1. Shop Floor Tracking by Work Order
1.1. Prerequisties for SFT by WO
Prerequisites Required for Shop Floor Tracking:
After activation, "Work Order Shop Tracking" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Work Order

The SHOP FLOOR TRACKING must refer to a Work Order, which includes the part numbers and description of the product being built.

Note:  If the "Status" field in the Work Order is set to Manufacturing Hold, the user will NOT be able to transfer product for that Work Oder.   If the “Status” field in Sales Order or RMA is set to Administrative Hold, the user may finish transfering the product, but a Packing List can not be issued.


The Routing must exist for the product, which includes the work centers and activities for the product being built.

Optional Prerequisites for Shop Floor Tracking:

Defect Codes

Required if Inspection data is to be entered.

Product Data Mgmt

Work Instructions should be established if the user wishes to utilize setup and work instructions.

Serial Numbering

The System Setup must define whether or not serialization is required for the part type.

Time & Attendance

User Work Shift information and Time & Attendance features must be installed before you will be able to use the “Time Log” button within the Shop Floor Tracking module.

1.2. Introduction for SFT by WO

The Shop Floor Tracking Module is used to record detailed transactions of all of the user’s Work In Process (WIP) activity.  This screen is a critical piece in the communication process.  This allows production to update the system as products move through the shop floor.  Production can add notes and indicators to identify current issues and delays.  This information is readily available for program managers and others so they have important information when it is needed and without chasing it down in production.

From within this module, the following functions are available, depending on the user’s configuration:

Time Log

The Time Card module has two functions:1) to enter the worker coming in at the first of the shift and exiting for the day, and 2) to track time spent by each worker on each Work Order (Job), by date and time.This information will forward to the Time and Attendance module.


A function for entering quality inspection results. Data may be used to track line quality based on customer, work center, product, location, etc. All Statistical Quality Control information and graphics are based on data entered here.

WC Check List

A list of items defined to be checked as completed for the work order and work center. The users visit this screen, identify the items completed, and enter their password, marking the check list with their initials and date completed.


Ths is the key function of this module. This is where the users identify the number of products being transfered from one work center to another during the production of the work order.


When the Work Center Activity Setup and Run is entered in System Setup, clicking in this area will provide the user with both text and pictorial instructions for setting up the work center.


Depressing this button will display any Tool/Fixture information which has been assigned to the Product through the Routing or Product Data Management (PDM) Module.

Work Instructions

When the PDM module is used, clicking in this area will provide the user with both text and pictorial instructions for processing the product in the work center.

Special Instructions

When the PDM module is used, clicking in this area will provide the user with both text and pictorial instructions for the product and work center.

Standard Specifications

Identifies standard specifications relating to this product per the Standard Process Specification module.


Provides a list of documents relating to the product being assembled. Displays the document number, revision, document date, and notes about the document.


Will list all part number assigned to the specific Work Center within the BOM module.  It will also allow the user to view the entire BOM if desired.


This screen will list the detailed information pulled forward from the ECO Control Management module.


This screen will list the detailed information pulled forward from the ECO Control Management module pertaining to any approved Deviations for the selected product.  

Quality Info

Will display the Quality information for the selected Work Center based on the information entered within the Inspection module.

WIP Status

Show all the open work orders for this product and show where the quantities are in the shop floor

User Defined Button

This is an outside call program that ManEx has implemented into the system. The Users can have their own program to run when they scan their serial number inside of shop floor tracking by using the “User defined” button. Within the Outside Program Call Setup module, the user will have the ability to change the button name of the “User Defined” button and select which program (EXE) they want to run after the users scans specific Serial Numbers.

Work Order Note

Any notes entered for the work order on the shop floor tracking screen will cause the button to turn Red. Any comments in this area will be visible to all work centers which are included in the work order routing.

Work Order / Work Center Note

Any notes entered specifically for the work order and the work center being viewed will cause the button to turn Red, calling the user’s attention to review notes that are applicable to the order. This button is sensitive to the work center being highlighted on the shop floor tracking screen.

Work Center Note

Any notes entered for the work center highlighted on the shop floor tracking screen will cause the button to turn Red. Any comments in this area will be visible to all products which include the work center in the routing.

Xfer History

This button lists the history of transfers.

Serial No History

This button will display Transfer History and Defect History by specific serial numbers.


This is simply a note screen that may be used to record information about the product during the course of manufacturing.

For further detail of these functions see Article #3107

1.3. Fields & Definitions for SFT by WO
1.3.1. Work Order Shop Floor Tracking
Work Order Shop Floor Tracking Fields and Definitions

This Text/characters turns RED if an ECO  (Engineering Change Order) is Added and Saved. When the ECO is approved, this button characters turns back to gray. This criteria is based on the product number and no revision number as the ECO will change the revision number.

