Fields and Definitions for GL Account Setup

GL Number

General Ledger Number.  Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.


GL Account Description.  Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.

Account Type

2 or 3 character alpha abbreviation of the account sort, such as CAS for Cash.  Account Types in the pull down are setup in GL Acct Types & Ranges.

Type Description

Sort of accounts that are in this type, such as Cash, etc. Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.

Lower Limit

Is the lowest account number (1st 7 digits is account, next 2 digits is Division, last two digits is Department), for example you would enter 1000000-00-00 for the lowest range for Cash. Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.

Upper Limit

Is highest account number (1st 7 digits is account, next 2 digits is Division, last two digits is Department), for example you would enter  1199999-00-00 for the highest range for Cash. Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.

View notes entered in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.

Account Number

The account number is 7 digits. The Div and Dept. numbers are per General Ledger Division/Department Setup, and are two digits each. If no Div or Dept, use zeros. The account number must be between the Lower and Upper ranges as defined in the General Ledger Account Ranges design.  In this field you would enter a number in-between the lowest and highest range.


The class is either: Posting, Heading, Total, Closing or Title. Set up year to date income, gross margin, total other income/expense, income before taxes and net income after taxes as closing accounts. Note that all of the General Ledger defaults must be classified as posting, except for the Current Earnings account which must be a Balance Sheet Equity account, classified as a closing account, in the GL Acct Types & Ranges.


Status is either active or inactive.

Account Title

This is what will be displayed in the description column 

Long Title

The GL Account Description.

Account Notes

Enter notes during Account Setup.


This tells the user whether this account type has been setup as a Balance Sheet or an Income Statement.  Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.

Normal Balance

This tells the user whether this account type has been setup as a Debit or Credit.   Defaulted in from the GL Acct Types & Ranges.