1. Quality/Engineering
1.1. Statistical Quality Control (SQC) (OPTIONAL Module)
1.1.1. Prerequisites for SQC
Required Prerequisites: 

ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks.  For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase. To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com\contactus.aspx

After activation, "Statistical Quality Control" (SQC) access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Customer  The Customer database must be established for Consigned part numbers.
Part number  The part number must exist for a product or part in the item master.
Defect Codes The Defect Codes must be established in the Quality Defect Codes setup.  The options for the viewing of serial numbers, number of times that “No Problem Found” are permitted, defects displayed for routing or all must be established in the setup.

 Optional Prerequisites:


Otherwise must be entered in Sales Order.

 Bill of Material-Locations

If locations (reference designators) are entered in the Bill of Material, the user may identify specific locations for each defect.

 BOM Appvd Mfgrs

If the AVLs are entered in the Bill of Materials, the user may identify specific manufacturers for each defect.

1.1.2. Introduction for SQC

The STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL (SQC) Module ~ Defect Entry screen is used to record defects and inspection results during the movement of product through the production Work In Process (WIP). The user has a choice of entering data in a batch mode or in an in-line mode See Article #5113 for further detail.   Batch mode is the entry of data accumulated during an inspection period, and is data entry only (does NOT transfer product from one work center to another).  In-line mode is where inspection is done at the end of a work center or activity, and the product is to be moved to another work center based on the results of the inspection. In-line inspection would require inspection of 100% of the product, in order to move the product from one step to another. It also requires the use of a ManEx workstation at the inspection station, so the data may be entered real-time.


Defect entry is based on having a standard nomenclature for the defects in the Quality Defect Codes setup, so that the users do not have the option of creative descriptions. The defects in the setup may be ascribed to specific work centers, to minimize the number of defects that an inspector (or data entry person) has to view to find the appropriate defect.


Defect information may be recorded by work order and/or by serial number. Defects may be associated with a specific “location” (reference designator) on the assembly, providing the user has entered reference designators for the assembly in its Bill of Material .  


If the user chooses to enter reference designator locations for the defects, and has entered reference designators on the Bill of Materials, then ManEx will prompt the user to select the manufacturer for the part used at the location, as well as automatically enter the internal part number at that location.


There is also provision for tracking the diagnostics and repair of each defect and assembly. The user may view the history of the assembly’s movement through production, and all of the defects associated with each assembly.


Data entered for defects will be used in the Statistical Quality Control module for charting pareto charts, control charts and more.
1.1.3. Fields & Definitions for SQC Defect Data Collection View Chart Tab
See Article #5115  for more detail on each individual Chart Listed at the Top.  Once you have selected the type of graph you wish to view the graph will be displayed in the window below the selection. Template Selection/Setup Tab
Template Selection Setup

This is the first screen to be used in the module. In this screen, STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL graphics are created by selecting parameters to be considered in the graph.

This screen operates differently than all other ManEx screens. When bringing up the SQC module, the user is first presented with a template screen from which to choose parameters to be included in the information displayed. 

When the user enters the system, he/she may select how they want to start the process of selection.  Click on the Customer, Part Number or Work Order radial. Template Detail Tab
Template Detail Tab
Date Range Enter the Date Range, From and To.  Mark the Radial for the view by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
User Defined Limits for DPM Chart

Central Line

lnCentralLine=lnTotalDef/lnTotalComp, where lnTotalDef is sum of all defect quantities * 1000000 and lnTotalComp is sum of inspected quantities*Parts Per Unit (entered in the routing module)

At this time system will decide if it can use average group size or not. If the size group varies more tan 15% the system will use variance Upper and Lowercontrol limit.   If average group size could be used the average group size gets calculated by taking lnAvrgSubgrSize=lnTotalComp divided by number of groups and rounded to the nearest integer.

Calculation for the Upper Control Line


Calculation for the Lower Control Line

lnLowerLine = ROUND(lnCentrLine -((3*(SQRT(lnCentrLine*(1000000-lnCentrLine))))/SQRT(lnAvrgSubgrSize)),3)

lnLowerLine = IIF(lnLowerLine<0,0,lnLowerLine) 

User Defined Limits for pChart

The formula for the Central line (Red) is:   p = Total Number Failed (divided by) Total Number Inspected  

Upper Control Limit (UCL) = p + 3 (divided by) p (1-p) divided by n

Lower Control Limit (LCL) = p - 3 (divided by) p(1-p)  divided by n (or 0, whichever is greater)

n = number inspected (sample size)

User Defined Goal for the Yield Chart "Yield" =  Total number of units handled correctly through the process step(s). This is usually measured in a percentage.  The results being displayed in the "Yeild Chart" is the ratio of summed inspected qty and summed passed qty, grouped by date (user can select WO number, defect code to be filtered). 

1.1.4. How To .... for SQC Enter the Defect Data Information

All data must be Entered in the Quality Inspection Entry and Defect Information screens, with in the Shop Floor Tracking Module. Enter the Defect Data Information for the DPMO by Employee Report

In order to have the "DPMO by Employee" report create valid data, the user must be sure to enter the opportunities for defects (PPM) in the Work Order Traveler Setup and the employee must inspect the board and be assigned to the defects.  The "DPMO by Employee" report only gathers data if BOTH "Inspected By" and "Emp" are the same user, and the PPM is setup.   See Article #3156  for further detail on DPMO.   The following steps need to be followed to collect and track defects per employee. 

All data must be Entered in the Quality Inspection Entry and Defect Information screens, with in the Shop Floor Tracking Module. SQC - Setup an SQC Template

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Module  


The following screen will be displayed:

Template Selection Setup

This is the first screen to be used in the module. In this screen, STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL graphics are created by selecting parameters to be considered in the graph.

This screen operates differently than all other ManEx screens. When bringing up the SQC module, the user is first presented with a template screen from which to choose parameters to be included in the information displayed. 

When the user enters the system, he/she may select how they want to start the process of selection.  Click on the Customer, Part Number or Work Order radial.

Clicking on the Customer radial will bring up the following selection screen:

 Select either Customer List or All Customers.

Selecting by Customer List will bring up the following selection screen:


Type the Customer into the red box or highlight and double click.

If the user selects by All Customers, the following screen will appear, listing All Customers, Work Centers, and Defects: 


If the start is from Part Number, the following selection will appear:  

If the user selects Product Number List, the following list will appear:

Type the Part Number into the red box or highlight and double click.

If the user selects All Products, the following screen will appear, listing All Part Numbers, Work Centers, and Defects: 


 If the user starts with the Work Order start, the following selection will appear:


If the user selects the Work Order List option, the following screen will appear:

User may Select from:  Open, Closed/Cancelled or All

The Select from:   Work Order Number, Product Number, Customer, Sales Order Number, or All 

Enter complete or partial info into the Red box or highlight and double click.

If the user selects All Work Orders the following screen will appear listing all Work Orders, all Work Centers, and all Defects. 


In the Work Order section, choose from All, One or Some.  If you’ve selected one, highlight the desired work order.  If you want more than one, depress the Ctrl key and click on the ones desired.


In the Work Center section, choose from All, One or Some.  If you’ve selected one, highlight the desired work center.  If you want more than one, depress the Ctrl key and click on the ones desired. 


Make the same selection in the Defect List section.  If you want all defects displaying as per the System Setup, check the Defect List box.


To make a new selection, depress the New Selection button.

Template Detail Screen

Pressing on the Template Detail tab brings up the following screen:

Enter the Date Range, From and To.  Mark the Radial for the view by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

Mark the radial for the User Defined Limits for DPMO chart:  Lower Limit, Central Line, Upper Limit or Reset.  Indicate Central Line amount in box.

Mark the radial for the User Defined Limits for pChart:   Lower Limit, Central Line, Upper Limit or Reset.  Indicate Central Line amount in box.

Indicate the user defined goal for the Yield Chart.
To Save this template for future use go back to the Template Selection/Setup tab enter in a name and depress the Save button.  The Template will be saved in the Viewing Template field for future use.  SQC - Data Viewing And Analysis

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Module  


The following screen will be displayed:

Template Selection Setup

This is the first screen to be used in the module. In this screen, STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL graphics are created by selecting parameters to be considered in the graph.

This screen operates differently than all other ManEx screens. When bringing up the SQC module, the user is first presented with a template screen from which to choose parameters to be included in the information displayed. 

When the user enters the system, he/she may select how they want to start the process of selection.  Click on the Customer, Part Number or Work Order radial.
The user then may select to view just a Customer List, Product Number List, Work Order List, or All Customers, All Products, or All Work Orders.
Once they have made their choice, the following screen will appear.  Depending on the selection the following screen may differ.


In each section, choose from All, One, Some, or Clear.  If you’ve selected one, highlight the desired. If you want some (more than one), depress the Ctrl key and click on the ones desired.

 If you want all defects displaying as per the System Setup, check the "Show all defects from systems setup" box. 

To make a new selection, depress the New Selection button.

Template Detail Screen

Pressing on the Template Detail tab brings up the following screen:

Enter the Date Range, From and To.  Mark the Radial for the view by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

Mark the radial for the User Defined Limits for DPMO chart:  Lower Limit, Central Line, Upper Limit or Reset.  Indicate Central Line amount in box.

Mark the radial for the User Defined Limits for pChart:   Lower Limit, Central Line, Upper Limit or Reset.  Indicate Central Line amount in box.

Indicate the user defined goal for the Yield Chart.

View Chart Screen/Graphs

Pressing on the View Chart brings up the Graphics Display Window.

Defect Pareto Chart - The results being displayed in the Pareto Chart are from Several Work Orders combined.    
Note:  The yellow line is a cumulative % of total defects represented by the current defect and all preceding defects.  That is why it reaches 100% by the right side of the graph.

Defect Pie Chart -  The results being displayed in the Defect Pie Chart are from several Work Orders Combined. 
cChart - The results being displayed in the cChart are from all Work Orders, Work Centers, and all defects from 01/01/2012 thru 01/31/2012 (1 month)

The Red Line is the Defect Qty  

The formula for the Central line (Green line) is:   c
= Total Defects (divided by) Number of Subgroups

The formula for the Upper Control Limit (UCL) (Blue line)  = c + 3 (divided by) p

The formula for the Lower Control Limit (LCL) (Yellow line) = c - 3 (divided by) p (or 0, whichever is greater)
pCHART The results being displayed in the pChart are from all Work Orders, Work Centers, and all defects  for one day 07/10/2013.   

The formula for the Central line (Gray) is:   p
= Total Number Failed (divided by) Total Number Inspected  

The formula for the Upper Control Limit (UCL) (Blue) = p + 3 (divided by) p (1-p) divided by n

The formula for the Lower Control Limit (LCL)(Green) = p - 3 (divided by) p(1-p)  divided by n (or 0, whichever is greater)

DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities) Chart   (Which means the number of things wrong observed in the inspection of a part, or board assembly).   The results being displayed in the DPMO Chart are from several Work Orders combined. 

Defects Per Million Opportunities.  There are several ways to setup the opportunities (which means the number of possible defects that can occur on a product),  but it is up to each company to make that decision.  For Example: Some may say that a resistor with two leads that are not properly soldered is counted as two defects and some may only count it as one defect, since it is one part that was assembled incorrectly.   The opportunity or the standard opportunity is entered in the Work Order Traveler Setup module.  The field is called PPM = Parts per million. 

The DPMO chart uses the PPM as a reference to measure the actual failures against the total inspected quantity.

See Article #3156  for further detail on DPMO. 

The formula for calculating DPMO chart is as follows:

Example (2+3+3) = SUM of defect quantities (8) * opportunities or PPM (1,000,000) (divided by) Qty Inspected (500) (divided by) parts per unit (100) = 160

Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly

On the Y axes the graph shows number of defects per million

One the X axes day or week or month or year

This graph collects defect information for the selected work centers and work orders in the selected date range. The user also has to select if the information will be grouped by day, week, month, or year.

The selected group will be your X coordinates on the graph.

The Y coordinates will be calculated as sum of the defect quantities *opportunities or PPM divided by total Qty inspected (divided by) parts per unit (qty was entered in the routing module) grouped by X coordinate unit (Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

This is a data line there is three more control lines displayed on the graph:

Central control line:

Upper control line:

Lower control line

All three lines could be user define lines.

If the lines are not user define lines they calculated as following

Central Line

lnCentralLine=lnTotalDef/lnTotalComp, where lnTotalDef is sum of all defect quantities * 1000000 and lnTotalComp is sum of inspected quantities*Parts Per Unit (entered in the routing module)

At this time system will decide if it can use average group size or not. If the size group varies more tan 15% the system will use variance Upper and Lowercontrol limit.   If average group size could be used the average group size gets calculated by taking lnAvrgSubgrSize=lnTotalComp divided by number of groups and rounded to the nearest integer.

