1. Work Order Traveler Setup
1.1. Prerequisties for WO Traveler Setup

After activation, "Product Routing" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

A Product Number

The Work Order Traveler Setup must refer to a product by part number. The part number must be established in the Inventory Control Mgmt module.

A Work Center The Work Centers to be used in a Work Order Traveler Setup must be defined in the Production Work Centers & Activities .  
An Activity Center

The Activities for Work Centers (if they are to be used in Work Order Traveler Setups) must be defined in the Production Work Centers & Activities

W/O Release Check List Items Must be defined in the  Shop Floor Tracking Default .

1.2. Introduction for WO Traveler Setup

The Work Order Traveler Setup module is used to define the details of the Production Work Order Traveler Setup for a product.   Certain work centers are “hard-coded” into the ManEx program. These are Material Staging, Finished Goods, RWRK, RWRKQC and Scrap. These work centers may not be modified by the user, or omitted from a Work Order Traveler Setup, because they are associated with special codes that are essential to our system.
For example:  "STAG"  is the first step so when a Work Order is created the material can go into Staging.  

"FGI"  when material is moved into finished goods a number of thing happen within the system, (1. Receiving into the inventory; 2. accounting transaction WIP to inventory, etc.) 

RWRK and RWRKQC are used to move material directly to Rework Work center and rework Quality Control Work center. Would be used for RMA's ect... 

"SCRP" - if material is moved into scrap or MRB some GL transactions are associated with the move. 

They are the gateways to and from the Work Order Traveler Setup for WIP management.

1.3. Fields and Definitions for WO Traveler Setup
1.3.1. Header
Work Center and Activities Routing Setup Header Field Definitions


This is the classification for the product.

Type This is the type within the classification.
Part Number Rev This is the internal part number and revision for the product.
Per Pnl/Sht

If the user wishes to move material by the panel, sheet or roll, they may select “Default to PANEL” as the method of tracking quantities in the Shop Floor Tracking Defaults setup. This requires the user to define in the product definition the number of products contained in a panel/sheet/roll. Then, if this method is chosen, the user moves panels and ManEx keeps track of the number of units .If this is the case, the field will contain the number of panels associated with the product. 


If this box is checked, the product will be subject to serialization.


This is the description of the product. 


The status of the product, either Active or Inactive.

Current Work Center

The name of the Work Center highlighted.

Traveler Released  Check this box when ready to release Traveler/WO and  the date, time and users initials will be recorded at that time.   Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to modify this field.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.  


1.3.2. Work Center Tab


Fields and Definitions


The ID established for the work center.

Work Center

The name of the work center.


The indication if the work center is to be processed Inside or Outside the company.

This button allows the user to "Add" or "Delete" a Work Center to the routing for this product.

Work Center Decimal Format
If this box is checked the setup time and run time is set to decimal format (1.575 hours).  If this box is unchecked the 1.575 hours is converted to 1:34:30.000.  So with the decimal field unchecked you can put in hours, minutes, and seconds. Note:  To add Times in Routing, the run and set up times must be selected in Production Scheduling Method module.
Setup Time The set up time for the work center selected.  If there are activities present and the user adds or edits the setup time on the activity level the WC setup time will be re-calculated from the activity level. 
Run Time The unit run time for the work center selected.  If there are activities present and the user adds or edits the run time on the activity level the WC run time will be re-calculated from the activity level. 
PPM This is the number of defect opportunities that exist for an assembly in a Work Center. For more detail see Article #674
Setup Time (Total) setup time for all work centers and/or activities.
Run Time (Total) run time for all work centers and/or activities.
Depressing this button will allow the user to reorder the routing for this product.
Once the routing is set, the user may use this button to update any Work Orders which were created before the routing was entered or changed.
Starting Work Center for Tracking Serial No This field will display the name of the Work Center where Serial Number Tracking will begin, if the Serialize box is checked at the top of the screen.  NOTE:   If the starting work center is removed, when user clicks “Update WO” button, all the WC qty and SN (if any) except for FGI, RWRK, RWQC, and SCRP work centers will be moved back to STAG work center because the system will treat the STAG as the starting tracking SN work center.   
1.3.3. Activities Tab

The activities tab is used to add specific activities that take place within a Work Center.  For the Work Center which is highlighted within the Current Work Center field, the Activities Tab will change to RED text if activities have been assigned to that work center.  Within the window, the 1st column is the abbreviation used for the activity and the 2nd column is the full activity for the Work Center listed. The list of activities are set up in System setup – Production Work Centers & Activities.

