1. Invoice Management
1.1. Prerequisties for Invoice Mgmt

After activation, "Invoice" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

A Packing List

The Invoice must refer to a Packing List, which includes the part numbers and description of the material being shipped, as well as the Bill-to and Ship-to information, terms and conditions.

Invoice Numbering

The Number System Setup must be defined for either automatic or manual Invoice numbers.

1.2. Introduction for Invoice Mgmt

The Invoice Module is used to create Accounts Receivable for the details of shipments to customers. 
The Invoice is created when the user has completed and Released Packing List to Invoice. 
1.3. Fields & Definitions for Invoice Mgmt
1.3.1. Invoice Tab


Invoice Tab Field Definitions

Depress this button and a list of all the unreleased invoices will be displayed, and user can multi-select what invoices they would like released.   If a user prints an invoice, the invoice will keep as unreleased until it's been selected to be released using this button.  This button will be displayed in RED if any unreleased invoices exists, and it's only enabled when user is not in add/edit mode.

Invoice No

The number assigned to the invoice.

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice.

P/L No

The number assigned to the packing list.

Ship Date

The date of shipment per the Packing List.

Sales Order

The number of the Sales Order.

Order Date

The date of the Sales Order.

Purchase Order The number of the Customer’s Purchase Order.
Bill To 

The address where to Invoice will be sent.

Ship To 

The address where the shipment was sent.

Invoice Terms 

The payment terms offered to the Customer by the user. 


The point at which title to the goods passed.

Ship Via

The name of the shipment freight carrier.


The number of the waybill for the shipment.

Entered by

The initials of the user.

1.3.2. Detail Tab

Detail Tab Field Definitions


This is the name of the customer as defined in Customer Setup.

 Invoice Number

This is the invoice number assigned during the Packing List operation.

Invoice Summary Section


This is the line number corresponding to the lines added during Sales Order addition.

Part Number

This is the part number ordered, then shipped.


This is the Revision number of the Part.


This is the Part Classification.

Type This is the Part Type within the classification.

This is the description of the part number.


This is the unit of measure used for this part.

Invoice Detail Section


This is the description of the part number.


This is the quantity of the item shipped.


This is the price of the item for the unit of measure listed.


This is the extension of the quantity multiplied by the price.


This box is whether or not the item is subject to sales tax.


This box determines whether the pricing is a flat amount and not based upon a unit per arrangement.

  This action will change the pricing to agree with the current sales order.  Example:  Suppose an Invoice is created from a SO with a price of $50.00.  Then the SO pricing is changed from $50.00 to $52.00. Depressing the "Update Current SO Price" button would change the pricing on the invoice from $50.00 to $52.00 to match the current SO pricing.  NOTE:  This will only work if the Invoice has NOT been Released to AR.

Invoice Summary Section

Invoice Total Discount

This is the net total AFTER subtracting any applicable Sales Discount.

Sub Total

This is the extended or flat pricing.


This is the amount of applicable Sales Tax.

Freight Charge

This is the amount of the freight charge per the packing list.

Freight Tax

This is any applicable Sales Tax applied to the Freight Charge.

Invoice Total

This is the grand total of the invoice, covering extended or flat pricing, sales tax on the product shipped, freight charges and sales tax applied to freight charges.

1.3.3. Notes Tab


Sales Order Note   Enter any information you would like displayed on the Sales Order.
Invoice Footnote  Enter any information you would like printed on the bottom of the Invoice.

1.4. How To ..... for Invoice Mgmt
1.4.1. Find an Invoice

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Administration/Invoice Module


The following screen will be displayed:

Pressing the Find Action Button displays the following screen:

Invoice # will require the user to enter in the invoice number desired into the field. Depress the “GO” button and the record will be pulled forward.
If the record has not been released to Invoice, or cannot be found for some other reason the following message will appear:

Selecting the Un-Posted radial will bring up the following selections.

The user will then need to select Sales Order, Customer, or All.

If user selects Sales Order, or Customer, then you must enter a Sales Order number or Customer Name in the Red Box.

If user selects All and depresses the "GO" button the following information will be listed:

Selected the desired Invoice, by double-clicking on the listed record and the record will be pulled forward.

Selecting the Invoice Date Range radial will bring up the following selections and fields.


Enter in the Sales Order number or Customer (depends on your selection) then select the desired date range.

Enter All, then depress the “GO” Button and the following information will be listed.  This find will bring up both Posted and Un-posted Invoice records.

Selected the desired Invoice, by double-clicking on the listed record and the record will be pulled forward.

Selecting the Packing List radial will require the user to enter in the desired Packing List number. Depress the “GO” button and the record will be pulled forward.

Selecting the Posted Radial will bring up the following screen:   

The user will then need to select Sales Order, Customer, or All.

If user selects Sales Order, or Customer, then you must enter a Sales Order number or Customer Name in the Red Box.

If user selects All and depresses the "GO" button the following information will be listed:


Selected the desired Invoice, by double-clicking on the listed record and the record will be pulled forward.


Selecting the All will bring up the following screen:  


The user will then need to select Sales Order, Customer, or All.

If user selects Sales Order, or Customer, then you must enter a Sales Order number or Customer Name in the Red Box.