Calculation for the Upper Control Line


Calculation for the Lower Control Line

lnLowerLine = ROUND(lnCentrLine -((3*(SQRT(lnCentrLine*(1000000-lnCentrLine))))/SQRT(lnAvrgSubgrSize)),3)

lnLowerLine = IIF(lnLowerLine<0,0,lnLowerLine) 
Defects Distribution Chart - The results being displayed in the pChart are from all Work Orders, Work Centers, and all defects from 01/01/2012 thru 01/31/2012 (1 month)  

Yield Chart -  "Yield" =  Total number of units handled correctly through the process step(s). This is usually measured in a percentage.  The results being displayed in the "Yeild Chart" is the ratio of summed inspected qty and summed passed qty, grouped by date (user can select WO number, defect code to be filtered).  The results below are from One Work Order, All Work Centers, and all defects for one day 07/10/2013.    

1st Pass Yield Chart  The results being displayed are from all Work Orders, Work Centers, and all defects from 01/01/2012 thru 01/31/2012 (1 month).  

1st Pass Yield chart in the SQC module is designed only when the serial number is used for the work order.  The system uses the serial number to determine how many serial numbers passed without failure/defects within a work order.  1st Pass Yield chart will be blank if there are no product tracked by serial number within the production floor


To enter a new title, depress the Graph Title button. The following will be displayed:

Enter in the new desired Graph Title. Depress the Exit button, and the graph title will be updated.




1.1.5. FAQ's for SQC
Facts and Questions for the Statistical Quality Control Module
1.2. Corrective Action Request (CAR) (OPTIONAL Module)
1.2.1. Prerequisites for CAR
Prerequisites Required for Entering a New Corrective Action Request:
ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks.  For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase.  To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com\contactus.aspx

After activation, "Corrective Action Request" (CAR) access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Quality Inspection Entry A Quality Inspection entry must have been entered in Work Order Shop Floor Tracking.
Customer      The Customer database must be established for Consigned part numbers.
Supplier    The Supplier database must be established for purchased parts.
Part number in Item Master  The part number must exist for a product or part.
Quality Defect Codes The Defect Codes and Names have been entered in System Setup.  
CAR Types  The Corrective Action Request types must have been entered in System Setup.
CAR Number Type  The Corrective Action Request Numbers must have been entered in System Setup.
Work Center     The Work Center must have been entered in System Setup.
Work Order   There must be a Work Order associated with the Corrective Action Request.

1.2.2. Introduction for CAR

The Corrective Action Request (CAR) module is used to record and track to the conclusion of all corrective action requests.


The user may establish his/her own type(s) of corrective actions in the system setup. Examples of types of corrective actions may be Supplier, Customer, Production, Administration, etc. In addition to classifying corrective actions by type, the user may also establish number types for the corrective action. Examples of number types might be RMA, DMR, Internal, etc.


The user enters information relating to each CAR including ISO reference, Quality Manual Descriptions, Customer/Supplier information and/or Work Center/Department involved.


There is provision for text entry of the Description of Condition, the Apparent Cause, and the Actual Cause, along with provision to enter a graphics image.


In the Corrective Action section, there is provision to enter Corrective Action Taken, as well as information for Follow Up & Review.


In the Main screen, a list of all open corrective actions is displayed, and may be sorted by Due Date, New Due Date (if revised), CAR number or CAR Type.  There is provision to enter the name of the CAR Coordinator, and include a list of team members and their percent completion of the task. There is also a place for users to enter the date and name of the team member who verified the problem; the date and name of the team member who granted the final approval of the CAR; the date and name of the team member who followed up on the CAR; and the date and name of the team member who closed the CAR.



1.2.3. Fields and Definitions for CAR Open List Tab

This is the due date for the open CAR.  (The user may sort on this field by depressing the Due Date button.) 

This is the new or revised Due Date. (The user may sort on this field by depressing the New Due Date button.)
This is the number assigned to the Corrective Action Request. (The user may sort on this field by depressing the CAR Number button.) 
This is the type of Corrective Action Request as set up in system set up. (The user may sort on this field by depressing the CAR Type button.) 
Days Late    This is the number of days between the New Due Date column and today’s calendar date.
% Completed 
The program calculates % completion of all of the users who are assigned to the project.   
Coordinator The name of the user coordinating this CAR will default in this field once the CAR has been created and Saved. 
This button is depressed so that the team members may enter their individual percentage of completion.
Team Member Name    If users are assigned to this CAR (within the CAR tab) those names will be displayed within this field. 
% Compd  Once the CAR has been completed the Individual users may add their percentage of completion within this field. 
Problem Verified  The name of the user who verified the problem.  The date will also display.
CAR Final Approval by    The name of the user who approved the CAR.  The date will also display. 
Follow Up by    The name of the user who performed the follow up. The date will also display.
CAR Completed by 
The name of the user who completed the CAR.  The date will also display. CAR Tab

CAR Number 

The number assigned to the Corrective Action Report.

CAR Date The date the Corrective Action Report was created. 
CAR Description  The description of the Corrective Action Report.
CAR Type  The type of Correction Action.
Due Date 

The due date of the Correction Action.

New Due Date 

If revised, the revision due date.


Describes whether the corrective action is major or minor.

Number Type   

The type of CAR number as set up in system setup.Please refer to the Implementation – Production manual. 

Number The number associated with the Number Type.
ISO Element  The element pertaining to ISO.
Quality Manual Description  This is a read only field.
Customer/Supplier Name  If the CAR type is Customer, the name of the customer will appear.  If the CAR type is Supplier, the name of the supplier will appear here.
Work Center/Dept.   If the CAR type is Work Center/Dept., the name of the Work Center or Department will appear here.

Status of Team Progress section

Graphics Display Window

If some work has been completed by the team and registered in the Open List tab, a graph displaying the percentage of completion by each team member will display. 

Depress this button to change graph view to 3D or back to 2D. 

This button will bring up a list of users who can be assigned to the CAR team. 
In order for the user to be displayed on this list they must have Edit or Add rights to the CAR module within the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

 Observation Tab

Description of Condition 

This field is for the user to enter in the description of the condition for the CAR being created.  

Apparent Cause This field is for the user to enter in the apparent cause for the CAR being created. 
Actual Cause

This field is for the user to enter in the actual cause for the CAR being created. 

This button is available for the user to Load a picture for the CAR being created if applicable. Corrective Action Tab

This tab is available for user to add notes regarding Corrective Action, and Follow Up and Review for a specific CAR.

1.2.4. How To ..... for CAR Finding A Corrective Action Request Record

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineer/Corrective Action Request(CAR)/Corrective Action Request (CAR)

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find Record action button
The following selections will be displayed:

To Find by CAR Number, user must enter the CAR Number into the Red Box

Find by CAR Status

Selecting to find by CAR Status, will display another option to find by Open or Closed CAR's. 


Once a user has made the selection of either Open or Closed the system will display a list of CAR's to select from.

Select by either entering the CAR number into the red box or highlight and double click on the CAR. 

Find by CAR Type

Selecting the find by CAR Type option, user will need to select the Type from the pull down. 
Once user has selected the Type from the pull down the a list of CAR will be displayed for this type: :

. Adding a Corrective Action Record

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/Corrective Action Request(CAR)/Corrective Action Request (CAR)
The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Add Record action button. The following screen will be displayed: 
 Enter the CAR Description, Due Date, and New Due Date. 
Depress on the down arrow to select whether the problem is Major or Minor

Depress on the down arrow to select the CAR Type:

If you select Work Center/Dept, a further selection screen will appear.

If you selected Customer or Supplier from the above as the CAR Type, a further selection screen will appear:
The Supplier List will be sorted by Supplier Number. The Customer List will be sorted by Customer Name in Alphabetical Order.
Upon selection, the name of the Work Center/Dept, Customer/Supplier will appear in the boxes below. 

Depress the down arrow next to the Number Type field.  The following list will appear:
Select the type applicable to the CAR.
Enter in the Number (Work Order, DMR or RMA) and the ISO element.
Depress the Assign button and a list of employees will appear that have Add or Edit access rights to the CAR module setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Make the selection for the Team Members.

Depress the OK  button. 

Depress the Observation Tab to enter - Description of Condition, Apparent Cause, and  Actual Cause information.  Within this screen user can also Load a Picture if applicable.
Depress the Corrective Action tab  to enter the Corrective Action and Follow Up and Review information.
Once user has completed adding all the pertain information for the CAR.  They may depress the Save button to save the changes or depress the Abandon Changes button to abandon all changes.
If Set to Manual numbering the following screen will be displayed upon the save to assign a number to the CAR created.  If Set to Auto numbering the CAR will be assigned a number upon the save.
 The completed screen should appear as follows:
When entering the CAR module all Open CAR will be displayed listing the Due Date, New Due Date, CAR Number and CAR Type. 

Highlight the CAR of interest and depress the Edit button and enter password.  The Approval lists will be enabled:
To enter an approval, depress the down arrow button and a list of employees will appear that have add or edit rights to the CAR module setup in the ManEx System Security module. Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.  Make a selection and their name, date and time of selection will default into the appropriate fields.

To enter a percentage of completion, place the cursor in the % Completion column.   Enter in the percentage completed.  Depress the Enter key.  You will be prompted for the password.  The password entered MUST “MATCH” the name of the user.  

The user may then depress the CAR tab to view the Team Member Project Status of completion graph.
To obtain a 3D version, depress the 2D/3D  button. Editing a Corrective Action Request Record
Find the CAR of interest and the following screen will appear:

Depress the Edit record and the following fields will become activated on the Open List screen. 
Depress the down arrow next to each of the desired fields.  A list of employees will display for selection.     Note:  That an entry in the "CAR Completed By"   field will Close the record.

Depress the CAR tab, when in Edit mode all the fields are available for edit. 

Depress the Observation tab and all the fields are available for edit.   

If you wish to load a picture, depress the Load Picture  buttonThe following dialog box will be displayed.
Select a bit map image/file you want to load by highlighting and double clicking.  The load picture will display the image loaded.




Depress the Corrective Action tab -  and enter any Corrective action and/or Follow Up & Review information: 


Once the desired information has been entered into the appropriate locations, depress the Save Button, and enter your password.
1.2.5. Reports - CAR

To obtain the Corrective Action Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.

Note: In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.

Select the Report Type:  BOM - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for BOM





1.3. Integrated BOM & AVL
1.3.1. Prerequisties for BOM & AVL

Bills of Material (BOM’s) may be created a part at a time or all at once. Although they may be created from the top down or from the bottom up, entering of components and subassemblies first is faster. Copying similar existing BOM’s and editing the copy can greatly shorten the process.  BOM’s can be created as Inactive while under construction to prevent premature use.


After activation, "Bill of Material and AVL" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Part number for Assembly, Product or Subassembly
must exist in the Inventory Control Mgmt  module.
Part numbers for Components and Subassemblies must exist in the Inventory Control Mgmt module.

Work Centers to be Kitted to
must be setup in the Production Work Centers & Acivities module.

Customer Part numbers for Consigned Parts to be added to the BOM must exist in the Inventory Control Mgmt  module.
Manufacturer’s Part numbers and Customer’s AVL selections must be setup in the Inventory Control Mgmt  module.
Optional Data
Component Costs (Standard, Budgeted or Quoted) for manual calculation of the Standard cost of the Assembly.  Note that if the Accounting Module is installed, the cost information must be filled out.
1.3.2. Introduction for BOM & AVL
The Integrated Bill of Material and AVL Module allows the user to create, modify, copy, inactivate or delete Bills of Material (BOM’s).BOM’s are the master documents that define what material goes into a product. Item numbers (Product, assembly, subassembly or component) used in BOM’s link the BOM’s to the data that is entered and maintained in the Inventory Control Management- Item Master and Quantity Info screens.  Most of the basic data fields (class, type, description, revision, unit of measure, warehouse and order policy) remain the same whenever an item is used in a BOM.  Only the data fields that are maintained in the BOM Module, such as the reference designators, kit-to Work Center and quantity per assembly may be changed from one BOM to the next.BOM’s are used to kit components and subassemblies for Work Orders and to drive demand for Material Requirements Planning.
See Article #2560 to view how Inventory, BOM's and AVL's are connected within the ManEx system.
NOTE:   If users choose to use effective and obsolete dates in place of proper revision control, you must be absolutely certain that they do not take effect at any point after production begins and before the WO is closed. If this isn't properly managed, you will get the variances.  While some may be minor and positive variances may partially offset negative variances, you CANNOT rely on this and you WILL have discrepancies.