Fields & Definitions


This button is used to add or delete activities for the Work Center listed.


This button is used to reorder the list.

Setup Time

For the activity highlighted, this field is for the set up times.   If user enters setup time at activity level the system will accumulate the times for all the activities (for that specific work center) and assign it to the WC level and overwrite whatever number if any entered there.

Run Time For the activity highlighted, this field is for the run times.  If user enters run time at activity level the system will accumulate the times for all the activities (for that specific work center) and assign it to the WC level and overwrite whatever number if any entered there.

1.3.4. WO Release Check List Tab

The Work Order Release Check List tab is for the user to select check list items for the Work Center listed in the Current Work Center field.  The Work Order Release Check List is set up in the Shop Floor Tracking Default set up screen.  In this module, the Check List items are selected, as detailed. Then when the user reaches the Work Order Shop Floor Tracking module, the items added in this module will be available.


Fields &  Definitions 


This button allows the user to add or delete the check list items to or from the Work Center being displayed above.

Add all This button allows user to add all check list items (displayed on the right) to the current work center being displayed above. 
Remove All This button allows user  to remove all check list items (displayed on the left) from the current work center being displayed above.
Done Depress this button when you are done making changes. 

1.3.5. Tooling Tab

The Tooling tab is used to describe the tooling requirements for the Work Center. It also provides for a location notation and an Expire Date. An example of a Check List item as discussed above might be to perform the Work Center tooling, as detailed in this tab.

Fields & Definitions

Tool/Fixture Description 

This is the description of the Tooling item.

Work Center

This is the name of the Work Center where the tooling will take place.


This is the location within the Work Center where the tooling will take place.

Expire Date

This is the date of expiration of the tooling.

add more

Checking this box allows the user to add additional tooling lines.


These buttons allow the user to add, edit or delete tooling items.


The Tool/Fixture description pulldown information is setup within the System Setup/Tools Setup .  The Tooling/Fixture information can also be added, edited, or deleted from the PDM  (Product Data Management) module


To delete a line item from the Tooling Tab.  Highlight the line item.  Depress the Delete button.  Click on the second column (which is NOT labeled), the field will change to Black. Depress the Done button.

1.3.6. Outsource Tab

The Outsource tab shows the services to be performed outside of the user’s shop. These services are indicated with an “O” in the work center tab.

 Within the window, the 1st column is the abbreviation used for the activity and the 2nd column is the full activity for the Work Center listed. The list of activities are set up in System setup – Production Work Centers & Activities Setup.

Certificate Required This box is checked if the outsource supplier is required to provide a certificate of completion.
Service Footnote This button is for notes regarding Service. 
Outsource Note This button is for notes regarding Outsource.

1.4. How To ..... for WO Traveler Setup
1.4.1. Find a Work Order Traveler

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality Engineering/Work Order Traveler Setup


The following screen will be displayed:

In this screen, a Work Order Traveler setup is either Created or Edited. 
Depress the Find record icon, the following dialog box will be displayed:  If user elects to find by the Product Number or by  Part Class they must enter in the Product Number or Part Class in Red box.   If you do not know the exact number, Customer, etc you may enter in a partial number, letter, etc, then once you depress the enter key the system will pull up the matching record onto the screen or a list of all Part Numbers that contain the partial number, letter, etc. entered, to select from. 
If user elects to find by selecting the "All" radio button.   The user selects the desired product by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and double-clicking on the desired product. 

The following screen will be displayed with the data for the selected product.  


1.4.2. Setup/Edit a Work Order Traveler Routing

Setup a Work Order/Traveler Routing

Find the desired Product number record.  