If user selects All and depresses the "GO" button the following information will be listed:

Selected the desired Invoice, by double-clicking on the listed record and the record will be pulled forward.


1.4.2. Edit and Release an Invoice to AR

Find an Un-Released Invoice.  
If the Invoice has been <<Released to AR>>  it will be displayed, but Invoice will not be editable.   
If the Edit button is depress when the Invoice has been released to AR the following message will appear:
Once the desired Un-released Invoice Record has been found, the screen will be populated as follows:

Depress the Edit button

Note:   If the Invoice Setup is set to "Auto Release to A/R" once the Invoice is edited and Saved the Invoice will be Released to A/R.  

In the Invoice screen, the changeable fields are limited to the Invoice date, the Bill to Customer, and the Invoice Terms.

Enter into the Detail screen:


In the Detail screen, the changeable fields are limited to the Price, Taxable box and Freight Charge.

Enter into the Notes screen, and here the user may add Sales Order Note, or Invoice Footnote. 

Bcause the Packing List has already been released and is usually on its way to the customer, other items within this module can NOT be modified.

Depress the Save record icon.  If set to "Auto Release to A/R" within the Packing List/Invoice setup module, upon Saving the record the Invoice will be Released to A/R.   If set to "Manual Release to A/R" within the Packing List/Invoice Setup module, the following options will appear.
If the user selects the “Save & Print Invoice,” the invoice will be printed to the Default Printer, but WILL NOT be released to A/R and will be forward to the Invoice Batch to be released to A/R at a later time.  

If the User Selects the “Save to Batch & Do Not Print Invoice.”  The invoice will NOT be printed and WILL NOT be released to A/R and will be forward to the Invoice Batch to be released to A/R at a later time.

To Manually release an Invoice to A/R, depress the      button and enter password.  A list will display all the unreleased invoices, and user can multi-select what invoices need to be released.
Once user has selected the Invoice(s) they would like to release they may click on the OK button and Invoices will be updated as Released to A/R and records will be created in the Accounts Receivable, or click on the Cancel button to abandon changes.
1.4.3. Create a Manual Invoice

Note:    A manual invoice is NOT created in this module.  Instead, it’s created in the Packing List module as a Stand-Alone Packing List.

1.5. Reports - Invoice Mgmt

To obtain the Invoice Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.

In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.   

Select the Report Type:  INVOICE - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for INVOICE


To obtain the Sales Order Reports within the desktop, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen.

The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop: 
Highlight the report then depress the "OK" button.
Invoice Report

Some of the radial options/info is defaulted from the Print Packing List/Invoice Setup.  

Select between Printing with the internal part number or printing using the customer reference number, or with both.

Select the invoice type, either Unprinted Invoice, Single Invoice, or Reprint Last Batch.

The appropriate records will populate the selection box. Check the box if you would like the report to display Invoices with zero amount.

Select how you would like the Invoice list Sorted by: Invoice, Packing List, Sales Order, Customer, or Inv Date.

Highlight the invoice you want to print and depress the > button.  If you want all of the invoices printed, depress the >> button.
Depress OK button. The following report will be displayed

Note:  If the invoice has NOT been released to AR it will display "NOT RELEASED" in red text next to INVOICE on the form  (see below)

Note:  (RMA) will appear next to the Sales Order No. if the Invoice is being printed from an RMA order (as displayed below). 


The number of copies for packing list and invoices on desktop version is controlled by Crystal Report. User can see the different copies of PK/INVOICE and decide which one(s) they want to print.


The following report will be displayed

Invoice Summary Report by Date

Enter in the desired Date Range
Enter Customer if applicable.

Depress the OK Button.


The following report will be displayed

Invoice Register Report

Enter the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK Button.

This report displays the Posted invoice total for the selected time period.


The following report will be displayed

Un-Invoiced Shipment Summary by Date Report

Enter the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK Button.
This report will list all Invoices that have NOT been Posted (Printed)

The following report will be displayed

Un-invoiced Shipment Summary All Report

Depress the OK button.

The following report will be displayed:

Invoice Summary Report by Date

Enter the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK Button.


The following report will be displayed

Net Sales Summary in Percentage by Customer Report

Enter the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK Button.

This report displays the (Posted invoice total - freight amount - tax - freight tax) - (Posted credit memo total - freight amount - tax - freight tax) for the selected time period.


The following report will be displayed

Gross Sales Summary in Percentage by Customer Report

Enter the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK Button.

This report displays the Posted invoice total - freight amount - tax - freight tax for the selected time period.


The following Report will be displayed

Credit on Sales Summary In Percentage by Customer Report

Enter the desired Date Range.

Depress the OK Button.

This report displays the (Posted Credit memo total - freight amount - tax - freight tax for the selected time period) and a Total Sales amount (Posted invoice total - freight amount - tax - freight tax for selected time period)


The following report will be displayed

Sales Tax Only Invoice Report

Enter the desired Invoice Number.

Depress the OK Button.

NOTE:  This report will NOT include freight tax.


The following report will be displayed

1.6. FAQs - Invoice Mgmt
Facts and Questions for the Invoicing Module