The best approach is to always roll the revision when there is a change to an assembly that will affect the value in any way. This becomes even more important if you have WOs open long after the due date and it has had additional changes to the configuration.  See Article #5055 for further details.

Indented Bill of Material: The Top-down breakdown of the structure of a product. In an indented BOM listing, every subassembly and component is indented one level from the assembly or subassembly into which it goes.

Parent and Child Relationships in BOM’s: Each product “parent” has an indented list of “child” components and subassemblies that go into it. Each child item is indented under its parent and may in turn have child components indented under it.

Accepted Manufacturer List (AML): The AML is the list of manufacturer part numbers entered in the Inventory Control Mgt.- Quantity Info screen. A manufacturer must first be set up in the Inventory Control Mgt./ Part Manufacturer Setup before its approved part number can be added.

Accepted Vendor List (AVL): AVL’s show which manufacturers are approved or qualified for use for a particular customer’s product line or individual product. Only manufacturer part numbers that have been entered in the AML for a particular item can be selected or deleted from the AVL for a customer. A customer’s Approved Vendor List of manufacturers for each internal part is maintained in that customer’s Consigned Inventory record for that part.

Consigned Inventory AVL Record: When a Customer part number is assigned in the Inventory Control Mgt.- Customer Reference screen, a Consigned Inventory Record is generated for that item and customer. The Quantity Info screen for the Consigned Customer part number is where the Customer’s AVL is maintained.
Q.  Do I have to go into the Inventory Control Management module and assign a customer to the part number?   A.  Only if the user wants the cross-reference to the customer part number to show for internal parts on the BOM. This field will show up if a BOM Assembly is attached to a specific customer.

Anti-AVL: Normally the AVL for each customer applies to all of their product BOM’s. However, if a customer wishes to disqualify a manufacturer from use in one particular BOM, removing a check-mark from the Anti-AVL field may be used to keep the otherwise approved manufacturer from being used on specific BOM’s.

Generic and Manufacturer Preferences: A Generic (Genr) manufacturer means that any manufacturer’s part can be used.Generic is generated by the system as the default manufacturer if no other is specified. If specific manufacturers are listed for a part, preferences for use in an Internal or in a Customer’s product may be entered. Preferences are entered in the Inventory Control Mgt.- Quantity Info screen as 1 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, etc. next to the manufacturer.


Bills of Material serves many functions in the manufacturing environment. They are central to all manufacturing operations and are used for everything from product specification to quotation document. BOM’s are key to material requirements planning, kit organization, product structure, and configuration control.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP): The BOM is the master plan for building product. An indented BOM from the product top level down to the lowest level component provides the entire material picture for a product. Its quantity and manufacturer preferences are used to kit materials for production to assemble. Its linkage to Item Master Purchase and Production Lead Times and Work Center offsets are used by the MRP to determine which parts to purchase or make and when to provide them. By listing multiple manufacturers and alternate part numbers, the BOM can be used to manage work order shortages.

Kitting by Work Center: Selection of a Work Center for each BOM Line Item causes that item to be kitted with other parts for that Work Center. Grouping of the parts needed for the first Work Center helps determine when to start a work order and eliminates the need for sorting out needed parts at each Work Center. Also if parts are not kitted until needed for later work centers, they need not be purchased or made until closer to the time they are actually needed.

Production Offset: This time difference between the start of the kit for the first Work Center and the kitting for the Work Center where the part is needed is called Production Offset and can be entered for each line item in the BOM. For example, mechanical parts and chassis parts may not be needed until the work order reaches the final assembly work center. By identifying those parts as Final Assembly parts and entering “x” number of days of Production Offset, the parts will not be scheduled for delivery by the MRP nor need they be kitted for “x” days later than the rest of the Work Order. An entry in this field will displace the due date required by the amount of offset established in the BOM. If the user wanted a part or assembly to be ready on the third week of an order that took 4 weeks, then the user would enter a 3 week offset, and the MRP module would suggest ordering the parts three weeks later than otherwise. Please refer to the Material Requirements Planning Management manual.

Engineering Change Control: BOM’s are unique by their revision number and as such are used to control changes to the structure or components in a product. By creating a new Revision level of the BOM with an Effective Date the next day after the Obsolete Date for the old BOM Revision, the user can drive changes in material requirements, kitting and work orders. Or if the new BOM Revision level is to co-exist with the down-rev. Revision, the new BOM is just activated without obsoleting the old BOM. With BOM Revision control, several revisions may exist with different definitions for each. BOM Notes may be used to record Engineering Changes for tracking purposes in the absence of a formal ECO system or documentation.

Reference Designators: Unique reference or insertion designations can be assigned in the BOM as guides for placement, assembly, repair or data recording for Statistical Quality Control (SQC).
Note:  If the Leveling of Make items is in process then the users will not be able to Add/Edit a BOM, even if the user is already in modification mode of the BOM, the user will not be allowed to save the changes until the leveling process is complete.  This is due to the fact that the affected records in leveling of Make Parts is large and complex, the saving time to commit the whole changes to inventory tables does take a large amount of time, so we do not want users making modifications to the BOM when the process is still leveling, so we have added a flag that the users will see within the BOM module. 
1.3.3. Fields & Definitions for BOM & AVL Bill Of Material Main Screen

This is the screen that appears when opening the module. The product number is displayed in the Bill of Material Module screen header as a reference.  The product information will remain on screen while viewing other sections of the BOM module.  BOM Main may be used to view, edit, add or delete a Bill of Material.  BOM Header information is displayed for any item located after a FIND.  If any Line Items have been added to an assembly in the BOM Header, they will be displayed in the Detail Window below.  The lines that are inactive will be highlighted in purple. Selection of a Line Item in the Detail Window will cause the other BOM screens to be populated with default and/or added information for that Line Item. Start with this screen to add a new BOM, edit an existing BOM, add a new Line Item or change detail information for existing Line Items.                

The Header Information fields across the upper half of the screen are populated from the item master and from keyed-in assembly data. The fields in the Body (Detail Window) show information about the components included in the assembly.

BOM Main Field Definitions


The Part Class assigned to the assembly in the Item Master.


The Part Type assigned to the assembly in the Item Master.


The Item Master description for the Assembly Part.


The Part Number for the assembly. Can be the customers product no. or an auto-assigned internal Part Number.


The Part Number Revision for the assembly. An assembly may exist under multiple revisions.A separate BOM is required for each.

Matl Type This is defaulted in from Inventory Control

Any notes pertaining to the BOM will display upon depress the Note button.

Depressing the down arrow will display the history of the BOM components. Current reflects the most recent listing; BOM History will display the history of changes. Selected Date will bring up a selection screen.
Note:  If the effectivity and obsolete dates are used, then it is possible to check the specific parts list at any given data using the BOM history. 

The BOM Status:  Active - BOM is Active; 
Inactive - BOM is Inactive which will affect Cost Roll up.   NOTE:  Changing the BOM status to Inactive will NOT remove the MRP demands you MUST Inactivate the part number in ICM to remove the MRP demands.  See Article #3430 for further detail.
-  This status is in case a BOM is in a quote stage and the user needs a reminder that the quote for this BOM is pending.   
This status is for the BOM ONLY, it will NOT change the status of the Inventory part.  The Inventory part status and BOM status can be different.  This is to allow flexibility so the BOM can be inactive and will NOT be displayed in the BOM module, but the part will still be displayed in the inventory listing.   Users will be allowed to change the status on a BOM from Active to Inactive with open SO, WO, etc. and MRP will still show demands.  Users will also still be allowed to Create NEW SO, WO, etc if ONLY the BOM status is Inactive.  Users will NOT be allowed to change the status on the Inventory part from Active to Inactive with open SO, WO, etc. 
When the BOM is made Inactive this field will display the status along with the date and Initials of the user that Inactivated the BOM.
This allows the user to find part by Reference Designator.  If user starts typing reference designator into the text box it will auto fill the information, when done entering user can press "Enter" or click on the search button next to it and the record pointer in the grid will advance to the part if a match is found.

Customer Name

The name of the customer for whom the user is making the assembly.Select from pull-down list. Add new customers in Customer Information Management. Use Standard Pricing as the customer or leave blank if the assembly is built to stock or has more than one potential customer. This field must match the Customer for any Consigned parts used in the BOM.

Setup Stscp

This box MUST be checked if you wish for the setup scrap qty’s to be included in the Kitting and MRP calculations,  Checking this box along with a Standard Bld qty will tell the system to use Setup Scrap when calculating the standard cost.   Note:  The "Exclude Scrap & Setup Scrap" options within the  Kitting Setup module will overwrite this option. 

Standard Bld

The quantity normally built. Entering a quantity in this box will be used when calculating the Standard Cost.  See Article 3040 for information on how this affects the Std Cost.  See Articles #3067 , #3053 , and #3320 for information on how this affects the Configuration Variance.
Last Change

The date and time of the last change to the BOM automatically enters this field.

By Initials of user that made last change to BOM.
Mgmt Lock If locked, all users can access the screen but, will not be able to edit the BOM until Approved  users remove the lock.  This is controlled within the BOM.
Lock Date The date the Managment Lock Box was checked.
By The initials of the user that check the Managment Lock Box.

COMPONENT INFORMATION (Displayed in the Body (Detail Window)


The item numbers assigned to the components in the BOM.

Part Source

The sources of the assembly components.Select Make, Buy, Consigned or Phantom.

Part Number/Rev

The components internal Manex part number. The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs.

Customer Part Number/Rev

The component's customer part number. The Part Number Revision for the component. A component may exist under multiple revisions. Each Rev. is considered a unique part number and may co-exist with other Revs. or replace other Revs.


The Part Class of the component part as assigned in the Item Master.


The Part Type of the component part as assigned in the Item Master.


The Item Master description of the component part.


The quantity of the component part used in the assembly.Do not add to the quantity field to compensate for setup and run losses; Use the Setup % and Run Qty. fields in the Item Master screen to add components to cover production losses.

Column Heading in Bold Font

These columns, when selected will cause the Detail information below them to be sorted by the field selected.  Selected Column headers turn Red. Item Detail Information Tab

When the user has displayed component parts on the BOM Main screen, and has highlighted one of the parts, pressing on the Item Detail Tab will display information about

that component part.  

The first row of Header information repeats the assembly Product information.

The remaining fields describe Detail information about the component part.






 Product The Part Number of the assembly.  Make Items are referred to as Products.
 Rev   The Revision of the assembly number, phantom or subassembly.




Item No         The item number assigned to the components in the BOM.
Work <st1:placetype w:st="on">Center        The work center identified in the routing for the assembly at which the part is needed. Kitting of the part by work center will use this information to determine which parts are to be kitted for each work center.
The Source Code for the component part on the BOM. May be another MAKE assembly, a PHANTOM assembly, a BUY part, or a CONSIGNED part. 

When building a BOM in order to have the Source "CONSIGNED" displayed a Customer MUST be assigned to the BOM. 


When building a BOM and you enter the source as a “Phantom”, then when entering the part number that is a “Make/Phantom”, the source changes to a Make” part.   The reason the source field shows at all is to limit the number of part numbers that are available to choose from.   But you can enter any valid part number and the source will change to the source of the part number entered.  So, yes, the source of the sub-assemblies will show as a “Make” part, even though they are actually “Make/Phantom” parts. The details of the BOM will also show they are “Make/Phantoms”.   We allow nested phantoms, of either the “PHANTOM” or the “Make/Phantom” variety.  In kitting, we have the code to blow down through the first level of make/phantoms, so that the parts included in the first sub-assembly level down are listed as kit requirements. We have extended this further so that if there are Make/Phantom parts in the first sub-assembly level, those also break down to the components in the second sub-assembly level.  This process extends as long as there are “Make/Phantoms” in the indented BOM. 

As long as the Phantom part itself has at least qty of 1 or more on the BOM, it will show on the kit and MRP. If the phantom has qty zero, it will not show on kit or MRP. If the Phantom has qty of more than 1, the kit and MRP will adjust to require more.  

