1. Supplier Information
1.1. Prerequisites - Supplier Information

After activation, "Supplier Information" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.  
Supplier Numbering 
The System Setup/Number System must be defined for either automatic or manual supplier numbers.
Account Status The codes for supplier account status must be setup in Supplier Status.
Supplier Types The types of suppliers must be setup in Supplier Type.
Terms   The Purchase terms for the Supplier must be set up in Payment Terms.
Contacts      If used, The contacts used at the Supplier. 
1.2. Introduction for Supplier Infomration

The Supplier Module is used to enter the details about Suppliers. This information is used to prepare purchase orders and receivers, as well as establish defaults to be used when new purchase orders are created for a supplier. A supplier may have more than one remit-to address, if there are different divisions for the supplier with different accounting departments. One supplier remit-to address will be identified as the default address to be used in the creation of new purchase orders. One supplier confirm-to address will be identified as the default address in new purchase orders. Also, terms and conditions identified in these screens will be used as defaults for purchasing, receiving and accounting. The user has the opportunity to modify the default information at the time a new purchase order is created.


The Receiving and Billing Information is the user’s addresses which will print on the Purchase Order.

1.3. Fields & Definitions for Supplier Information
1.3.1. Supplier Tab


Supplier Information tab field definitions


Supplier No     The number assigned to the Supplier.
Supplier Name  The name of the Supplier.
Prefix This is only a reference field and does not affect any other modules within the system at this time.  This field has been implemented for future use.  
Account Status     Allows the user to select the status of the Supplier;  Preferred, Approved, Under Evaluation, Inactive or Disqualified.  "APPROVED" will default in, but can be changed during the Add or Edit process.  The status is displayed on screen when creating a PO.   If a supplier has an account status of either "Inactive" or "Disqualified" this supplier will NOT be displayed on the Supplier List when creating a New PO.   Other than that the status doesn't have any other influence throughout the system.  
Supplier Type     The type of Supplier, either Manufacturer, Distributor, Independent Rep. or In-Stores.
Purchase Type The type of purchases the user makes from the Supplier, either Inventory, MRO or both.  (MRO stands for Materials, Repairs and other, usually used for almost everything else other than Inventory.) 
Account Number The number the Supplier has assigned the user.
Phone   The Supplier’s telephone number.
1099      If this box is checked, the system will track all of the checks written to the Supplier during a calendar year and a report will be available in Accounting / Accounts Payable / Issue Checks.
Terms    The terms the Supplier affords the user, such as 30 Days Net,  2% 10 days, net 30, COD, etc.
Fax    The Supplier’s fax number.
Credit Limit  The amount of credit the Supplier affords the user.




Name   The name of the supplier contact. 
Title        The contact’s title at the supplier.
Phone How to reach the Contact.
Fax   How to reach the Contact.




1.3.2. Remit To Tab

Remit To tab field definitions

Supplier Name The name of the Supplier.
Default If this box is checked, it’s the default address where to send the Purchase Order.
Remitting Address The list of available remittance addresses for this supplier.  Ther are no limitations to the number of addresses that can be added to this field.
Remit To

The name of the check payee.


The mailing address where the remittance will be sent.


How to contact the remittance address personnel.


The contact at the remittance address.

Buttons  Used to Add, Edit or Delete a remittance address. Supplier e-Bank Information

Information populated here would be the Supplier's banking information

 Link Bank in List  when this is selected it will allow the user to select from ebanks that already exist for the selected supplier and associate to the highlight Remit To address
      Existing eBanks      List of existing eBanks for Supplier
 Add New Bank allow the user to create a new eBank

