Fields and Definitions for Fiscal Year Calendar
Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the current period
Accounting Period The current accounting period
Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year
Number of Periods Total # of periods in the Fiscal Year
Beginning Date Beginning Date of the Fiscal Year
Ending Date Ending Date of the Fiscal Year
Enter Fiscal Year Notes
Fiscal Years in System
Fiscal Yr Displays all the Fiscal Years Setup in System
Periods Displays how many periods are in the that specific Fiscal Year
Beg Dt Displays the beginning Date of that specific Fiscal Year
End Dt Displays the Ending Date of that specific Fiscal Year
Closed This check box is for reference only and does not affect any other modules.  It displays if this specific Fiscal Year is Closed.
Current This check box is for reference only and does not affect any other modules.  It displays if this specific FIscal Year is Current.
Fiscal Year Detail
Period Displays the Periods of the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
Description Displays the Descriptions of the Periods for the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
End Date Displays the Ending Date of the Periods for the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed
Quarter Displays the Quarter the Period falls in for the Highlighted Fiscal Period being Viewed