This feature has been added because of the importance of the users needing to know that an ECO is being initiated by the production personnel.  This will help prevent product being built according to the original instructions and cut down on any additional rework or schedule delays.
Work Order The Selected Work Order
Sales Order The Sales Order linked to the Selected Work Order 
Customer    The Customer Name associated with the Selected Work Order

Wk Ord Qty

The number of units for the Selected Work Order
Balance The remaining balance of the parts to be delivered for the work order   
Due Date The due date for the first shipment remaining to be shipped in the work order (ignores due dates that have already been shipped).
Part Number      
The part number of the assembly being built for the work order. Next to the part number is a space for revision
Description This field will contain the Class, Type and Description of the assembly being built for this work order.  
Selected Work Center/Activity This area displays the work center (or activity) from which each of the action buttons below are launched.It is selected by placing the cursor (by mouse or tab) on the work center (or activity) of interest. 
ID The ID or abbreviation established for the work center. 
Work Center The Work Center's assigned to the MAKE part in Work Order Traveler Setup 

The quantity of parts pertaining to the work order that are currently in the work center.

This field will contain the number of panels in the work center (if the user tracks panels, based on conditions in the Shop Floor Tracking Defaults). 
See Article #3107 for the Directive Buttons fields and definitons Directive Buttons
SFT by WO Directive Buttons
The Time Card module has two functions:1) to enter the worker coming in at the first of the shift and exiting for the day, and 2) to track time spent by each worker on each Work Order (Job), by date and time. This information will forward to the Time and Attendance module. 
See Article #1769 for detail on entering Quality Inspection results using this function.  Data may be used to track line quality based on customer, work center, product, location, etc. All Statistical Quality Control information and graphics are based on data entered here.
Depressing this button will display a list of items defined to be checked as completed for a specific Work Center.  The users visit this screen, identify the items completed, and enter their password, marking the check list with their initials and date completed. For further information see Article #3552.
The key function of this module. This is where the users identify the number of products moved from one work center to another during the production of the work order.  For further detail see Article #857 .
When the Work Center Activity Setup and Run is entered, clicking in this area will provide the user with both text and pictorial instructions for setting up the work center.
Depressing this button will display any Tool/Fixture information which has been assigned to the Product through the Routing or Product Data Management (PDM) Module.  NOTE:  For this button to be enabled user MUST have the "Tool/Fixture Released" box checked on the Check List Title screen. 
When the Product Data Management module is used, clicking in this area will provide the user with both text and pictorial instructions for processing the product in the work center.  NOTE:  For this button to be enabled user MUST have the "PDM Released" box checked on the Check List Title screen. 
When the Product Data Management module is used, clicking in this area will provide the user with both text and pictorial instructions for the product and work center.  The Special Instructions are not printed on the travelers.   NOTE:  For this button to be enabled user MUST have the "PDM Released" box checked on the Check List Title screen. 
Identifies standard specifications relating to this product per the Standard Process Specification module.  NOTE:  For this button to be enabled user MUST have the "PDM Released" box checked on the Check List Title screen. 
Provides a list of documents relating to the product being assembled. Displays the document number, revision, document date, and notes about the document.  NOTE:  For this button to be enabled user MUST have the "PDM Released" box checked on the Check List Title screen. 
This screen will list all part number assigned to the specific Work Center within the BOM module.  It will also allow the user to view the Inventory Status, Open PO's, and Entire BOM if desired. Within these screens you can Sort, Search for specific items, and drill down to Original PO.
Inventory Status - Within this screen you can Sort, or Search for specific items. 
Open PO's - Within this screen you can Sort, Search for specific items, and drill down to Original PO.
This screen will list the detailed information pulled forward from the ECO Control Management module.
This screen will list the detailed information pulled forward from the ECO Control Management module pertaining to any approved Deviations for the selected product.
Will display the Quality information for the selected Work Center based on the information entered within the Inspection module.
View All Defect Codes - Within this screen you can Sort, or Search for specific items.  
Show all the open work orders for this product and show where the quantities are in the shop floor.
This is an outside call program that ManEx has implemented into the system. The Users can have their own program to run when they scan their serial number inside of shop floor tracking by using the “User defined” button. Within the System Setup/Outside Program Calls Setup module, the user will have the ability to change the button name of the “User Defined” button and select which program (EXE) they want to run after the users scans specific Serial Numbers.
Any notes entered for the work order in the Shop Floor Tracking screen will cause the button to turn Red. Any comments in this area will be visible to all work centers which are included in the work order routing.
Any notes entered specifically for the work order and the work center being viewed will cause the button to turn Red, calling the user’s attention to review notes that are applicable to the order. This button is sensitive to the work center being highlighted on the shop floor tracking screen.
Any notes entered for the work center highlighted on the shop floor tracking screen will cause the button to turn Red. Any comments in this area will be visible to all products which include the work center in the routing.
This button allows the user to view the history of product transfer from one work center to another.  NOTEIf the product has changed revisions from the ECO module, the SFT module will see it as a different product and no longer display the Transfer History information on screen for the old revision.  (See Article #3401 for more detail).