Part Class  The Part Class of the component part.
Part Type The Part Type of the component part.
Part Number    The component part number.
Rev    The Revision number of the component.
Customer Part Number The number the customer uses to identify the part.
Rev   The Revision number of the customer’s component.
Description  The description of the component part.
Quantity    The quantity of the component part used in the assembly.  The maximum number of decimals in the BOM quantity is 2, allowing for 1/100th of an item.  If users need a finer resolution, they may consider using a different UoM than EACH, and buy in one unit and use a fractional unit for inventory (e.g. Purchase in Gallons, and Stock/Issue in ounces).
UOM   The stocking/kitting unit of measure for the part.
Production Offset  
Production offset is a BoM item level field that allows users to control delivery dates in relation to the starting date of the work order.  By using this field, the user may move the material requirement date by the specified number of days in either direction.   Enter the number of days after the start date (based on the production lead-time for the assembly) that the part is needed at the kit-to <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placename w:st="on">Work <st1:placetype w:st="on">Center.   NOTE: This will affect the MRP demands until the kit status has been changed to "KIT IN PROCESS". Once the kit status has been changed to "Kit in Process" the parts now become a kit shortage, and the system will calculate from the WO due date or production lead time and NOT from the production offset.   A Negative Offset is one that SUBTRACTS time from the normal kit required date. So an item normally due on March 26 would, with a -3 day offset, be due in the stockroom on March 21st . Conversely, a Positive Offset is one that ADDS time to the normal kitting time.  So an item normally due on March 26 would, with a 3 day offset, be due in the stockroom on March 29th  (skipping the weekend).  Offsets are only managed by days, so there would never be a 3 week or 2 month offset, only 21 days or 60 days.
Used in Kit  Identifies the part as requiring kitting from the storeroom.  Typical Non-kitted items include chemicals and adhesives that are re-issued when they run low but are included on the BOM for costing or reference.  For more information see Article #34.
Effectivity Date   
This is the date that the part is added and/or removed from the BOM and the demands will be displayed in MRPMRP picks up all the records with an effective date earlier or equal to current date, and all NULL/BLANK effective dates.    If the user changes parts in the BOM, without changing the revision of the BOM, then they should be entering the effectivity date of the new part, and the obsolete date of the old part.  Usually, they are the same date for a replacement item.  It is the date that is used in the determination of what material is to be used in kitting.  If the kit is due to ship before the date(s), then the old definition will apply.  If the kit is due to ship after the date(s), then the new definition will apply when the kit is updated.  When printing BOMs, the information included will depend on the selection they want to see.  Current will display whatever is effective on today’s date.  History will display ALL items.  Selected date will display the BOM as of the date entered.  The old items will continue to show up on a where-used report.  This is a good thing, because when you are trying to figure out where all of the old obsolete inventory came from, you can trace it back to the assembly and customer. 

Note:  The Kitted BOM Cost calculations displayed on the "Kit to Close Report" is based off the WO Due date and compares that to the EFF/OB dates on the BOM.  So users need to be VERY careful with the WO Due Dates and make sure that they stay current along with the EFF/OB dates on the BOM.   
Obsolete Date   
The date the part is no longer required on the BOM for new work orders and the demands will NOT be displayed in MRP.   

  The Kitted BOM Cost calculations displayed on the "Kit to Close Report" is based off the WO Due date and compares that to the EFF/OB dates on the BOM.  So users need to be VERY careful with the WO Due Dates and make sure that they stay current along with the EFF/OB dates on the BOM.   



The following button is displayed on the BOM Item Detail screen:


  Pressing the BOM Item Note button will allow the user to create a notation specific to the component shown, in the current BOM.  To enter a note, depress the BOM Item Note button.  Depress the edit button.  Type in the note.  Depress the Save button.  Depress the Exit button. AVL And Reference Designator Tab
When the user has displayed component parts on the summary screen, and has highlighted one of the parts, pressing on the AVL & REF Tab will display Part Manufacturer and Reference Designation information about the component part.  

The first row of Information displays the selected detail part information.The Customer Part Number will be displayed if entered in the Item Master.

The Left Center portion of the screen displays the Approved Vendors List (AVL). These manufacturers and their part numbers have been selected and designated as approved sources for this particular BOM assembly.  When the BOM for the assembly has a customer assigned to it, then Manex will pull the approved AVL's from the customer side NOT the Internal side. If no customer is assigned to the BOM then the AVL’s will be pulled from the internal side.   For further detail see Article #2560 .   NOTE:  If "GENR" is approved on the BOM MRP will consider any inventory for that part even if the AVL is not approved on the BOM. 
The left hand column displays the preference order, as assigned in Inventory Control Management.
The right hand column box must be checked for the Kit to issue the part to the Work Order.  (At least one AVL must be selected as approved within the BOM module before save will be allowed).

The Right Center portion of the screen displays the reference designators assigned to the component. These fields are optional, but must be completed if reference designator information is to be used in the quality defect collection information.  (The ref designators are case sensitive).

The bottom portion of the screen is available to list alternate parts that may be used in the absence of the primary part. However, these alternate parts are not listed on kit lists, and are only displayed on this screen. On the BOM, Manex provides a place for users to identify “Alternate Part” for each part called out in the BOM. However, this is for information and cross reference ONLY and there is no connection with the MRP, Purchasing or Kitting, etc. modules. The concept here is that if the engineers want to include alternate (not preferred, and not on AVL) parts for the possibility that in case purchasing can’t get the original parts called for by MRP, they could look up the alternate part on the BOM, and then order that part. However, to get the part into the kit, they will have to add the alternate part as a line shortage to the Work Order, and also check the “ignore shortage” for the part(s) originally required and short on the Work Order. Then MRP will work as needed, and the kit will show the alternate part as a (line) shortage until filled. Incidentally, creating the line shortage and checking the ignore shortage for the original part will result in an MRP directive (the next time it is run) to buy the alternate (line shortage) part. Please refer to the Material Requirements Planning and the Kitting, Allocating & Shortage Management modules.

AVL & Ref Designator Field Definitions


Item No The item number assigned to the components in the BOM.
Part Class

The Part Class of the component part.

Part Type

The Part Type of the component part.

Part Number

The component part number.

Rev The Revision number of the component.

Customer Part Number

The customer part number as entered in the Item Master.


The Revision number of the customer’s part number.



The order of preference number.

Part Mfgr

An approved manufacturer for the component on the current BOM.  NOTE:  When the BOM for the assembly has a customer assigned to it, then Manex will pull the approved AVL's from the customer side NOT the Internal side.   If no customer is assigned to the BOM then the AVL’s will be pulled from the internal side.   For further detail see Article #2560 .

Mfgr Part No

The commercial part number.


This box must be checked for kitting to pull the component.   NOTE:  If "GENR" is approved on the BOM MRP will consider any inventory for that part even if the AVL is not approved on the BOM.  (At least one AVL must be selected as approved within the BOM module before save will be allowed).



The sequential number assigned to each occurrence of the component on the assembly.

Ref Designator

The assigned location for each occurrence of the part. (The ref designators are case sensitive).

Prefix A prefix assigned to reference designators for the current component. Is usually a “C” for capacitors, “R” for resistors, etc
Start No

If the user wishes to fill in the reference designators automatically, then the start number will be the beginning number in the sequence of reference designators assigned.

End No

If the user wishes to fill in the reference designators automatically, then the end number will be the last number in the sequence of reference designators assigned.

Pressing the Calculate button will fill in all reference designators with the prefix plus incremental numbers beginning with the start number entered.

The quantity of components used in the assembly.


These items are the same as previously described.



Pressing the Add button in the ALTERNATE area will allow the user to add additional item master part numbers as approved alternates.


Pressing the Delete button in the ALTERNATE area will allow the user to remove item master part numbers as approved alternates. Indented BOM Tree Tab
When the user has displayed component parts on the BOM Main screen, and has highlighted one of the parts, pressing on the Indented BOM Tree tab will display the components with additional information about a make part components. 
The first row of data reminds the user of the assembly information.

The bottom portion of the screen displays the components of this assembly. If there is a plus sign to the left of a listed component, click on the plus sign and the components of the listed
components will also appear.
1.3.4. How To ..... for BOM & AVL Find a BOM

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/Integrated BOM & AVL


When the screen first opens, the user is limited to only three of the eleven action buttons shown: Find an assembly, run a Report or Exit.  Assemblies having Bills of Material will display the components in the Body (Detail Window) below. Selection of one of the components in the window will cause detail information for that item to be displayed if any other BOM screen Tab is selected. Use the Add icon to add components to the BOM of a displayed assembly.  Use Edit to change or add Header information. Use the Delete icon to Delete the entire BOM ONLY (See Deletions section).  Note: Go to the Item Detail screen to delete only one item from the BOM.


Find a Bill of Material

To view an existing BOM or to find an existing Make Source Item (Product, Assembly, Subassembly or Phantom) under which to build a BOM.
Click on the Find an existing record Action Button.

Find an existing BOM screen selection will be displayed:
Select the desired Filter:   by selecting the appropriate radio button - Active, Inactive, or All.
Select the desired Find:   by selecting the appropriate radio button - Product Number, Part Class, Customer, or All.
Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen.    If you do not know the exact number, Customer, etc you may enter in a partial number, letter, etc, then once you depress the enter key the system will pull up the matching record onto the screen or a list of all BOM's that contain the partial number, letter, etc. entered, to select from.

(Note:  The status of the BOM may be different than the status of the Inventory Part).  Since you are doing a find for the BOM you would search by the status of the BOM.  

Check the "Display Customer Part #..." box to display the Customer Part number for the "Buy" parts if the BOM is linked to a customer.  Selecting this option may slow down the results.  The system will retain the last choice the user makes for this check box until the module has been exited.

Find an Existing BOM by Product Number

If you enter information in the Red Box, and system cannot locate any information for the entered product number, part class or customer, user will receive the message being displayed.   




If  user selects ANY of the Filters: and Find by All - a screen will appear listing all the Part Numbers with Bill of Materials in numerical order, along with part class and types, descriptions, and status of Inventory Part. 

The user has the option to view the BOM by either entering the Part Number into the red box, or scrolling down the list, highlighting the desired record and double click on it.

And the information will populate the screen as displayed below:



BOM Search Results

After finding the Part Number through either the Class Code, Customer, or directly by the Part Number, the BOM Main screen appears, populated with any parts already entered for the BOM of the assembly selected. If no parts have been added to the assembly, the Body (Detail Window) is blank.  When BOM is found and displayed the order will be by "Item #". User can re-sort  list by clicking on a header that is in Bold that header will display in red.  The lines that are inactive will be highlighted in purple.  When double clicking on an item, system will take you to the detail page.  

User may find a part using the Reference Designator Lookup, by typing a reference designator into the text box it will auto fill the information, when done entering you can press “Enter” or click on the search button next to it and the record pointer in the grid will advance to the part if found.

 The Header Information fields across the upper half of the screen are populated from the item master and from keyed-in assembly data. The fields in the Body (Detail Window) show information about the components included in the assembly. Adding BOM Header Information

A BOM Header is created by the system when a Make Item is added to the Inventory Control Mgt Item Master and Saved. When the user wishes to create a BOM by adding Line Items to the header, the existing Header is used. The Header identifies the assembly or product and its revision level, shows the status and after creation,  allows Viewing BOM components by Current, All, or Selected Effective Dates.

Depress the Find button. See Article #571 for Find procedures.

Depress the Edit button. Enter in your password. The following selection screen will be displayed:

Select BOM Header Information button.


  Select status from the drop down menu.  When selecting the status, this status is for the BOM ONLY, it will NOT change the status of the Inventory part.  The Inventory part status and BOM status can be different.  This is to allow flexibility so the BOM can be inactive and will NOT be displayed in the BOM module, but the part will still be displayed in the inventory listing.   User will be allowed to change the status on a BOM from Active to Inactive with open SO, WO, etc. and MRP will still show demands.  User will also still be allowed to Create NEW SO, WO, etc if ONLY the BOM status is Inactive.  Users will NOT be allowed to change the status on the Inventory part from Active to Inactive with open SO, WO, etc. 


If there is a Customer associated with this product, select the customer by depressing on the down arrow next to the customer box. A list of customers will appear. Highlight the customer name and double click.

Assigning the customer name to the BOM is an option which you can elect to use or not as long as there is no consigned part. If you do not assign an assembly to a customer, this BOM can be used for any customer you want and not limited to a customer. Assigning to a customer is a requirement if you have any consigned part within the BOM. For the sales price, we allow you to add one or more customers in the Price List module and you can determine the quantity breaks and prices by each customer for the same assembly. When they are assigned in the Price List, SO module will show those assemblies only tied to the customer and avoids having to wade through all assemblies.

  • If BOM is assigned to specific customer, and if there is CONSG part in the BOM -- Only that customer will be available in the WO customer list
  • If BOM is assigned to specific customer, and no CONSG parts in the BOM -- Default to that customer, but all other customers are available to be selected.
  • If BOM is not assigned to specific customer, all customer should be available.

To enter a BOM Note depress the BOM Note button. 

Depress the Edit button.

Enter in the note.

Depress the Save button.

Depress the Exit button.

If you want set up scrap to be considered in Standard Cost calculation, check the Setup Stcrp box.

If you want a standard build to be considered in Standard Cost calculation, enter the quantity.  See Article 2504 for information on how this affects the Std Cost.

