1. Sales Price List Information
1.1. Prerequisites for Sales Price List Information

After activation, "Price Information" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

A Product The PRICING must refer to a Product, which must be entered into the Inventory Item Master
Sales Price Types

The Sales Type & Price Itemization  must define the types of pricing to be included in the price break screens.

A Customer

The Customer to be added to the pricing module must be entered in the Customer Information module. 

1.2. Introduction for Sales Price List Information

The PRICING Module is used to establish the default pricing for a product. This pricing will be used as the default pricing for sales orders created for the product. Separate pricing may be established for multiple customers for the same product, and there may up to seven price breaks for each customer.

1.3. Fields & Definitions for Sales Price List Information
1.3.1. Part Number Tab

This tab identifies the part number, Sales Type and Customer for which the pricing applies. 


This field identifies the Part Class of the Product, Taken from the item master based on the product chosen (not Editable).


This field identifies the Part Type of the Product, Taken from the item master based on the product chosen (not Editable).

Part Number

This field identifies the Part Number of the Product(not Editable). 

Rev This field identifies the Revision of the Product (not Editabl). 
Description This field identifies the Part Description of the Product, Taken from the item master (not Editable)
Sales Type The selection of the type of sale to which the Product pertains.  This selection will also point the invoicing to the desired sales and cost of sales general ledger account for those users with accounting installed.
Assign Sales Rep To Add or Delete a Sales Rep,  select  from the Pull down
Commission Select the correct radio button for the sales Rep commision to be figured from the Amount or Percentage
Customer List The list of customers assigned for the chosen product. Note:  If the user enters specific customers in the Customer List, then this product will only be available for that customer when creating a Sales Order.    
Price Markup This is the mark up percentage to be used for the customer displayed.
Warranty This field displays the number of days for the warranty for the customer displayed.


1.3.2. Price Breaks Tab

 Prices Breaks tab field definitions

The customer the pricing is assigned to.  
The beginning range of the price break being viewed.     
The ending range of the price break being viewed. 
Amort Qty

The quantity of products to be delivered over which charge is amortized. 

Amort Amt

The dollar amount of the charge to be amortized.  

Shipped Qty

The amount of product shipped for date, used to calculate when the amortization charge is no longer applied to the price of the product.

Sales Price Breakdown
The nature of the charges for the product, taken from a selection established in the system setup under Sales.      

The dollar amount being charged for the sales item displayed.

Amortization Charge

The unit price being added for amortization (until depleted).

Total Unit Price

The combined dollar amount of the pricing charges. 


1.3.3. Part Information Note Tab

1.4. How To ..... for Sales Price List Information
1.4.1. Find a Sales Price List

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Sales Price List Information Module 


The Part Number Information screen will be displayed:


Depress the Find action button. The following selection screen will be displayed. 

Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Make, Buy, or Both and Active or Inactive

Select the desired
Find: by selecting the appropriate radio button -  Part Number, Part Classor All. 

Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen. 

The user may exit the selection screen without a selection by selecting the X button.




 If user selects ANY of the Filters and Find by All - a screen will appear listing all the Part Numbers filtered by the selection,  in numberical order, along with the Part Description, Part Class and Part Type.    

The user has the option to view the sales order by either entering the sales order number into the red box, or scrolling down the list, highlighting the desired record and double click on it.   


Once you have made your choice, the information will be displayed as follows:
1.4.2. Edit/Add Sales Price List Information

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter Sales/Sales Price List Information


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find Action button to find a Product. See Article #1652 for further information on how to find a record.

After a Product has been found or entered, it may be edited by selecting the Edit Action button. Once the password is entered, the "Add", "Delete". and "Reorder" buttons are activated.

Selecting the button brings up a screen listing all the Active Customers from which to select from.  Select a customer for which the pricing is to be applied.  There may be different pricing for each customer.

Double Click on a customer will add that customer to the product pricing information
Note:  Only the customers listed in the Customer List will be available for this Product within the Sales Order module. 