Note:  If product is serialized the transfer history screen will list each product individually, treating each serial numbered product as its own seperate part for tracking purposes, as displayed in the screen below: 

If product is not serialized the xfer history will list qty's as they are transfered, as displayed in the screen below:  

This button will display Transfer History and Defect History by specific serial numbers.
This is simply a note screen that may be used to record information about the product during the course of manufacturing, and is specific to the work center and work order.
1.3.2. Transfer Screen

From Work Center Highlighted that product is currently in
To Work Center that product being transferred to 
WC/A The user may elect to transfer material within work centers (WC) or within activities (A) by pressing the appropriate radio button 
Transfer to RWRK User can click on button to move all qty's in current WC directly to the Rework work center even if they don't have "Skip WC" rights
Qty of product being transfered
Panels Number of Panels (if applicable)
Traveler Check to Print Traveler
Pop up printer selection dialog Check to have the Printer Pop up selection dialog box appear
Add any Foot Notes that you would like printed on the Traveler.  Note:  These notes are not retained in any tables and are only temporary.
1.3.3. Quality Inspection Entry Tab

Quality Inspection Entry Screen Field Definitions

Work Order Number

The Work Order number which was inspected.

Serial Number

The serial number assigned to the specific assembly unit.


The next field, “NPF”, no problems found, is provided for the user to record when observing the product. If the serial number had previously been rejected, and analysis of the product yield no further problem, either with cosmetics or function, then the user may change this number to 1, meaning the first time it was inspected or tested, no problem was found. If the product serial number is subsequently rejected again, and a second inspection finds a problem, the number may be incremented to a “2”. This will alert users to repeated rejections of a product serial number, one or more times with no discernable defects. If the number of times that a part has experienced an NPF (no of problems found) exceeds that established in the Quality Defect Codes setup, the user will receive a warning message and will allow you to proceed on with the Inspection. This is just a notification that the board has passed the maximum NPF cycle.

Inspection Work Center

This is the name of the Work Center where the inspection took place.

Lot Size

This is the number of assemblies available for testing.

Insp Qty

This is the number ofassemblies actually tested.

Fail Qty

The number of assemblies which failed inspection.


The date whereby the inspection took place.


The time (24 hour clock) when the failure was recorded.

Rework Time The time estimated to rework the failed assembly
Pass Qty

The number of assemblies which passed inspection.


The percentage of assemblies which passed inspection.

Pass Times This is the number of times a particular Serial Number can pass through this Inspection screen. In Quality Defect Code Setup, there is a field called :maximum number of inspections/WC”.  The user may define how many times a given serial number can pass through a given Work Center.
Product Number

The internal number assigned to the assembly.


The revision number associated with the Product Number.

Product ID

This field is no longer used and is left blank.

Skip Serial Number Field

This box is checked if the user wishes to do Without Serial Number Inspection.

Enter Serial Number Without Validation

Only Enabled if user skips regular serial number entry.

This feature has been added to allow the users the ability to inspect Serial Numbers that do not actually exist within the ManEx system. (for example serial number created outside of ManEx, by customer or other software, etc. . .)If the user checks the “Enter serial number without validation” then ManEx does not validate when the users enters the Serial Number. The system just records the entry for later SQC analysis purpose.(note: if the work order is serialized, then the user can not use this feature)

Inspection Mode

Determines whether inspection is performed via Batch or In Line mode.

Batch mode is used for entering data previously recorded during inspection of the product. When the user chooses to enter defect data in “In-Line” mode with the serial number, the user won’t be able to enter “lot quantity”, “inspection quantity” or “failed quantity”. These fields are all automatically when the user goes into the “Defects Information” tab.  However, if the user enters defect data in “batch” mode without the serial number, then the user will be able to enter “lot quantity”, “inspection quantity” and “failed quantity”.

If the user wishes to 100% inspect material, and directly move the passed material to the next routing work center, then the In-Line Inspection mode may be used.

Work Center Inspection

The user has the option of viewing defects based on the product routing (Product Routing), or to view all defects (Maximum Routing).

