line for material to be returned will be negative.
Line Status

The status of the line item.  Once the item has been returned and received, the status (for the negartive qty) will display as closed.  For the re-work line item,(which would be the positive qty)  it’s one of the following:

Once the re-work item (which would be the positive qty) is shipped, the status will display as closed.

Warranty This box will be defaulted to Yes.  This field is for reference only, it does not affect any other modules. 
FGI Quantity The inventory on hand for the product per the Inventory Control Quantity Info tab.
RMA Amount The net dollar amount of the extended column per the pricing tab.If it’s a return, without any replacements, the amount will be negative.If it’s a return and replacement for the same amount, the display will net to zero.If it’s a return for zero pricing but the user is charging a dollar amount for the re-work, the amount of the rework will display.
RMA Tax If either the return or the replacement line has the tax box checked in the Pricing screen, the amount of the tax will display here.
Discount  Discount Amount
RMA Total This is the total of the RMA Amount and the RMA Tax.

Directive Buttons

Depressing this button will display RMA Changes History.  It will display if a new RMA order is created, if an existing RMA order is edited;  For the header level -Customer PO#, Billing and Shipping status changes, Approved and acknowledge status changed.  Acknowledge document name changes, recognizes if note and foot note were changed (no changes itself are recorded).   For the Detail level - New item, removed item, quantity changes, status for the item changes.  For the schedule level - New/removed schedule line, qty scheduled, date scheduled.  For the price level - New price line, removed price line, price description, price and sales type. 
  This button starts the process to add a product (assembly) to the RMA.
  This button starts the process to add a part to the RMA.
  This button starts the process to add miscellaneous items to the RMA.  This button will NOT be available when creating a Stand-Alone RMA.
  This button will delete the line highlighted.