Originator (Name on Account)  This would be the your name associated with your Bank Account
Address The bank institution address information
 City  The bank institution City
 State  The bank institution state
Postal Code/Zip The bank institution zip code
 Country The bank institution country
 Phone The bank institution phone number
 Fax The bank institution fax number
 Attention Person or department at bank institution
 E-Mail email address for the bank institution 
 Destination Bank Name
Destination Bank Account Number This is the bank account number carried forward from the prior screen for the highlighted record 
 Bank Branch The bank institution branch 
 Bank Routing The bank institution routing number
 Bank ID/SWIFT  international bank code that identifies particular banks worldwide. It's also known as a Bank Identifier Code (BIC). CommBank uses SWIFT codes to send money to overseas banks. A SWIFT code consists of 8 or 11 characters
 Country Code The bank institutions country code 
 Default Payment Type Choose from the following options:  
     ACH:  for future development
     ONLINE BANKING:  for future development 
     CREDIT CARD, BANK DRAFT:  for future development
 Next E-Reference #  The next desired reference number that will be assigned to the next e-record
 Automatic Number if checked the system will assign the next reference number automatically






1.3.3. Confirm To Tab

Confirm To tab field definitions

Supplier Name The name of the Supplier.
Default    If this box is checked, it’s the default address where to send the Purchase Order.
Confirming Address   The list of available addresses where to send the Purchase Order for this supplier.
Confirm To    The name of the Purchase Order recipient.
Address   The mailing address where the Purchase Order will be sent.
Phone/Fax/E-Mail  How to contact the confirming address personnel.
Attention  The contact at the confirming address.  This is probably the name of the Sales Representative.
Buttons    Used to Add, Edit or Delete a confirming address.










1.3.4. Profile Tab


This tab is available for the user to make notes/comments about the Supplier.


1.4. How To .... for Supplier Information
1.4.1. Find Supplier Information

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Material Planning/Purchase Setup/Supplier Information  


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find action button, a list of supplier names will appear along with their id:
Select the Supplier name by either either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and clicking on the selected suppler.




1.4.2. Add Supplier Information

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Material Planning/Purchase Setup/Supplier Information  


The following screen will be displayed:

To ADD a new Supplier, the user selects the Add action button, enter password, this enables the fields on the screen for data entry. 

Enter the following fields: 

The Supplier Number assigned to the Supplier. If automatic numbering assignment was selected in Number System Setup, it will be completed when the data is saved. If manual, it must be entered.

The Supplier Name.

A Prefix if desired.

The Account Status, such as preferred, approved, etc. Select from the pulldown:
Note:  "APPROVED" will default in upon depressing the Add button, but can be changed.
The Type of Supplier, such as Distributor, Manufacturer, etc.Select from the pulldown:  
The Type of Purchase, such as inventory, MRO, or both.Select from the pulldown:   

Enter the user’s Account Number with the Supplier.

Enter the Phone Number of the Supplier.

Check the box nex to (1099)  if the Supplier is to receive a 1099. 

The Terms the Supplier has for the user, such as Net 30, 2% 10, COD, etc.....  Select from the pull down:


Enter the Fax Number of the Supplier.
Enter the Credit Limit established by the Supplier for the user.
When this screen is viewed for an existing Supplier, Contacts entered in the Contacts Module will show for this Supplier.  This field is NOT editable from this module. 

After completing the Supplier information screen, the user may tab (clicks on the next) to the Remit To screen.

In this screen, the user defines the Supplier information for payment purposes.

The Supplier Remit-To Directive buttons will now be active:

This button allows the user to define multiple remit-to locations for the Supplier.
  This button allows the user to modify existing remit-to information about a Supplier. If more than one remit to address exists for a Supplier, the address highlighted is the one that will be opened for editing.
This button allows the user to delete an existing remit-to record for a Supplier. 

This button allows the user to save the modified bill-to information.


This button will cancel any modifications made to the screen after the edit button has been pressed.

This button is selected for the default Remit-To location.  The Remit to address with the default checked is the one that will automatically be placed in New Purchase Orders. However, the user still has the opportunity to change the remit to address in the Purchase Order module by selecting another address.   Note:  There must be one Default Remit To address.

