Fields & Definitions for A/R Check Returns

A/R Check Returned Recording - Field Defintions 

Date Range The initial screen displays a date range of approximately the last two weeks, in which to search for checks deposited from a customer. The user may modify the date range by selecting either the beginning or ending date and entering an alternate date. Pressing the plus (+) or minus (-) keys while a date is selected will increase or decrease the date by a day for each press of the button. Double clicking on the date field will produce a calendar from which to choose a different date.

The number of the check or advice returned by the bank.


The $ amount of the returned check.

Date Return Recorded Today’s date will default, but the user may override
Account No.

The user defined number assigned to the bank account where the deposit was made.


The user defined name of the bank where the deposit was made.

Account Type

The user defined bank account type – Checking, Savings, etc.

Account Name

The user defined bank account name – usually the same as the General Ledger account title

If lit in red, there is a note regarding the returned check.