Depress the Edit button from the main tool bar: 

Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to check the "Traveler Released" box.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.    This box must be check when usiing the Unreleased Work Order List and the Work Center Checklist .

User may Add/Delete Work Centers, by depressing the     button and a screen then fills the right side with all of the standard work centers (setup within the Production WC/Activity Setup module).

Work Centers may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.

If the user wishes to add all work centers to the Work Order Traveler Setup, then remove a few unwanted ones, pressing the “Add All” button will transfer all work centers to the Work Order Traveler Setup. Likewise, pressing the “Remove All” button will remove all but the fixed work centers from the Work Order Traveler Setup.

Work Order Traveler Setups may be added more than once, to accommodate multiple visits to the same work area during production (e.g. test). 

Depress the Done button when the movement is completed.

The  "Reorder" button allows the user to reorder the Work Order Traveler Setup in any order desired. Pressing this button will bring up ordering buttons on the left side of each work center in the Product Work Order Traveler Setup.  The user may then click on any of these buttons and drag a work center to the desired order.

Depress the Done button when the reordering is completed.  

"Starting Work Center for Tracking Serial No"  Choose from the pull down which Work Center you would like to begin tracking the Serial numbers.  The system does NOT allow selection of "FGI" or "SCRP" as a starting WC for Serialization, because this will cause the system to become stuck between SFT and Serial number assignment.   NOTE:   If the starting work center is removed, when user clicks “Update WO” button, all the WC qty and SN (if any) except for FGI, RWRK, RWQC, and SCRP work centers will be moved back to STAG work center because the system will treat the STAG as the starting tracking SN work center.   

User may enter/edit the WC Setup/Run time or the PPM.   The user should place the cursor on the work center to be edited, then on the times to be edited.  The user may modify one or more Work Centers. 

The area labeled "All Work Centers", will show the total times of all work centers and/or activities. This will automatically update. 
Note:  There are two different ways to track SETUP and RUN times for Job Costing and Product Data Management in ManEx.

1.    By entering Run and Setup Times in the Work Order Traveler Setup under Production Planning.

2.    By entering the Run and Setup Times in Activities Setup under the Work Center Setup.

Using the first choice is preferred when there is a great variability in the products produced and the setup and run rates in each work center. The second choice is preferred when the product flow is uniform, the machine rates are well established and the setup times very uniform regardless of product. The choice is made in the Production Schedule Setup module. Use of Run and Setup Times is optional unless Job Costing module is in use.

Then depress the Save button from the main tool bar to save the changes and the Update Open Work order button becomes enabled.

Update Open Work Orders

This button allows the user the option to update specific work orders which will then reflect the modified Work Order Traveler Setup. Otherwise, current Work Orders will NOT be updated, but future Work Orders created will carry the modified Work Order Traveler Setup. Depressing the button will bring up the following screen:

To select multiple items in the list, hold the Ctrl key down and click on those items you want to update.

Depress the OK button.


 After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. 


1.4.3. Copying a Work Order Traveler Setup

Find the desired Product Number, that you wish to have updated.

Depress the Copy Record icon.  The following message will be displayed: 
Depress "OK"

If user elects to find by the Product Number or by  Part Class they must enter in the Product Number or Part Class in Red box

If user elects to find by selecting the "All" radio button a list of all the Active Product numbers will be displayed.   The user selects the desired product by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and double-clicking on the desired product. 

The user may elect to copy only the Work Order Routing, or the Work Order Routing and Instructions. The Setup Times/Run Times, for Work Centers and Activities, WO Release Check List, Tooling, and Outsource information will also be copied.

After verifying entries are correct, pressing the “OK” button will copy the Work Order Traveler Setups (and instructions) to the current product.


1.4.4. Setup/Edit Work Center Activities
Note:  if a Work Center has activities associated with it, the “ACTIVITIES” tab will be showing in RED font.