Enter information as follows:

The name of the Supplier, Defaulted from the first screen, but may be over-written.

A list of Remit-To addresses created for the Supplier, from which to choose for editing data.

The name of the organization to which payment is to be sent. (It may be a different division.)

Enter the Supplier Remit-To Address (may use two lines).

Enter the City, State and Zip Code for the Supplier Remit-to Address.
Enter the Supplier Country.
Enter the phone number at the Supplier’s Remit-to Address.
Enter the Fax Number of the Supplier’ Remit-to Address.
Enter the e-mail address of the Supplier Remit-to Address.

The Contact Name at the Remit-to address (if established in the Contacts Module).

After completing the Remit To information screen, the user may tab (clicks on the next) to the Confirm-To screen.

In this screen, the user defines the Supplier information for ordering purposes.

This screen and fields are identical to the Remit-to screen, except that the information will be used for the mailing address of the Supplier.

Pressing the Add action button will automatically fill the information from the Remit-to screen, if it has been completed.  All data may be edited and saved, or new data may be added to the database.  Note: There must be a default Confirm To address.

After completing the Confirm-To screen, the user may tab (clicks on the next) to the Profile screen. 

In this screen, the user defines the Supplier Profile notes for internal purposes. This screen is a memo field that may be used to record Supplier company information.

Once all of the data entry is complete.  Depress the Save action button. You will be asked if you want to create another Supplier.

1.4.3. Edit Supplier Information
Find the Supplier Information you need to edit.
Depress the Edit action button. All fields on the Supplier tab will be enabled for modification.
All fields on the Remit To tab will be enabled for modification.
Note:  The system will keep the address information (on existing PO's) that was actually selected at the time the PO was created.  If you add a new Supplier Remit To address and mark the new address as the Default.  The previously created PO's will still carry the original Remit to (ManEx cannot assume that the user wants to change all Remit To's across the board for already created and approved PO's).  The user will be required to edit each PO that the change affects and update the Remit to with the new default (any new PO's created will properly take the new default). 
The Invoices created through the PO Reconciliation module also carry the original Remit to Address information.   Any invoice that already was created and remains on your AP Aging will need to be edited through the Manual AP Entry screen.    IF it was already released to the GL at that time, I don’t think that the Edit feature would be available.  If you are unable to edit the Remit to information via the Manual AP Entry, then you can control the Remit to information that will print on the AP Check, by creating a Manual check through the Check Maintenance screen.
If you completely delete a Remit To address any previously created PO's will no longer have a Remit to address to refer to, therefore the remit to information on existing PO's will be blank.  The AP check module prints the checks per the Remit To information that is associated with each PO, so the address printed on the check will also be blank.   So, each PO that still has invoices residing within the AP Aging, will have to be edited and the Remit To information will have to be updated with the new address, if a Remit To address is deleted.    We would suggest that the person making changes to the Remit To Address information is careful before deleting one from the system.  You have to make sure that any record that has already been associated with that record has been processed through the system, and/or updated with the new address information.
All fields on the Confirm To tab will be enabled for modification.
All fields on the Profile tab will be enabled for modification.
At the conclusion of the modification process, the user must either depress the Save action button or the Abandon changes action buttons. 
1.5. Reports - Supplier Information

To obtain the Supplier Information Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.
Note: In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module

Select the Report Type:  SUPPLIER OR SUPPLIER CONTACT - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for SUPPLIER OR SUPPLIER CONTACT

To obtain the Sales Order Reports within the desktop, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen.
The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop:  

Highlight the report desired and Depress the OK button.

Supplier Information report

Select the Desired Supplier Status by highlighting your selection and depressing the > button  .If you want all Suppliers with any status listed, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button

The following report will print:

Supplier Contact Information report

Select the Desired Supplier Status by highlighting your selection and depressing the > button  .If you want all status's, depress the >> button.

Depress the OK button. 


The following report will print: