Fields & Definitions for PO Dock Receiving

Fields & Definitions

Supplier Name  The Name of the supplier.
PO Number  The Purchase Order Number.
Supplier PL No  The Supplier’s Packing List number.
Receiver No  The user’s receiver number.
Clicking on this button will bring up a screen listing any shortages for the part number highlighted.  If there are no shortages for this part a message will appear informing user that there are no shortages for this part.
Item  The item number per the Purchase Order.
Part Number  The number the user has assigned to the part.
Rev The revision number related to the Part Number.
Balance Qty The un-received quantity portion of the item.
Recv Qty The quantity received per PO Dock Receiving.  See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.  Note: Users must have special access in order to receive overages,  There is a checkbox to allow overages within Security/User Rights for PO Receiving. 

Note: The overage is applied to the entire PO order qty - it does not go down to the schedule level.  Example:  If you have an order qty of 100 and an allowed overage of 5% the system will allow you to receive in a total overage of 105.  But if you have only scheduled a qty of 25 and go to recieve in qty of 30 the system will allow you to do so, because it has not met the order overage yet. 

Part Class The classification to which the part number belongs.
Part Type The type within the class to which the part number belongs.
Description The description of the Part Number.
Insp  Displays whether Inspection is required as set up in the Inventory Control Management module.
Cert Displays whether Certificates are required per the Inventory Control Managment module.
Part Mfgr The name of the manufacturer for listed part.
MPN (Mfgr Part No)  The manufacturers part number for listed part.