Depress the Save button. Adding BOM Line Items & BOM Copy

Bills of Material may be built up using one of three methods:

  1. Using the mouse to Drag and Drop
  2. Keyboard data entry (Manual Entry)
  3. Copying an existing BOM Drag & Drop Procedure

1.  Procedure for Drag & Dropping

The Drag and Drop Operation allows the user to select components in the Summary screen of Inventory Control Management and drag the items into the Integrated Bill of Material & AVL Main screen to add them as line items in the BOM.

Use this procedure as an alternative to Manually Adding Line Items to a BOM.

Open the Inventory Control Mgt. Summary screen and use Find to display the desired components.

Size the Inventory Control display by placing the cursor on the far right hand side of the display.  Wait until it turns into an arrow.  Holding the mouse button down, move it to the left until just the following displays:


Open the Integrated Bill of Material & AVL BOM Main screen, position it in the lower right hand corner of the Manex screen.

Depress the Edit button and enter your password.


The following selection screen will appear:

Choose Drag and Drop.


The following message will appear:


Move the cursor to the Inventory window. Highlight the desired component. Use the left mouse button to select an item in the Inventory Control Management screen. Release the left mouse button. RIGHT click on the mouse button and CONTINUING TO HOLD THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON DOWN, move the mouse cursor over to the BOM screen. Release the right mouse button.

NoteWhen you drop (release the mouse button), be sure that you have the cursor over the white area,. Drag each component into the BOM in Line Item # sequence.

Enter the quantity of the part per assembly when prompted.  Select the Work Center.

Type in the prefix for the Reference Designator. Type in the Reference Designator Start Number. Depress the Calculate button.

The Number and Reference Designator Fields will fill in.


Click on the X button to close the screen.

Depress the Save button in the BOM screen when finished dragging and dropping.


Depress the Item Detail tab in the BOM module. The following screen will appear:

Review the detail. If you want to make any changes, depress the Edit button while this screen is open. Type in your password. You may change Item Number, Work Center, Quantity, Production Offset days, Used in Kit, and may add Effectivity Date and Obsolete Date. Depress the Save button.

All the AVL's will default in as approved and require the user to deselect as desired.  If no AVL's are approved a popup will appear forcing the user to approve at least one AVL. 

When the BOM for the assembly has a customer assigned to it, then ManEx will pull the approved AVL's from the customer side NOT the internal side. For example: Part “XYZ” may have several AVL’s and several different customers linked to it.   Each customer may approve different AVL’s. So when the part is linked to a specific customer’s BOM only the AVL’s linked to that customer part will be displayed on the BOM as approved. The AVL screen looks at the accepted AVL’s for that customer on the “consigned” or “Customer” side of each part whether it was added to the BOM as a “BUY”, “MAKE” or “Consigned”. If no customer is assigned to the BOM then the AVL’s will be pulled from the internal side.  NOTE:  If "GENR" is approved on the BOM MRP will consider any inventory for that part even if the AVL is NOT approved on the BOM.   For further detail refer to Article #2560 .

If you want to add alternate parts, depress the AVL and Reference Designator tab. Depress the Edit button. Enter your password. Depress the Add button next to the alternate parts section of the screen.

The following selection option will appear:  

If you select Internal Part Number, a list of all Internal part numbers will appear:

Type the internal part number in the red box or highlight and double click to select.


If you select Consigned Part Number, a Customer List will appear:

Type the customer into the red box or highlight and double click


A list of all of that customers parts will appear:

Type in the customer part number or highlight the item and double click to access.



Information regarding the alternate part will display in the bottom section, as displayed below

Depress the Save button. Manual Entry

Procedure for Manually Adding Line Items

Use this procedure as an alternative to Drag and Dropping from the Inventory Summary screen.

Open the Integrated Bill of Material & AVL BOM Main screen and Find desired Header.

To add a component, click on the Add Record button, enter password.

The following screen will appear:

Say Yes or No to Auto Line Item Numbering.



The item detail screen will appear:


In the Item Detail screen select Work Center to Kit to (use Material Staging if not known), from the drop down menu:  

Then select Source (Make, Buy, Consigned or Phantom), from the drop down menu:

When building a BOM and you enter the source as a “Phantom”, then when entering the part number that is a “Make/Phantom”, the source changes to a Make” part.   The reason the source field shows at all is to limit the number of part numbers that are available to choose from.   But you can enter any valid part number and the source will change to the source of the part number entered.  So, yes, the source of the sub-assemblies will show as a “Make” part, even though they are actually “Make/Phantom” parts. The details of the BOM will also show they are “Make/Phantoms”.   We allow nested phantoms, of either the “PHANTOM” or the “Make/Phantom” variety.  In kitting, we have the code to blow down through the first level of make/phantoms, so that the parts included in the first sub-assembly level down are listed as kit requirements. We have extended this further so that if there are Make/Phantom parts in the first sub-assembly level, those also break down to the components in the second sub-assembly level.  This process extends as long as there are “Make/Phantoms” in the indented BOM.


Either enter the item number by typing it directly into the Part Number field or select Part Class and Part Type, as illustrated below:

Select the Part Class.


Select the Part Type.


Depress the down arrow next to the Part Number box. A list of all of the inventory parts within the selected Class and Type will appear.

Type the Part Number into the Red box or highlight and double click to select.

If the item is a Consigned Item, enter either the Customer part number OR the Internal Part number, in the respective fields



If you added an internal part and if there is a matching Customer part number in the Inventory Customer screen, it will automatically appear as soon as the internal inventory part is selected.  Conversely, if you typed in a customer part number, the internal part number information will automatically appear.

Enter the Quantity of the item required for each assembly produced.

(Note: Extra parts for setup or run losses should be added in the Inventory Control Mgt. Item Master Run Scrap % or Setup Scrap Qty. field, not in the Bill of Material.)

Enter the production offset days by toggling on the up and down buttons.

If the component is to be pulled in the kit, leave the Y in the Kit box.If not, remove it.

Enter the effectivity and obsolete dates, if desired.

Depress the AVL & Reference Designator tab

All the AVL's will default in as approved and require the user to deselect as desired.  If no AVL's are approved a popup will appear forcing the user to approve at least one AVL. 

When the BOM for the assembly has a customer assigned to it, then ManEx will pull the approved AVL's from the customer side NOT the internal side. For example: Part “XYZ” may have several AVL’s and several different customers linked to it.   Each customer may approve different AVL’s. So when the part is linked to a specific customer’s BOM only the AVL’s linked to that customer part will be displayed on the BOM as approved. The AVL screen looks at the accepted AVL’s for that customer on the “consigned” or “Customer” side of each part whether it was added to the BOM as a “BUY”, “MAKE” or “Consigned”. If no customer is assigned to the BOM then the AVL’s will be pulled from the internal side.  NOTE:  If "GENR" is approved on the BOM MRP will consider any inventory for that part even if the AVL is NOT approved on the BOM.  For further detail refer to Article #2560 .
Enter the Ref designators manually in the table or enter the prefix letter, Start No and End No and depress the Calculate button to auto-number. 

If you want to add alternate parts, depress the AVL and Reference Designator tab. Depress the Add button next to the alternate parts section of the screen.

The following selection option will appear:  

If you select Internal Part Number, a list of all Internal part numbers will appear:

Type the internal part number in the red box or highlight and double click to select.


If you select Consigned Part Number, a Customer List will appear:

Type the customer into the red box or highlight and double click


A list of all of that customers parts will appear:

Type in the customer part number or highlight the item and double click to access.



Information regarding the alternate part will display in the bottom section, as displayed below.

Once user has completed entering all information for line item number, depress the Save button. Copy an Existing BOM

Procedure for Copying from an Existing BOM

A new assembly may have a BOM applied to it by copying the bill of material from an existing assembly. To simplify changing a Bill of Material, while maintaining the original version of the assembly, users can copy the parts list into a new assembly and make changes as needed. 
After finding the new (and empty) assembly.

Depress the Copy button and enter the user’s password will prompt the user for the existing bill of materials from which to copy the components.

The user may find the existing assembly from which to copy either by part number or by part class.

If the BOM being copied from contains references to a customer, and or consigned part numbers, the following message appears:

MANEX will populate the new assembly with all of the part information from the existing assembly, except for parts belonging to a customer. Those items will have to be added manually. The filled in BOM is displayed below:

Depress the Edit button to add the customer name and any other needed changes, in any of the screens.

The user can then either Save the new assembly with all of the components, or Cancel the operation.

Approved AVL's will be retained when copying BOM's except for one exception:  Buy part has 3 AVL's and customer A is associated with buy part and also has 3 AVL's, Create BOM for Customer A add buy part all 3 AVL's will be listed, approved only one of the AVL's on BOM A.   Create new product changing Rev. to B.  Copy BOM A to B.  (BOM B has no customer assigned).  All AVL's will copy over and all will be checked. Bill Of Material Deletions

The Delete button takes on dual meanings.  If the user is in the BOM Main Tab when the button is pushed, the button will delete ALL items on the BOM.   You will be prompted for your password. The following message will appear: 

If there are open work orders for the assembly, then the user is presented with a prompt advising that the bom cannot be deleted while open orders exist, as displayed below: 

If the user is in the Item Detail Information Tab when the button is pushed, the button will delete only the item highlighted.  You will be prompted for your password.  The following message will appear: Procedure For Editing Line Item Details

Use this procedure to edit Line Item details after entering BOM Header information and Line Item Part Numbers and Quantities per assembly manually, using drag and drop, or copying.

Click on the Item Detail tab.  Depress the Edit button and enter password. 

NOTE: If users choose to use effective and obsolete dates in place of proper revision control, you must be absolutely certain that they do not take effect at any point after production begins and before the WO is closed.   If this isn't properly managed, you will get the variances. While some may be minor and positive variances may partially offset negative variances, you CANNOT rely on this and you WILL have discrepancies.

The best approach is to always roll the revision when there is a change to an assembly that will affect the value in any way.  This becomes even more important if you have WOs open long after the due date and it has had additional changes to the configuration.  See Article #5055 for further detail.

The Item number, Work Center, Qty, Production Offset, Used in Kit, Effective Date, and Obsolete Date can be edited on this screen. 

The Production Offset would be edited, If an item is to be kitted to a Work Center that will not be reached by the Work Order until X days later, enter X days in the Production Offset to allow kitting to that Center X  days later.  NOTE: This will affect the MRP demands until the kit status has been changed to "KIT IN PROCESS". Once the kit status has been changed to "Kit in Process" the parts now become a kit shortage, and the system will calculate from the WO due date or production lead time and NOT from the production offset.

Enter Effectivity Date for the line item to be used in the BOM.

(Note: Prior to Effectivity Date or after Obsolete Date, the line item will not appear on the Current BOM view nor will it appear on a Pick List to Kit the Assembly.)

Edit the "Used in Kit" by selecting Y (Yes) for Used in Kit unless the item is not to be issued when a kit is pulled. Select P (Phantom) to cause a Make subassembly to be treated as a Phantom when kitted. Select N (No) if the item is provided to the Line by some other means than kitting.  (Note: Chemicals and adhesives are typical not-kitted items that are referenced on the BOM for costing or specification but issued to the production floor on a bulk replenishment basis.)

If you depress the AVL & Reference Designator tab the Ref designators can be edited manually in the table OR Enter the Prefix letter, Start No and End No and click on the Calculate button to auto-number.  Here is where you will also check the approved AVL's and uncheck the AVL's that are NOT approved for this BOM.  NOTE:  If "GENR" is approved on the BOM MRP will consider any inventory for that part even if the AVL is NOT approved on the BOM.  When adding new AVL's to the item master, if you do not want the BOM's automatically updated be sure that the "Disable Automatic BOM AVL update" is Enabled.  See article #1477  for more information.

You may also Add or Delete Alternate Parts by depressing the Add or Delete button near the Alternate Parts to select alternative part numbers for the Line Item currently being edited in the BOM. This table is in the BOM screen because alternate part usage is always dependent upon the application and hence is BOM specific. (Note: Use the Quantity Info screen and AVL window to show alternate manufacturers; the alternate part window is only for items with a different internal part number (such as faster or tighter tolerance parts) that can be used on a temporary deviation when there is no choice.)

Once you have completed the changes, depress the Save button and BOM will be updated.
Note:  If the Leveling of Make items is in process then the users will not be able to Add/Edit a BOM, even if the user is already in modifucation mode of the BOM, the user will not be allowed to save the changes until the leveling process is complete.  This is due to the fact that the affected records in leveling of Make Parts is large and complex, the saving time to commit the whole changes to inventory tables does take a large amount of time, so we do not want users making modifications to the BOM when the process is still leveling, so we have added a flag that the users will see within the BOM module. Bill of Material (BOM) Used in Kit Option and how it affects Kitting & MRP

Within the Bill of Material module the users have the option to mark each item loaded to the BOM as Used in Kit Y, N or F. 