Selecting the   reveals buttons by each customer and the order may be changed by dragging the buttons to the desired order. When sorting is completed, select the Done button completes the action

Selecting the  allows the removal of a customer from the product information.

Add Sales Type

By selecting a part number, you can then assign a Sales Type. Selecting a Sales Type will automatically enter the type when the part is added to a sales order. Otherwise, the user will have to select the Sales Type before saving a Sales Order.

Depressing the down arrow next to the field will display a list of sales types:

Select the desired Sales Type.
Assigned Sales Rep and Select Commission
If applicable, assign a Sales Rep and Commission.

Add Price Markup Percentage

If applicable, enter the markup percentage in the box.

Add Warranty Information

If applicable, enter the number of days for the warranty.

The completed Part Number Information tab will look like this:

Depress the Save Action button to save changes or the Abandon changes Action button to abandon changes.


After completing the PART NUMBER INFORMATION tab, the user may (click on) to the PRICES BREAKS tab.

In this screen, the user may elect to add additional customer pricing for a product by using the Edit function.  

Then the Price Break screen for a specific customer is presented to the user, based on the customer selected in the first screen:

And the Add Action button becomes active. If the user is creating the first pricing screen, then the Edit Action button is not yet available.

The user may create up to seven different pricing levels for each customer. To add the first pricing screen, the Add Action button must be pressed and the password entered.

The “Price 1” screen is activated, allowing the user to enter pricing for the customer shown.


This screen has two main sections: the pricing at quantity levels; and the ability to amortize the expense of any object such as tooling over a fixed number of deliveries.

In the Amortization Charge section, the user can enter an amount to be amortized, and the number of units shipped over which the amortization is to be applied. As product is shipped, the Shipped Qty will be updated, and when the entire quantity is shipped, the additional amortization cost will be dropped from the invoice.

The first prompt is for the beginning number of items to be priced, defaulting to one (1). The next field is for the upper number to be included in the price structure, e.g., 100 (pricing is for 1 to 100 items).You can input pricing up to 999,999, but you are limited to seven price breaks.
In the Amortization Charge section, the user can enter an amount to be amortized, and the number of units shipped over which the amortization is to be applied. As product is shipped, the Shipped Qty will be updated, and when the entire quantity is shipped, the additional amortization cost will be dropped from the invoice.

The cursor then moves to the first Sales Price Breakdown section where the user may define the pricing used for individual units. The definition of the pricing is established in the System Setup, and may be selected with the “pulldown arrow” and clicking on a definition, or typing the definition.  After selecting a definition, the pricing associated with the definition is entered. (e.g., the definition might be “Total Material Cost” and $350 per unit. Or, perhaps a definition simply called “Standard Price” is used.)

On the next line, another pricing definition may be included, e.g. “Priority Charge”, with an additional charge of $50 per unit.

Manex will continue to total up the unit pricing and show it on the screen.

The completed screen looks like this:

When the user has completed the information for the 1st price break, the screen is either saved or canceled.  The following message will appear asking if the user wants to add another record.

If there is another price category to be added, depress the Yes button.

The user may then add an additional price break, which will default to a beginning quantity equal to the top of the first price break quantity plus one. The fields used in the first price break will be carried over to the second price. Changing the definition in any price break screen changes all the others for that product.

Pricing for a different customer for the SAME product may be established by selecting the customer in the first screen, then adding a new price break for that customer.

After completing this PRICING customer information screen, the user may tab (clicks on) to the Part Information Note screen.

The Part Information screen for the product is presented to the user, and may be edited. Information placed in this screen is common to all customers, (it is based on information about the product), and the Tab Label turns RED.

Press the Save Action button Save new or edited data.

Press the Abandon changes Action button to Cancel any new or edited information without saving the information in the database.

Press the Edit Action button to exit the current screen and returns the user to the previous screen.