Add/Removing Activities
In the Activities screen, the user may add or modify activities and Setup/Run time associated to that activity. 
The activities must have been set up in the Production Work Centers & Activities module and be attached to the Work Center. 
Find the desired Product number, select the Edit button from the main tool bar, highlight the Work Center, then enter the Activities screen.


Activities may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.

The  button will allow the addition or deletion of activities associated with the Work Center. The activities listed on the right side will show only activities associated with the work center in the system setup.  Activities may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.
If the user wishes to add all activities, then remove a few unwanted ones, pressing the “Add All” button will transfer all activities to the Work Order Traveler Setup. Likewise, pressing the “Remove All” button will remove all activities from the Work Order Traveler Setup.

Depress the Done button when the movement is completed.

The "Reorder" button allows the user to reorder the activities in any order desired. Pressing this button will bring up ordering buttons on the left side of each activity in the Product Work Order Traveler Setup.   The user may then click on any of these buttons and drag an activity to the desired order.


Depress the Done button.
When in Edit mode, user may add/edit Setup Time and/or Run Time to an activitiy associated with a work center.

Note:  If user enters setup/run times at activity level the system will accumulate the times for all the activities (for that specific work center) and assign it to the WC level and overwrite whatever number if any entered there. If the user tries to change the WC setup/run times they will receive a warning that there are setup/run times at the activity level and these must be removed before they will be allowed to change the WC setup/run times. If the user decreases the activity setup/run times to 0 or remove the activity, then the user can add or edit the WC setup/run time.

After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. 

1.4.5. Add/Remove Work Order Release Check List Items
In this screen, the user may add or modify Work Order Release Check List items used in a Work Center. 

the desired Product number record.  
Depress the Edit button from the main tool bar: 
Enter the WO Release Check List screen:

User may Add/Delete check list items to be assoiciated with the Work Centers, by depressing the     button and a screen then fills the right side with all of the standard check list items (setup in the Work Order Preparation Check List module).. 

Check list items may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.

If the user wishes to add all the check list items to the Work Order Traveler Setup, then remove a few unwanted ones, pressing the “Add All” button will transfer all check list items to the Work Order Traveler Setup. Likewise, pressing the “Remove All” button will remove all check list items from the Work Order Traveler Setup.

Depress the Done button when the movement is completed.
After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications.

1.4.6. Add/Edit Tooling Information

Adding/Editing Tooling Information  

The Tooling tab is used to describe the tooling requirements for the Work Center. It also provides for a location notation and an Expire Date. An example of a Check List item might be to perform the Work Center tooling, as detailed in this tab.


Find the desired Product number record.

Depress the Edit button from the main tool bar, or enter the Tooling screen then depress the Edit button from the main tool bar: 

To add a Tool/Fixture depress the "ADD" button.

Select the Tool/Fixture Description from the pull down selections (setup within the Tools Setup module). 

Select the Work Center from the pull down menu: 

Enter the Location, and the Expire date. The completed screen will appear as follows:

To delete a line item from the Tooling Tab. Highlight the line item.  Depress the Delete button, the following message will appear.  Select Yes to continue the deletion, select No to abandon the deletion.

After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. 

1.4.7. Add Outsource Information

The Outsource tab shows the services to be performed outside of the user’s shop. These services are indicated with an “O” in the work center tab.

Highlight the Outsource Service, then go to the Outsource Tab and the following screen will appear:

Highlight the Outsource Service. Depress the Add button for the Supplier. Select the Supplier from the pull down.  

Then continue across the columns and enter the quantity, cost each and markup. The Charge column will automatically update. When data entry is complete, depress the Done button.

In a future release, outsourcing will be available to create POs, receivers, etc. 

If the "Certificate Required" box is checked, this indicates that the supplier of the outsourced service is required to provide a certificate of completion.

Depress the "Service Footnote" to attach a footnote regarding the services for this product.

Depress the "Outsource Note" to attach a note regarding the outsourcing for this product.

If you want to add a Service Footnote or an Outsource note, depress the applicable button.   Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.

Depress the Save  button at the top of the screen to save changes, depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes.

1.5. FAQs - WO Traveler Setup
Facts and Questions for the WO Traveler Setup Module