Y = Yes, this part is used in the Kit and will be considered fro MRP demands and appear within the Kitting module Qty Pick screen.  Once the parts have been issued to the kit  the system will automatically decrement it from inventory upon WO complete. 


N = No, this part is NOT used in the kit, but it will be considered by MRP for demands but will NOT appear in the Kit module Qty Pick screen.  This item will still be displayed on the Kit Pick Worksheet but it will have the “N” next to the item so users will know that it is not used in the kit.  Example:  you would use this option for Documentation.  NOTE:   Keep in mind that this item will be picked by the users on the floor but it will not be relieved from inventory in any way through the Kitting module. Users have to go make and manually adjust the inventory qty’s for this type of item.


MRP includes items with "N" flag in "used in kit" for Purchase Order Actions. The flag does not mean don't buy it, but instead, it means don't kit it. The part is still needed, or it wouldn't be on the BOM. Or the quantity would be zero. This feature is usually used by Users who have bulk stock on the floor, and the assemblers pull the parts out of floor stock.  But there still remains the requirement to get the parts in house so they can be put into floor stock.


F = Floor, this would be used for an item that is not kept in the Stock room but is physically stored out on the Floor in production.  “F” items will also be considered by MRP for demands, but will NOT be displayed on Kit Module Qty Pick Screen or the Shortage report.  This item will still be displayed on the Kit Pick Worksheet but it will have the “F” next to the item to indicate to the users that it is located on the Floor.  NOTE:  Keep in mind that this item will be picked by the users on the floor but it will not be relieved from inventory in any way through the Kitting module.  Users have to go make and manually adjust the inventory qty’s for this type of item. Bill of Material Setup Scrap Checkbox

Within the Bill of Material Module you will see a Setup Scrap check box and a Standard Build field.  If you wish for the setup scrap qty’s to be included in the Kitting and MRP calculations,  Standard Cost Adjustments, etc. . . you need to make sure that the BOM has the Setup Scrp box marked.  Then upon checking this box the system will default in the Standard Build qty to 1 (just because it can not be blank)  It is recommend that you change the Standard Build qty to the desired average build qty for the product (the Standard Build will affect how the system will calculate Standard Cost Adjustments, etc. . . within the system)
 Make a Obsolete Part Available on a BOM
Find an existing BOM
Depress the pulldown next to the History and Select BOM History, all parts will be displayed, including the parts that have been obsoleted.
Highlight the part that has been obsoleted and enter the item detail screen, depress the edit button and remove the obsolete date or change it to a later date.
Now the part is available to use. 
 Link User Defined Fields to a BOM
The User Defined fields MUST be setup within Web ManEx.  For further detail see Article #5454.

The User Defined Fields can then be linked to a Bill of Material by selecting a record in the ManEx Desktop, and selecting the UD action button (as displayed below).

The UDF for that section will then be displayed, and user can make changes (if applicable), Save & Exit or Cancel. 

1.3.5. Reports - BOM & AVL
To display or print a Report for a BOM, first find the BOM. (See Article #4795).

To obtain the Bill of Material Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.  (Note:  The only BOM Report available on the WEB right now is the PO BOM Addendum)

In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.   

Select the Report Type:  BOM - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for BOM

To obtain the Bill of Material Reports within the desktop, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen.
The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop: 

Highlight the report desired and click on the Option tab.  (The BOM reports will indicate in the Source column if the item is setup as Make/Buy or Make/Phantom, along with Consigned or Buy).

BILL OF MATERIAL by Part Numbers

Select if you want to print the Report to the screen or a Printer. 

Check the box if you want to  Explode BOM Out to all Levels. 

Depress the OK button.


The BOM displayed on screen will print as follows.  (The two PN's boxed in Red are parts that have been exploded out for Sub-Assembiles)



Select if you want to print the Report to the screen or a Printer.

Check the box if you want to Show BOM item notes list?  Show BOM note? and Explode BOM Out to all Levels?

Depress the OK button.


The BOM displayed on screen will print as follows: (The parts in the Red boxes are parts that have been exploded out)




Select By Item #, By Part #, or Descending Extended Cost from the Detail Report.
In VFP the system used to take the Std Cost from the Make/Phantom itself even through when a Make/Phantom is added as a sublevel it is always exploded out to the components. So it really should be taking the component values in this case. SQL version of the report will do that.

· in VFP the report did not explode out the components for a true Phantom bom - but in SQL version of the report it will.

· V VFP did not have the Setup Scrap Cost per individual part number, now that will be available in SQL version
· In SQL Version I am still listing the Make/Phantom or Phantoms on the report as reference but they will display as Grey and will not list out the Cost Value
Depress Ok.  

Note: This report takes into consideration the Std Bld Qty when calculating the setup scrap.  You might find the cost calculated in SFT is different from the calculation shown on this report due to,  that if the part UOM is "EACH" and the part has scrap % the code will round it up to next inter number.
a)  For the PHANTOM parts in this report the standard cost calculated is based on their components (SUM of component's qty * component standard cost).  Once the standard cost is calculated for the PHANTOM part, the report will treat the PHANTOM part as a single entity on the top assembly BOM and proceed as it was a BUY part with the std cost already entered.
b)  If one of the component parts is a MAKE (not MAKE_BUY) and HAVE components assigned to it, the report will NOT show std cost of the parts itself, it will only show std cost of its subcomponents.
c)  If one of the component parts is a MAKE (not MAKE_BUY) and does NOT HAVE parts assigned to it the report will show std cost of the part itself.
d)  If one of the component part is a MAKE and MAKE_BUY the report will show price for the part itself and will show 0.00 costs for the subcomponents.
e)  If one of the component part is a MAKE and a Phantom/Make the report will NOT display the std price for this part because the report will show the cost of this parts components.
Note:  This report will only display the costs for ACTIVE parts and subassemblies as of the date of the report and will NOT include any parts that may have been identified as inactive either in the item master or in the obsolete date of the part on the BOM.
The values displayed should be in sync with the Cost Roll Up values.   The following may be why the Standard Cost Roll is different from the Cost BOM Reports.

a)    On the costed BOM Report for a Make/Buy assembly we display the value of the BOM in the costed report, but that total is NOT used in subsequent rollups to higher levels only the standard cost is.  

b)    In Kit Default Setup , user can "Exclude Scrap and Setup Scrap"  in Kitting, MRP, and Cost Rollup, and this will override the "Setup Stcrp" box in the BOM.      Therefore, if user checks "Setup Stcrp" checkbox along with a Standard Bld qty in BOM header, but has the checkbox checked in Kit Default Setup to "Exclude Scrap and Setup Scrap" for Cost Roll, the Cost Roll will NOT calculate the Setup Scrap cost, but this report will always calculate the Setup Scrap cost and this will cause unfavorable Configuration Variances.   For further detail on how Excluding Scrap and Setup Scrap values will affect the variances see Articles #3067, #3053, and #3320

The BOM displayed on screen will print as follows:  This report ALWAYS includes ALL the parts (including the items flagged as "N" for Used in kit) 


Select;  Current, As Of, and All from the Detail Report.
Current =  This report will display the Material Type to the Component Level, and the components on the BOM based off of the Computer Date at the time the report is ran.

As Of = This report should function basically the same as the Bill of Material with Ref Designator ~ Current report.  Except that this one will require the users to populate an AS OF date.  Then the resulting report will display the BOM Items based off of that AS OF date compared to the Eff/OB Dates.
All =  This report should function basically the same as the Bill of Material with Ref Designator ~ Current report, Except that is will display ALL components that exist on the Obsoleted or not.          This report will also list the Eff date and OB Date.  If either or both of these are blank then the report will not display the information.  It will only display if they are populated.  This way the users can get a good look at ALL the parts that were ever on this BOM and when they become Effective or Obsolete.
Depress Ok.
Check the boxes if you want to Show BOM item notes list? Show BOM note? and Explode BOM Out to all Levels?

Depress the OK button.

The following screen will be displayed.  Select "Yes" if you want to export the report to XLS Layout.

If the user selects 'YES' the display will show as follows.  Keep in mind not all of the field could be displayed on this page size, but upon export all fields will be displayed. 
Select the Export option 

The followng screen will be displayed, Select format 'Excel - Data only'

The following screen will be displayed,  within the option section be sure to select to include the Header Info 

Select file name and destination
XLS results should look very similar to the VFP XLS dumps we have as displayed below 

If user selects "No'  to export report to XLS file  The BOM displayed on screen will print as follows:


Enter a quantity. 

Select to Ingore Scrap, Setup Scrap, Both, or None. 
Select to Suppress Not Used in Kit Items or Not or Use System Default.

Depress Ok.  


The following report is printed:



1.3.6. FAQs - BOM & AVL
Facts and Questions for the Bill of Material (BOM) Module
1.4. BOM Import
 The BOM Import module is available in the WebManEx.  For further detail see Article 5326
1.5. ECO, BCN & Deviation Control Management (EBD) (OPTIONAL Module)
1.5.1. Prerequisites - EBD

ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks.  For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase.   
To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com\contactus.aspx

After activation, "Engineering Change Order" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

The product to be revised must be setup in the Inventory Control Mgmt.

Any new parts to be added must exist in the Inventory Control Mgmt.

A Bill of Materials must exist for the product being revised.
1.5.2. Introduction - EBD
This module allows users to document the source (internal or customer), the purpose, the details, and the impact of the change.  The module can apply the changes to new and existing jobs, and ensure that production is aware of the change and is using the latest information.  

This module allows users to document the changes using one of the following three approaches:  

"ECO"  =  An ECO records Engineering changes for assemblies when there is a Revision or Part Number change. There can be changes to the Bill of Materials components and/or quantity, to the materials cost, labor cost, whether or not there is a serial number required and to the description. The user can enter whether existing WIP or FGI items are to be scrapped or modified. Once all of the engineering changes are entered, the ECO needs to be approved by the the approvals (as specified in the ECO setup module). Once the approvals are entered, the user may Update the following records: Inventory Master, Product Routing, Product Data Management and Bill of Materials.NOTE: These records will ONLY be updated if the Revision or Part Number has been changed.

"DEVIATION"   =   A Deviation creates a record that someone approved the change in the process for individual work order(s).  Such as using a different part, leaving a part off, or perform a special additional step in the process, etc.  When a Deviation is created within this module no records are updated or changed.  It is a document for reference only.  The user may print the deviation and it will list the work orders selected to be updated.   Deviations have an expiration date so users will know that their customer or management allowed the modification for a limited period of time.

"BCN" =   
When "BCN" type is selected, the user can change all part information just like ECO, but user won't be able to create a new product number/rev, or click any "copy" checkboxes on "Update/Create records" page.  WO and SO lists will also not be available for selections.  When the "Update All Records" button is clicked, the BOM of the product number will be updated just as if the BOM was changed in BOM module.  This feature will track any changes to the BOM through the system.
1.5.3. Fields & Definitions - EBD Header Tab

Header Tab Field Definitions

ECO Number

The number assigned to the ECO, BCN, or Deviation.

Product Number The unique internal number assigned to the product

The revision number or character assigned to the product.

Description  The description of the product.
Date Opened

The date the ECO/BCN/Deviation was started.


The type of change, either ECO (Engineering Change Order), BCN (BOM Change Notice), or Deviation.  ECO is for permanent changes to the Inventory Item Master and the Bill of Materials  when there is a revision or part number change.   BCN is for permanent changes to the BOM.  Deviation is for a one time change to a work order(s).

ECO Source

This is the source of the ECO, Customer or Internal.This allows the users to know if this ECO was created internally or upon Customer request. At this time this field is for reference only, but will be used for reporting later on.


An internally assigned reference number.

ECO Lock If this box is checked, all users can access the screen, but will not be able to edit the record until Aprroved users remove the lock.  When locked the users initials and date will default in.    

Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to modify this field.

Last Modified The users initials and date will default in when modified.

The status of the Engineering Change Order, either Approved, Edit, Pending or Cancelled.

Effective Date

The date that this ECO become effective.  (This Date MUST be prior to the Work Order date to be applied).

Expiration Date The date that the Deviation will expire.  (This field is only enabled for a deviation and MUST be popluated for the Deviation to be available within the SFT module ) 

The name of the Customer which is linked with the Bill Of Materials.

This button will allow users the ability to load more documents pertaining to the ECO (cutomer ECO,drawings, instructions,etc).  Loaded files will not be carried fwd to the PDM module upon ECO approval.
Purpose of Change

The intent of the change.

ECO Instruction

The description of the change.

  This Button will allow the users to view any hard copy ECO drawing or Documentation loaded. When files have been loaded this button will appear with Red Text.

This Button will allow the users to view any hard copy ECO drawing or Documentation loaded. When files have been loaded this button will appear with Red Text.