Serial Number List

The numbers of all of the Serial Numbers which were inspected.  Depress the Edit button and then highlight the serial number of choice.

1.3.4. Defect Information Tab

Defect Information Screen Field Defintions


This displays whether the view of the defects is by Work Center only or covers All defects.

Check to skip location field

If this box is checked, the location field may be skipped.

Serial Number

The Serial Number of the failed assembly.

Defect Code

The code used to describe the defect. This code must be setup in the Quality Defect Code Setup module with System Setup.

Defect Description

The description of the defect will default in from the Quality Defect Code Setup module when the Defect Code is entered. 

Def Qty

The number of defects will be defaulted on from the Quality Inspection Entry Screen.

Charge to WC

Enter the Work Center where the defect will be charged.


Enter in the Reference Designator as set up in the assembly’s Bill of Materials.

Emp  Select the Employee number assigned to the defect from the pull down.

The name of the manufacturer of the component.  Once a Reference Designator is entered a popup screen will be displayed, and user may select a Mfgr.

Part Number

The internal number assigned to the component, will default in once the Reference Designator is entered.


The revision number pertaining to the internal part number will default in once the Reference Designator is entered.


Additional comments entered by the user.

1.4. How To ..... for SFT by WO
1.4.1. Finding A Work Order

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Production/Shop Floor Tracking by Work Order


The Main Screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find Button displays the following screen:
Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Open, Closed/Cancelled, or All.

Select the desired
Find: by selecting the appropriate radio button -  Work Order Number, Product Number, Customer, Sales Order Number, or All. 

Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen.    If you do not know the exact number, Customer, etc you may enter in a partial number, letter, etc, then once you depress the enter key the system will pull up the matching record onto the screen or a list of all Work Orders that contain the partial number, letter, etc. entered, to select from.

If user selects ANY of the Filters: and Find by All - a screen will appear listing all the Work Orders filtered by the selection,  in numerical order, along with the part number, and Customer name.   

The user has the option to view the work order by either entering the work order number into the red box, or scrolling down the list, highlighting the desired record and double click on it.   

And the information will populate the screen as displayed below: 

The Shop Floor Tracking screen is then populated with the appropriate data.




1.4.2. Shop Floor Tracking - Transfer

Find the desired Work Order record within the system.

Highlight the current Work Center where quantity is displayed, as illustrated:





Depress the “Transfer” button. The system will prompt for a password. The following dialogue box will be displayed.

The user may elect to transfer material within work centers (WC) or within activities (A) by pressing the appropriate radial button on the screen.

ManEx will determine the next area to transfer product based on the product routing, and enter the location in the “To:” field.

The user may elect to change this location by pressing the down-arrow button next to the field and selecting a different location.(NOTE: The user MUST have "Skip rights" or "Supervisor rights"  setup within the Security module in order to skip work center locations, or move product backwards) Exception to this rule is if user clicks on the Transfer to RWRK button. t will move all qty's in current selected WC to Rework WC without the need to have "Skip WC Rights"

Next, ManEx lists the number of products at the current location. The user may move all items, or select the quantity to be moved. This may be done by simply over-writing the quantity or by using the “arrows” to raise or lower the quantity shown.

The user may also elect to print a traveler to accompany the parts at this time. Once the Print Traveler box is checked, a Footnote button appears, as shown.   Any Footnotes that a person enters within this screen is just temporary and is only printed on the Traveler report
If the user elects to have the “Pop up printer Selection dialog” marked. The system will not print directly to the default printer. It will then bring up the Printer dialog box and allow the user to select which printer to send the traveler to.

In order to Print Traveler or Labels when completing work orders to Finished Goods, the system setup for SFT Defaults  must be set to have the printer ON for FGI Labels.   

Depressing the Footnote button will bring up a note screen.

Depress the Edit button, Type in the footnote. Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.

Transferring Serialized product

If the work station being used to transfer serialized material is assigned to use a default work center in Production Work Center/Activity Setup module, when the user first opens the module, the module will use the default work center assigned for this workstation, if the transfer is "FROM" a different work center other than the default and user is NOT a supervisor or has the  option "Allow Changing Default Work Center for Serial Number Transfer" box checked within the Security module, they will receive the following message:

When user depresses "OK"  a supervisor approval is required to continue.  After supervisor’s password is entered, the default work center will be changed to the one that the supervisor entered password for.   For example:  the workstation is assigned to use “TU” as default work center, now if user chooses to use “AI” to transfer, the system will ask for supervisor’s password, if user cancels the password, the default work center will still be “TU”, but if the supervisor enters his/her password on this machine, the default work center will be changed to “AI”.  If now the user tried to transfer from “TU” again, the system will ask for supervisor’s password again.  If user exits the module and come back, the default work center will be “TU” again.

