1. Fields & Definitions for Packing List Mgmt
1.1. Packing List Tab



Packing List tab field definitions

 The name of the Customer
Ship To

The address where the shipment was delivered


The Customer’s contact

Ship Via

How the shipment was transported


Whether or not freight will be charged to the Customer


The point at which title passes


The payment terms the user has for the Customer

Frt Amt

The amount of freight the user charged the customer


The number of the waybill as assigned by the carrier

P/L Number

The number of the Packing List

Packing List Date

The date of the packing list

Sales Order

The number of the Sales Order

Purchase Order

This is the Customer’s Purchase Order number

Customer Acct #
This is the Customers Acct #
Sales Order Acknowledgement

If this box is checked, the Sales Order has been acknowledged.(If this box is NOT checked, go back into the Sales order module and acknowledge the order)


The customer’s credit status with the user

Entered by
The initials of the user who entered the Packing List

1.2. Detail Tab

Detail tab field definitions


The name of the Customer.

P/L Number

The number assigned to the packing list.


The Sales Order Line item number.

Part Number

The number the user has assigned to the product.


The revision number applicable to the Part Number.


The classification to which the Part Number belongs.

Type The type within the classification

The number of units shipped with this Packing List.  See Article #1240 for more detail on why the system will not allow user to enter in a fraction of a number, and an alternative.

Back Order

The number of units still not shipped.


The description of the product.


The unit of measure for the product.

Shipped Rev

If the Packing List is revised, the revision number will appear in this field.

Serial Number Entry This is the list of Serial Numbers shipped on this Packing List .For a discussion on how to enter serial numbers, see section below on Serial Number Entry.


If there is a Sales Order associated with the shipment, depressing this button will display the Sales Order line items for the user to select for this shipment.

Depressing this button will allow the user to add a manual item to the Packing List.

Highlighting a line item and depressing this button will delete the line.

This button is depressed to enter Sets of Serial numbers to ship 


For the line item highlighted, this field is for any applicable notes.

1.3. Ship Instruction Tab


Shipping Instructions Tab Detail

This tab is used for special instructions regarding the shipment.  This note will be displayed on all Packing Lists created for the same Sales Order.



1.4. History Tab


History tab field definitions

Sales Order Shipping History

This section displays the Ship Date, Ship Via, Way Bill number, Line Number, Class, Part No. Rev., Description and Ship Quantity for this packing list.It also displays the Ship History of the Part by displaying the Packing List number and the Ship Quantity.

Packing List Adjustment Log

This section displays any packing list adjustments for this packing list and details the Date, Class, Description, Part Number, Rev., and Shipped Qty.

1.5. Notes Tab

Notes tab field definitions

Sales Order Note

This section will display any note pertaining to the Sales Order. This note will be displayed on all Packing Lists created for the same Sales Order.

Packing List Footnote

This section is for any packing list footnotes which will appear when the Packing List is printed.