ECO Cost per Unit Material is the Material Cost Change Total forwarding from the Parts tab.

Labor is the Labor Cost Change Total forwarding from the New Build Labor Cost tab.

Total is the sum of the changes in Materials and Labor, above.(Note that the signs can be either positive or negative depending upon the changes made.)

: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to view the pricing information. 

ECO Coordinator The name of the engineer entering the Engineering Change Order.

The name of the department, initials of the approver and the date of approval.  Note: The approving department is setup in the ECO Setup module and the approver must be assigned to the department within the Security module. .

  This button is used for the approval process for each department indicated Parts Tab

Parts Tab Field D
efinitions - The Parts tab displays any additional changes or deletions of Bill of Material Components.  If the part added has a status of "Inactive" within the Inventory Control Management,  it will be highlighted in purple as an indicator to the user that this item is inactive at this time.  If the user chooses to leave the inactive part on the ECO, that part number record status will automatically be changed to Active upon the "Update Records" button being depressed, so user will not have inactive parts listed on the BOM.  The user will receive a warning that an XLS file has been created for reivew.

Status The status of the component, either Add, Delete, Change.
Line No

The Bill of Materials line number.


The source of the component, either Buy, Make, Phantom or Consign.

Part Number The internal number assigned to the component
Rev The revision character pertaining to the component part number

The classification of the component.

Type The type within the classification of the component
Description The description of the component part number
Old Qty

The quantityof thecomponent currently called for in the Bill of Materials.

New Qty The new quantity ofthe component which will be called for.
Std Amt

The standard cost per the Inventory Control Item Master multiplied by the net change in the number of components used.

Customer Part No

If there is a customer part number associated with the user’s part number, it will appear here.


The revision character associated with the Customer Part number.

Work Center

The work station where is component is 1st used in the assembly production process.


Valid entries for this field are “Y” – Yes used in Kit, “N” – Not used in Kit, “F” – Free Stock.The system will default the value to be “Y.”

Scrap Item This field is for reference only, it will not affect any other modules.
Net Change Amount

The sum of the Standard Amount column.


The following screen will be displayed, showing the currently available inventory information for the line item highlighted.  This screen allows you to Sort and Search for specific items by typing in column.

  The following screen will be displayed, showing current Open PO for the line item highlighted: 


AVL Information   For the highlighted line item  

 Pref This is a number indicating the preference for use
 Part Mfgr Displays the Part mfgr. name
 Mfgr Part No Displays the Part mfgr. part number
 Checkuse This box will be checked if this Mfg. and Mfg. Part number may be used


Reference Designator For the highlighted line item    


The number assigned to the reference designator.

Ref. Designator

The alpha numeric characters assigned to the Reference Designator number.


The character assigned to all of the reference designator numbers.

Start No

The first Reference Designator number.

End No

The last Reference Designator number.

Calculate (button)

The button used to calculate the Reference Designator.


The new quantity for which Reference Designators have been assigned. Update/Create Records Tab

Update/Create Records Tab Field Definitions
- This tab displays the revised product number, description, changes in Standard Cost, Labor Cost, whether serial number is required and updates for Engineering Change Orders only.  Note:  This tab is not available for Deviations or BCN.

Inventory Changes section:

Product New No:

If the check box is checked, a new product number may be entered here.

New Rev:

If the check box is checked, the new revision character may be added here.

Note: that either a new Product No or Rev has to be entered in order for the system to allow the user to save the ECO record – this check has been added to prevent any duplicated inventory records within the system.  See Article #3062 on why the customer part number or revision is not updated at the same time.
NOTE:  When product is changed through ECO module the same material type will be carried fwd for the next/new product at the part level but not at the AVL level.   
New Description:

If the check box is checked, a new description may be entered.

Change section:

Matl Cost If this box is checked, the material cost for the product will be updated based on the changes made within the Parts Section and the inventory part standard cost.
Labor Cost If this box is checked, the new Labor cost for the product will be updated based on information entered within the ECO New Build Labor Cost section.
Current Value The mat'l or  labor cost currently existing for the product within the Inventory Control Module.
New Value The revised mat'l or labor cost for the product.
Serial # Required If box is checked, a serial number will be required for the revised product.
No/Yes If the serial box is checked you have an option to check Yes  
Assigned Customer This will allow the user to Assign a new Customer to the BOM.   NOTE:  This field is only editable if there are NO open Sales Orders or Work Orders linked to this product.
New Customer Name

If the Assigned Customer box is checked, user may select a customer from the pull down. 

Note: Customer name can be changed on the BOM for the product only if either the Product number or revision and the product has no consigned parts for another customer nor any make/phantom parts that are assigned to another customer, and the product is not a sub-assembly for another product.

Open Sales Order List

Shows all SOs (with any status except for cancel) and RMAs with this assembly number, Balance and item number. The selected SOs and RMAs will be updated with the new Product number and/or Rev number and/or Description shown upper left corner.

Note: If there have been no items shipped against the sales order selected then the system will just replace the existing product with the new within the Sales Order.

If shipments have been made against the item the old line item will be have the Ord Qty updated to equal the total Shipped and the status changed to Closed.A new line item will have been create for the new Product/Rev for the remaining balance that was left on the original item.

Retain Sales Order Prices Check this box only if you want the Unit Price to remain the same. 
Retain Remaining Extra Pricing Items Check this box only of you want the extra pricing to remain the same. Note:  If you don't check "Retain Sales Order Prices"checkbox, then for either part itself or extra price item, no price will be updated.  The "Retain Remaining Extra Pricing Items" is for adding extra items only, for the "price" column, it's still controlled by "Retain Sales Order Prices" checkbox. 

“Refresh SO” button has been provided so the user can refresh the Sales Order list to check for any new SO created in the system since the ECO was first created.

  This button is depressed to update all records within the system based on the selections made

The rest of this screen comes up with all of the boxes checked for copying the revisions into the Inventory Master, Production Routing, Product Data Management and Bill of Materials. If the user does not want the assembly copied, the box will be unchecked. New Build Quote Tab

New Build Quote Tab Field Defintions -
This tab desplays Labor Costs associated with the build of the new product number and revision and calculates the New labor Cost associated with each new unit.

Labor Cost Description Description of the labor.
Cost/Unit Cost of the Labor
Net ECO Labor Cost/Unit Sub of the total Labor costs.
Current Total Labor Cost/Unit

This is the total Labor information pulled from the Inventory Control Management module for the Product.

New Labor Cost with ECO/Unit

This is the sum of the new Net Labor and the Current Labor. Rework Quote Tab

Rework Quote tab Field Definitions -
The Rework Quote tab details any Rework Costs due to reworking the existing quantity in Work In Process and/or Finished Goods Inventory.

Open Work Order List (As of ECO Open Date) window:   Note:  The value of the "as of" is that it can affect the quote pricing and allows customers to better get that information.


A check in this column indicates that the Work Order will be revised to the newly changed product number/revision (if applicable).   

If Work Order is shaded in WHITE - that means that this Work Order has no qty in FGI so the system will automatically update the Work Order to the New Revision.  If a kit is in process for the Work Order selected user MUST depress the "Update Kit" button within the kitting module after the ECO is approved for any part changes to be reflected.  NOTE:   When the ECO takes place and the WO record is updated SFT losses the transfer history for the old revision and starts over with only xfer history for the new revision from that point on.  See Article #3401 for further detail. 

If Work Order is shaded in BLUE -  this means that this Work Order is partially completed and will be split into two Work Orders:  The system will change the original Work Order (original product number and revision) build qty to match the qty completed and close this Work Order.  The KIT for that work order will retain only enough material to build the completed quantities.  The system will then create a new work order for new product number/revision for the balance quantity.  All the extra material issued to the original work order will be de-kitted from original Work Order and issued to the new Work Order. 

 If Work Order is shaded in PINK - These Work Orders are partially completed and some of the issued components are either serialized or lot code traceability activated. These specific components have to be de-kitted manually prior to proceeding.  Or the original Work Order, has to be closed (balance reduced to completed quantities) and extra material de-kitted manually.  Then, the new Work Order has to be created for the balance quantities.


Work Order

Shows all WOs (with any status except for cancel) with this assembly number,.  The selected WOs will be updated with the new Product number and/or Rev number and/or Description shown upper left corner.

Balance Qty This field indicates the quantity remaining in the specific Work Order.
Due Date Due date from WO.
Status Status of WO.
New Work Order If the Work Order is split into two Work Orders, the number of the New Work created will be listed with in this field.
Total of Selected WOs

The sum of all of the Balance Quantity column, above.

   Refresh WO button has been provided so the user can refresh the Work Order list to check for any new WO's created in the system since the ECO was first createdThe value of the "refresh" is they can refresh after it was created if they created it several days before the quote is ready.  

Partial WOs button has been provided so the user can view the Work Orders with partial completions that cannot be updated by the ECO process.


Rework Cost Description window:

Rework Cost Description

This is a description of the rework cost line item.


This is the cost per unit pertaining to the description on the left.

Total Rework Cost/Unit

The sum of the cost/unit column above.

Inventory Locations (As of ECO Open Date) window:  Note:  The value of the "as of" is that it can affect the quote pricing and allows customers to better get that information.


The name of the warehouse where the completed product is stored.


The name of the location (such as Row 13, Bin 3) within the warehouse above.

 Quantity On Hand

The quantity within that location.

   Refresh Invt Location button has been provided so the user can refresh the Invt Location list to check for any new Locations created in the system since the ECO was first created. The value of the "refresh" is they can refresh after it was created if they created it several days before the quote is ready.

 (As of  ECO Open Date)The total of Finished Goods Inventory.  Note:  The value of the "as of" is that it can affect the quote pricing and allows customers to better get that information

The window at the bottom right hand side of the tab will display the total costs associated with the rework. Note that these costs DO NOT forward into either the Inventory Control Item Master nor the Accounting records.They are not associated with any new products which will be manufactured after the update to the latest revision, but pertain only to the costs associated with reworking either existing WIP or Finished Goods.

Totals (As of ECO Open Date)Note:  The value of the "as of" is that it can affect the quote pricing and allows customers to better get that information

Qty in WIP

This is the quantity in WIP which is available to be reworked.

Qty in FGI

This is the quantity in FGI which is available to be reworked.

Units to Rework:

Qty in WIP

This is the quantity in WIP which is available to be reworked.

Qty in FGI

This is the quantity in FGI which is available to be reworked.

Cost to Rework:

Qty in WIP

This is the quantity in WIP which is available to be reworked.

Qty in FGI

This is the quantity in FGI which is available to be reworked.

 Total Cost to Rework Selected Quantity

This is the sum of the two above amounts. Tool & Fixture Quote

Tool & Fixture Quote Field Definitions -
Once the ECO record has been approved and updated within the system.  This Tool/Fixture information will then be carried forward into the PDM and Routing Setup modules.

Tool/Fixture Description

This is the description information loaded from the System setup/Tooling Setup for selection.


This is the Work Center location the tool/fixture is designated to.

Cost Amount

Original Cost of the Tool/Fixture

Charge Amount

The amounted that is planned to be charged for the Tool/Fixture

Effective Date

Date that the Tool/Fixture becomes effective.

Termination Date

Date that the Tool/Fixture will be terminated.

1.5.4. How To .... for EBD Find An Engineering Change Order(ECO), BOM Change Notice(BCN), or Deviation

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, enter the Quality/Engineering/ECO, BCN & Deviation Control Management (EBD) Module


The following screen will be displayed:


Depressing the Find action button will bring up a selection screen.

Select the appropriate radial for the find.
 If you do not know the exact number, Customer, etc you may enter in a partial number, letter, etc, then once you depress the enter key the system will pull up the matching record onto the screen or a list of all ECO's that contain the partial number, letter, etc. entered, to select from. 

If the system does not find a match to the information entered then the following message will be displayed.    

If you select to find by Product No, type the product number into the box. If there is more than one Engineering Change Order, a list of all Engineering Change Orders for that product will appear: Highlight and double click on the ECO/Dev No desired.
If you select to find by Status, a further selection will appear. Choose between Edit, Pending, Approved, Cancelled or Completed by clicking on the appropriate radio.  A list of all of the Engineering Change Orders falling within that category will appear. Highlight and double click on the appropriate record.

Information regarding the ECO, BCN, or deviation, will appear. Edit an ECO, BCN or Deviation

an existing ECO, BCN or Deviation.  The information will populate the screen.

Depress the Edit record action button.  Status will change to Edit.

Once the necessary changes have been completed depress the Save record action button to Save changes, or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.

If the Save record action button is depressed, changes will be saved.  The following screen will appear.  NOTE:  The Approvals will be removed and the ECO changes will need to be re-approved.