If the user is using tracking by serial numbers, and if the user is transferring a lesser quantity than displayed, ManEx will display a screen from which to select the serial number(s) to be moved in the transaction.  The user may select one or more serial numbers to match the quantity being transferred, and then press the OK button.

The user must select the proper number of serial numbers or the transaction will be cancelled. 

Depress the OK button. The material will transfer and the Traveler will go directly to the default printer. (This report requires that the user have the bar code font available).


Since less is being transferred, the following message will appear

Yes – will bring up the Transfer Material screen again.

No – will bring you back to the regular Shop Floor Tracking module. 
If there are kit shortages remaining on kit, the following message will be displayed when transferring product into FGI.  User can select to continue moving the product into FGI or select "No' to cancel  the transfer. 


If the product is included in an active Cycle count, or Physical Inventory count, the following message will appear after depressing the OK button on the transfer screen anud user  will not be allowed to transfer product until the count has been completed and posted.


Discussion on the Accounting Entries

If the user also has accounting installed, then the appropriate journal entries will forward to the Accounting “Release to General Ledger” screen. Briefly, assuming that the user has the material cost set up in the Inventory Control Item master, then when the product reaches the Work Center “Finished Goods Inventory”, the entry will be to debit Finished Goods Inventory (or the warehouse home general ledger number of the product) and to credit WIP .If the product ended up in the Work Station “Scrap”, then the debit would be to the default scrap general ledger account, as set up in the Accounting Set Up.

Configuration Variance

If the Material Cost per the product was not equal to the sum of the standard costs per the BOM components, then a configuration variance will be created.

Please refer to the “Wip Value" Article #913 for further explanation.

1.4.3. Use Work Center CheckList within SFT Module

Create a Routing within the Work Order Traveler Setup module for Product.  For further detail see Article #4246

Create a Checklist for a Specific WC within the PDM module.  For further detail see Article #4584 .
Create a Work Order for the product within the Work Order module.  For further detail see Article #4236.
The Traveler Released box within the WO Traveler Setup MUST be checked.
The  Tool/Fixture Released box and the PDM Released box within the PDM module MUST be checked. 
The kit must be Released  and the  Kit Complete box within the Kitting module MUST be checked. 
Transfer  product through SFT when product reaches the Work Center with the checklist the "WC Check List" button will be displayed in Red (as displayed below).
Click on the "WC Check List" button and the check list will appear (as displayed below):  
User must then review the list and check the box when task has been completed and their initials, time and date will default in (as displayed below):  Note: This check List is for reference only and WILL allow the users to transfer product to the next Work Center if not all items have been checked off.  
Once all the boxes have been checked within the Work Center CheckList user may complete the transfers.  Note: This checklist is for users to check if they do all the necessary task, but it does NOT enforce the user to check all items before the user can transfter to next WC.
1.4.4. Enter the Defect Data Information

Entering a Defect Code Entry to a Work Order

For closed Work Orders:  In the Security module, there is an option which must be checked per user for the “Defect Code Entry”. Once the Security right has been entered, the user may edit a “closed” Work Order.

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)  This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Production/Shop Floor Tracking by Work Order Module

Find a Work Order in SFT by WO Module  


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the "Inspection" button located at the top of the screen.  The screen below will be displayed:

The first screen presented to the user will display all the defaults that are selected in the system setup/Quality Defect Codes, for Inspection Mode - the user has selected to enter defect information in BATCH or IN-LINE mode, for the Work Center Inspection the user has selected to display either Product or Maximum Routing . The user may change these selection if they choose to do so.  

Batch mode is used for entering data previously recorded during inspection of the product. When the user chooses to enter defect data in “In-Line” mode with the serial number, the user won’t be able to enter “lot quantity”, “inspection quantity” or “failed quantity”.  These fields are all defaulted in when the user goes into the “Defects Information” tab.  However, if the user enters defect data in “batch” mode without the serial number, then the user will be able to enter “lot quantity”, “inspection quantity” and “failed quantity”.

If the user wishes to 100% inspect material, and directly move the passed material to the next routing work center, then the In-Line Inspection mode may be used.

The user has the ability to limit some workstations (specific PCs) (which is defined in the Security Module) to be able to only transfer material “FROM” a certain Work Center.  When the user transfers material from a Work Center (A Serialized part Number Only) in the Defect Code Entry In-Line Mode, the system will check to see if the serial number is currently in the Work Center.  If not, a special supervisor’s password is required to transfer the serial number FROM a different Work Center.  After the supervisor’s password is entered, the system will use the new Work Center to be the default FROM Work Center until the user closes the screen.  The next time the user opens the screen, the default FROM Work Center will be changed back to the one defined in the Security Module. 

Entering Quality Inspection Data

There are two different ways to enter the Inspection Data:  Batch Mode or In-Line Mode

Batch Mode

The first information tab records information about the work order. This includes lot size, failures, inspection quality, date, etc. 

Depress the Add action button.  Enter the password of the Employee that has inspected the product.  

When the user first brings up the Defect Entry program, and before entering or editing data, they have the option to check or uncheck the “Skip Serial No. Field”. Once the data entry process is begun, the option is cleared until the user exits the defect entry form and re-enters it.

Adding Work Order Defect Information Without Serial Number Tracking 

Enter the Work Order number, select the Inspection Work Center from the pull down, enter Lot Size inspected, Inspected Qty, and Failed Qty.

The Date, Time, Pass Qty, and Yeild % will default in.  The date and time may be changed if needed.

The user may enter estimated rework time, if desired.

Depress the Defects Information tab and the following screen will appear:

The user may then enter a defect code by manually typing in the code, or by scanning a bar-code menu, or by double clicking on the field to review a list of defect codes.

ManEx defaults the number of defects to one item, but the user may overwrite the quantity with an observed quantity greater than one.

The list displayed will depend on which view is selected (in upper right hand corner of screen).  If Work Center Defects is chosen, only those defects associated with the work center (as established in the system setup/Quality Defect Codes) will be displayed. If All Defects is chosen, then every defect entered in the system setup/Quality Defect Codes will be displayed.

The user may select one or more defects from the list by holding down the Control Key while clicking on the defects to be selected.

After completing the selection of the defects involved with the current inspection, clicking on the OK button loads the selected defects into the defect information screen.

Although ManEx will enter a Charge To Work Center code based on the work center entered or the location of the part, the user may modify the originating work center by clicking on the field and selecting another work center from the list.

The user may (optionally) then enter in the location (reference designator) where the defect was observed.  The system will check the BOM to be sure that the location entered here matches locations entered on the Bill of Materials. 

When a valid location is entered, then system searches the Bill of Material to find manufacturers approved for the product, and displays a list of the approved manufacturers for the user to identify which manufacturer was associated with the defect observed. The user double-clicks on the manufacturer's name for the defective part, and the manufacturers name is placed in the defect information screen.   (Note:  the location field MUST be populated if using the Test and repair module)

The user then must select an Employee from the pull down.  The employee's being displayed in the pull down are only the employee's that are assigned to work centers (in the Security module) that are the same work centers listed in the Shop Floor Tracking by Work Order module and is sorted by the Employee User ID Number. 


The user may also enter a brief comment about the defect, for future reference.

The completed screen should appear as follows:

Depress the Save record action button to save changes or the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.

If you depress the Save record action button, the following message will be displayed:

If you want to add another defect record for the same user "ONE" then depress YES, if you want to add a defect record for a different user (Example user "TWO"), then you must depress NO.  Depress the Add record action button and enter user "TWO"s password and continue to enter the defect information.

When the user has completed the defect information, they may click on the Test & Repair tab, to enter more information about the part.

NOTE:  The Test & Repair is actually a separate OPTIONAL module, but has been included into the Defect Entry screen for ease of use for the operators.  For further detail about this module see Article #4211..

Adding Work Order Defect Information With Serial Number Tracking 

 Enter the Defect Entry screen. Depress the Add Record action button.  Un-check the "Skip Serial No Field" 

If the user is tracking serial numbers, then the first field to be entered (or bar-code scanned) is the serial number of the product being inspected. (Not the Work Order number).

Enter in a serial number. When the serial number has been entered, ManEx will complete the work order and product information. ManEx will also enter the current work center location of the serial number supplied.

The user now has the option of continuing to scan (or type) serial numbers, and log the defect information for each one later, or enter a serial number then the defects for that serial number, enter the next serial number, then the defects for the second serial number, etc. When multiple serial numbers have been entered, the data will refer to the serial number that is highlighted in the Serial Number list.

ManEx will enter in the lot size according to the quantity of serial numbers showing in the serial number list.

Go to the Defects Information Tab to enter in the Defect info for each SN entered:

The next field, “NPF” is provided for the user to record when observing the product and finding that there is “No Problem Found”. If the serial number had previously been rejected, and analysis of the product yield no further problem, either with cosmetics or function, then the user may change this number to 1, meaning the first time it was inspected or tested, no problem was found. If the product serial number is subsequently rejected again, and a second inspection finds no problem, the number may be incremented to a “2”. This will alert users to repeated rejections of a product serial number, one or more times with no discernable defects.

If the number of times that a part has experienced an NPF exceeds that established in the system setup/Quality Defect Codes the user will receive the displayed warning message and will allow you to proceed on with the Inspection.  This is just a notification that the board has passed the maximum NPF cycle. 


Entering Defect Information

This screen operates as described under Entering Defect Information without serial numbers, except that the user must enter data for each serial number recorded. The serial number may be chosen by highlighting the serial number in the serial number box on the first screen, or in the defects information screen, by pressing the down arrow button next to the serial number field and selecting a serial number.

Defect information is entered in the same fashion as described above, except that the user should remember that the data being entered is for one part at a time, by serial number of the part.

The other difference in using serial number defect tracking is that on the Test & Repair screen, the user may view the Serial Number History tab. This view will display both the transfer history of the serial number through the work centers, and the history of defects associated with the serial number of the product.

(Note: if you are entering Defect information and not using the Serial No, then this screen will remain blank)

The user completes the defect entry for the first defect code (The location, quantity of defects observed, etc.). The process is repeated for each defect observed, storing the location and serial number to be analyzed at a later time.

At the conclusion of defect entries for the lot, the Save action button is pressed to retain the data.  If the user elects to ignore all data entered in this session, the Abandon  changes action button may be clicked to void any entries. Notice that ManEx computes the total number of defects observed for the defect code and displays the number next to the defect code. 

Entering Defect Information Without Serial Number Validation

The “Enter Serial Number without Vailidation” option will only be enabled if the user skips the regular Serial number entry, and if the Work Order Product has not been serialized within the ManEx system.   

This feature has been added to allow the users the ability to inspect Serial Numbers that do not actually exist within the ManEx system. (for example serial number created outside of ManEx, by customer or other software, etc. . .)  If the user checks the “Enter serial number without validation” then ManEx does not validate when the users enters the Serial Number.  The system just records the entry for later SQC analysis purpose.  

Enter the Defect Entry screen. Depress the Add Record action button.  Select “Enter Serial Number without Validation. ”

Enter the Work Order number, and the desired Custom Serial Number(s). 

If the Work Order Product is serialized user will receive the following message:


The remaining process will then be the same as listed above.

In-Line Mode

When the user chooses In-Line inspection, either by setting it as the default in the Quality Defect Setup, or by selecting In-Line on the initial Quality Inspection Entry screen. 

The first information tab records information about the work order. This includes lot size, failures, inspection quantity, date, etc.

Depress the Add action button.  Enter the password of the Employee that has inspected the product.  

Check the Skip Serial No. Field (if not applicable).

Enter the Work Order number, select the Inspection Work Center from the pull down.

The Product Number, Revision and Current Qty will default in.

Then the Passed and Failed buttons are active. The user then clicks on either of these two buttons to proceed with the inspection.

Clicking on the Passed button transfers the serial number to the next work center (based on the product routing), and increments the lot inspection information by one and records the date time and inspector.

Clicking on the Failed button activates the Defect Information Entry screen for the user to record his/her observations.

Defect information is entered in the same fashion as described above, based on with or without serial numbers. 

When the user has completed the defect information,  may click on the Test & Repair page, to enter more information about the part.

The Test & Repair is actually a separate OPTIONAL module, but has been included into the Defect Entry screen for ease of use for the operators.  Please see the Test & Repair  article for further detail.


Edit Work Order Defect Information

After a work order has been found or entered, it may be edited by selecting the Edit record action button.

After selecting the transaction, the user may edit fields as described above in entering data.
1.4.5. Enter the Defect Data Information for the DPMO by Employee Report

In order to have the "DPMO by Employee" report create valid data, the user must be sure to enter the opportunities for defects (PPM) in the Work Order Traveler Setup and the employee must inspect the board and be assigned to the defects.  The "DPMO by Employee" report only gathers data if BOTH "Inspected By" and "Emp" are the same user, and the PPM is setup.   See Article #3156  for further detail on DPMO.   The following steps need to be followed to collect and track defects per employee. 

All data must be Entered in the Quality Inspection Entry and Defect Information screens, with in the Shop Floor Tracking Module.

Entering a Defect Code Entry to a Work Order for the "DPMO by Employee" report

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Production/Shop Floor Tracking by Work Order 


Find a Work Order in SFT Module.

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the "Inspection" button located at the top of the screen.

The following screen will appear:

Entering Quality Inspection Data

The first information tab records information about the work order. This includes lot size, failures, inspection quality, date, etc. 

Depress the Add action button.  Enter the password of the Employee that has inspected the product and will be assigned to the defects.  Example:  If user "ONE" is going to be assigned to the defect(s) then you must enter user "ONE"'s password. 

Check the Skip Serial No. Field (if not applicable).

Enter the Work Order number, choose the Inspection Work Center from the pulldown, enter Lot Size inspected, Inspected Qty, and Failed Qty.

The Date, Time, Pass Qty, and Yeild % will default in.

Depress the Defects Information tab and the following screen will appear:

The user may then enter a defect code by manually typing in the code, or by scanning a bar-code menu, or by double clicking on the field to review a list of defect codes.

The list displayed will depend on which view is selected. If Work Center Defects is chosen, only those defects associated with the work center (as established in the Quality Defect Codes setup) will be displayed. If All Defects is chosen, then every defect entered in the Quality Defect Codes  setup will be displayed.

The user may select one or more defects from the list by holding down the Control Key while clicking on the defects to be selected.

After completing the selection of the defects involved with the current inspection, clicking on the OK button loads the selected defects into the defect information screen.

Although Manex will enter a Charge To Work Center code based on the work center entered or the location of the part, the user may modify the originating work center by clicking on the field and selecting another work center from the list.

The user may (optionally) then enter in the location (reference designator) where the defect was observed.

The user then must choose the Emp from the pull down, which would be "ONE", because it needs to be the same user that has been entered in the "Inspected By".  The user is allowed to enter other user's name on Defect detail page in the "Emp" column.  But when the "DPMO by Employee" report is run, it will not display the records assigned to the different users.  

The system will check the BOM to be sure that the location entered here matches locations entered on the Bill of Materials. 

When a valid location is entered, then system searches the Bill of Material to find manufacturers approved for the product, and displays a list of the approved manufacturers for the user to identify which manufacturer was associated with the defect observed. The user double-clicks on the manufacturer's name for the defective part, and the manufacturers name is placed in the defect information screen.

Manex defaults the number of defects to one item, but the user may overwrite the quantity with an observed quantity greater than one.

The user may also enter a brief comment about the defect, for future reference.

The completed screen should appear as follows:

Depress the Save record action button to save changes or the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.

If you depress the Save record action button, the following message will appear:

If you want to add another defect record for the same user "ONE" then depress YES, if you want to add a defect record for a different user (Example user "TWO"), then you must depress NO.  Depress the Add record action button and enter user "TWO"s password and continue to enter the defect information.

When the user has completed the defect information, he/she may review the "DPMO by Employee" report Article #815, or may click on the Test & Repair page, to enter more information about the part.

The Test & Repair is actually a separate OPTIONAL module, but has been included into the Defect Entry screen for ease of use for the operators.  Please see the Test & Repair Management (T&R) article for more information.



1.5. Reports - SFT by WO

To obtain reports, depress the Report button. 

The following screen will be displayed:


Highlight the “Job Traveler” report. Make the desired selections in the Detail Report Section.
Note: The Work Instruction may not appear in the Traveler if the user prints it to an Excel Worksheet file. Some of the reports are quite complex, with multiple relationships and filters. In this instance, the Work Instructions are in a different data base than the routing and therefore will not be available.
Depress the OK button

The following screen will appear:

Enter a Work Order Number. 
Select to Display Time in Decimal Format or not.   The default is "YES"
Depress the OK button

The following report will be displayed:

Highlight the “Serial Number List for Work Order by WC/Activity” report.  
Depress the OK button.  The following screen will appear:
Enter the Desired Work Order Number.

Enter a Work Center ID between Single Quotes.  If ALL Work Centers are desired leave '*' Defaulted.

Note:  The leading zero's for SN will be removed from Report.
Depress the "OK" button

The following report is available:


Highlight the “Work Order List Connected to the Serial Number” Report. 
Depress the OK button and the following screen will be displayed:

Enter a desired Serial Number:

Depress the OK button

The following Report will be displayed:


Highlight the “Transfer History” report.

Depress the OK tab. The following screen will appear:
Enter a Work Center ID in between the Single Quotes:  If ALL Work Centers are desired leave '*' defaulted

Enter a Starting Date Range and Ending Date Range"

Leading zero's for SN will be removed from report

The following Report will be displayed.


Highlight the “Work Order Work Center Notes” report.

Depress the OK button.  The following screen will appear:
Enter a desired Work Order Number.

Depress the OK button. 

The following report will be displayed:


Highlight the “Serial Number Tracking History” report. 

Depress the OK button.  The following screen will appear:
Enter Beginning Serial Number within the single quotes.

Enter Ending Serial Number within the single quotes.
Leading zero's for SN will be removed from report.

 The following report will be displayed:  This report will gather transfer history and defect history for those serial numbers that have been linked to more than one work order and display the transfer history and defect history for all those work orders.   


1.6. FAQ's - SFT
Facts and Questions for the Shop Floor Tracking  Modules