The changes will need to be Approved, before the ECO status will change back to Approved. Adding A New ECO, BCN, or Deviation

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/ECO,BCN, & Deviation Control Management (EBD) module.


The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Add Record Action button. Enter your password. The following selection screen will be displayed:
Select the desired Filter: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Active, Inactive, or All.
Select the desired Find: by selecting the appropriate radio button - Product Number, Part Class, Customer, or All.

Enter the information into the red box, depress the Enter key and the information will populate the screen.


If user selects Any of the Filters and Find by All - a screen will appear listing all the Products,  in numerical order, along with the Revision, Part Class, Part Type, Part Number, and Part Status. 


Information pertaining to that part number will appear on the screen, as follows:


Select the type of change by depressing the down arrow next to the Type box.

An ECO selection is for a permanent change to the Inventory Master, Bill of Materials and Product Data Management normally a revision added.  NOTE: These records will ONLY be updated if the Revision or Part Number has been changed.

A Deviation selection is for a one time change to existing Finished Goods Inventory and/or Work In Process.  A selection of Deviation will NOT update no records; such as  Inventory Master, Bill of Materials or Product Data Management.(The Update/Create Record tab will be grayed out.)  This is a document for reference only.

A BCN selection is to change all part information just like an ECO, but user will NOT be able to create a new product number/rev, or click any "COPY" checkboxes on "Update/Create records" page.  Also, the WO and SO lists will NOT be available for selections when creating a BCN .


Select the ECO Source by depressing the down arrow next the the ECO Source box.


Enter in the ECO Reference, Effective Date. (Note:  This date MUST be prior to the WO Due Date to be applied),  Expiration Date if applicable (this field is only enabled when creating a Deviation), enter in the purpose of the change and Description of change,  and name of the ECO Coordinator.

The screen will appear as follows:


Enter the Parts screen

To record an ADD to an ECO record 

Depress the Add Button.

The system will then default to the Status field.  Depress the down arrow next to the Status field.

The following choices will appear.  

Select Add from the Status listing. 


Enter in the new Line No that it will be listed as on the BOM.

Select Source by depressing on the down arrow next to that field.

The following selection will appear:


Enter in the Part Number, and the Revision number, Type, Class, Description, and  AVL information will update automatically.  If the part added has a status of "Inactive" within the Inventory Control Management,  it will be highlighted in purple as an indicator to the user that this item is inactive at this time.  If the user chooses to leave the inactive part on the ECO, that part number record status will automatically be changed to Active upon the "Update Records" button being depressed, so user will not have inactive parts listed on the BOM.  The user will receive a warning that an XLS file has been created for reivew.    

Enter in the new quantity to be used in the assembly, and Customer Part Number and Rev. if applicable.


Scroll over to the right and select the Work Center by clicking within the Work Center field. The following selection screen will appear.  

Note:  The system will give the user the following warning and will not allow user to save the ECO if the same part number and work center are duplicate in ECO.

The system will default into the U/K field, for the component to be included in the kit. You have the option to change this entry to one of the following Yes, No, or Free Stock.

If the user attempts to enter any other characters into this field they will receive the following warning message.


Enter in the Reference designator(s).   First enter the character in the prefix box, then the Start number. Depress the "Calculate" button and the Reference Designator will update.

You will then be able to view the Inventory Locations for the highlight part number, by depressing the      button.  The following information will be displayed:


You will also be able to view any Open PO for the highlighted part number, by depressing the       button.  The following information will be displayed:


The AVL info will default in from the Inventory Control module.  You may check or uncheck the approved AVLs.  If the program finds duplicate part numbers in a BOM, any Alternate part number associated with the original line item will be carried fwd to the new item using the same part.  As far as the AVLs, the program will get all unchecked AVLs from all items and to update all items.  For example, BOM item #2 have AVL A,B,C, and D, only C is unchecked.  Now in ECO, user adds item #5, it has AVL A unchecked.  And if item #2 had a alternate part associated with it, that ALT part will also be carroed fwd to Item #5.  We have added a message in the updating routine, if the system does find duplicate Part number, then a message will popup and let the users know then system will take the actions explained above.  

If user enters a part number that already exists in the BOM, but for a different WC, the program will use the AVLs from the new added part number(s) and update the AVLs for the existing part number (as stated in the message received upon Update Records).   

For Example:  If a part already exists on the BOM, and now the user adds the same part again (with different WC), and makes changes to the AVL.  When the ECO gets updated, the system will use the new AVL(s) from new added part and update the AVL(s) for existing part.  

If I have a part on the BOM already, with 5 part/mfgr/mfgr part no (A,B,C,D,E) and 3 of them (A,C,E) are currently checked on BOM.  Now the user creates an ECO and adds the same part in ECO and changes the AVL to have on (A,B) checked.  When the ECO record gets updated, both parts will now have only (A,B) checked.  

If user adds the same part multiple times to the ECO and doesn't enter the same AVLs for the same part(s) that appears multiple times in the ECO, this message will appear and user must change the AVLs to be the same before they can save the ECO.


To record a DELETE to an ECO  

Depress the Add Button.

The system will then default to the Status field.  Depress the down arrow next to the Status field.

The following choices will appear.  

Select Delete from the Status listing.  


Enter in the Bill of Material line Item, that you wish to have removed from the BOM.

The screen will then update with the information pertaining to that item. 


Leave the New Quantity as zero.

If you do NOT want the part scrapped, scroll to the right and remove the check mark from the Scrap Item field.  (Note:  This field is for internal reference only, it does NOT affect any other modules).

To record a CHANGE to an ECO  

 Depress the Add Button.

The system will then default to the Status field.  Depress the down arrow next to the Status field.

The following choices will appear.  

Select Change Qty from the Status listing. 


Enter in the Bill of Material line Item, that you wish to have changed on the BOM.

The screen will then update with the information pertaining to that item.

Enter in the new quantity.

Update the Reference Designator information.

In the U/K field, change to if you do not want the change to be used in the kit.

If you do NOT want the item scrapped, remove the check mark from the Scrap Item box  (Note:  This field is for internal reference only, it does NOT affect any other modules).

To change the Work Center where the component is added, depress the down arrow next to the Work Center field.  The following selection screen will be displayed:

Make your selection.



Enter the Update Records screens.(Note:  that if the type was selected as Deviation within the Header screen, then the Update Records screen will be grayed out and unavailable for selection)

Inventory Changes Section:

Check the applicable box and then Enter in a new product number, revision number, or new description, if desired.
NOTE:   For the purpose of many users wanting to create several ECOs for the same product number without really updating the records (meaning creating a new part in inventory) Manex will allow you to save and approve the ECO even if they have not selected to create a new Part or Rev within the system. Upon depressing the Update Records button the system will check to see if New Product No or New Rev has been marked, if left blank then the system will just update the status of the ECO to Complete without creating a new product number in the system.
NOTE:  When product is changed through ECO module the Material Type will be carried fwd to the next/new Product/Rev that is being generated at the part level, but will not carry fwd the material type at the AVL level. The system will default in "UNK" as the Material Type for the AVL Level. 

To update the Material Cost, then check mark the box next to Matl Cost. The new Value field will update based on the changes made within Parts screen.

To update the Labor Cost, then check mark the box next to Labor Cost.  The New Value field will update based on the changes made within the New Build Quote screen.

To require a serial number, then check mark the box next to Serial # Required.  Then go to the box under the New Value column it will remain NO until checked then it will update to YES.

To change or assign a customer, check the Assigned Customer box. Depress the down arrow to see a list of customers.  Select the customer of choice.

Note:  Customer name can be changed on the BOM for the product, only if either the Product number or revision and the product has NO consigned parts for another customer nor any make/phantom parts that are assigned to another customer, and the product is not a sub-assembly for another product.
NOTE:  This field is only editable if there are NO open Sales Orders or Work Orders linked to this product.
If user is attempting to assign a new customer name to a product with customer consigned parts reporting to it, user will receive the message displayed and will NOT be allowed to change customer name.

If user is attempting to assign a new customer to a product with any Open Sales Orders or Work Orders linked to it they will receive one of the messages displayed and will NOT be able to save the ECO.

In the ECO process of modifying or adding Parts to the ECO, there is a field which contains the Customer Part number, if available. At the present time, this field is empty and non-editable for changing or deleting a part from the BOM. But if the user wishes to add a part, they may do so by entering in either the internal part number or the customer part number in the customer part number field, and the program will locate the corresponding internal part number and enter it. The search is based on the customer part number entered AND the customer associated with the BOM from which the ECO was originated.

Because Manex allows users the ability to use the ECO module to create New Part Numbers via the ECO process, and even assign a new customer to the new part number, we must limit the customer information to that of the original customer, as we cannot determine at what point the reference should change customers, or even if it should. Furthermore, if the user does elect to create a new part number for a new customer, items unchecked on the AVL will transfer to the new bom (if checked on the update sheet). However, there may be a conflict between the AVL of the original customer and the AVL of the new customer, so the user is urged to verify the AVL content of a new bom for a new customer created with this module.


Look at the items all ready checked to be copied. If you do not want the items copied, uncheck them.
Note:  When creating new Product within Inventory via ECO change the new Product's AVL will be auto assigned with the Material Type of "Unk".  It will not keep the MT from the original Product the ECO was originated from. 



The Open Sales Order List will include all open Sales Orders including the ones that are flagged as "Admin Hold" and//or "Mfgr Hold",  and any open RMAs against this product.

In the Open Sales Order List, check mark within the Change box column if you want the Sales Order and/or RMA to be changed.

Note: If there have been NO items shipped against the sales order selected then the system will just replace the existing product with the new product and/or revision within the Sales Order.

If there have been shipments made against the item the old line item will have the Ord Qty updated to equal the total Shipped and the status changed to Closed. A new line item will have been created for the new Product/Rev for the remaining balance that was left on the original item.

If you do NOT want the price changes to affect the sales order prices check the "Retain Sales Order Prices" box.  If you would like to retain any extra charges against the line item check the "Retain Remaining Extra Pricing Items" box. 

Refresh SO button has been provided so the user can refresh the Sales Order list to check for any new SO created in the system since the ECO was first created.


The completed screen will appear as follows:


Enter the New Build Quote screen.

To add a new Labor Cost associated with the new revision, depress Add the button. Type in the Labor Cost Description. Type in the new revision cost per unit. Continue to Add as required.

The completed screen will appears as follows:


Enter the Rework Quote screen. 

In the Open WO List (As of ECO Open Date), check mark within the Change box column if you want the WO to be changed/reworked.  The WO's checked will only be changed/reworked when creating an ECO.  They will not be changed/reworked when creating a deviation.  (This field is for reference only when creating a deviation).  
You will receive the following message, as you check each box:

Depress the OK button to continue.

If Work Order is shaded in WHITE - that means that this Work Order has no qty in FGI so the system will automatically update the Work Order to the New Revision.  If a kit is in process for the Work Order selected user MUST depress the "Update Kit" button within the kitting module after the ECO is approved for any part changes to be reflected.  NOTE:   When the ECO takes place and the WO record is updated SFT losses the transfer history for the old revision and starts over with only xfer history for the new revision from that point on.  See Article #3401 for further detail. 

If Work Order is shaded in BLUE -  this means that this Work Order is partially completed and will be split into two Work Orders:  The system will change the original Work Order (original product number and revision) build qty to match the qty completed and close this Work Order.  The KIT for that work order will retain only enough material to build the completed quantities.  The system will then create a new work order for new product number/revision for the balance quantity.  All the extra material issued to the original work order will be de-kitted from original Work Order and issued to the new Work Order. 

 If Work Order is shaded in PINK - These Work Orders are partially completed and some of the issued components are either serialized or lot code traceability activated. These specific components have to be de-kitted manually prior to proceeding.  Or the original Work Order, has to be closed (balance reduced to completed quantities) and extra material de-kitted manually.  Then, the new Work Order has to be created for the balance quantities.

If needed, you have the option to refresh the Work Order listing to see if any new Work Orders have been created for this product since this ECO was originally opened, by depressing the "Refresh WO" button.

To add costs solely associated with the rework of open Work Orders and/or Finished Goods Inventory, depress the Add button under the Rework Cost Description window. Type in the Rework Cost Description and the related cost per unit.

The Inventory Locations (As of ECO Open Date), will default in and is for reference only.

The Totals (As of ECO Open Date) will default in displaying the quantity in WIP and the quantity in FGI.  The Units to Rework and the Cost to Rework will update automatically.  

If any new Work Order's were created they will be displayed in the "New Work Order" field for reference:   


To add new Tool/Fixture Information, depress the Add button below the section.

Add the Tool/Fixture information from the pull down.


 Choose the Work Center from the pull down.  

Fill in the cost amount, Charge Amount, Effective Date, and Termination Date.

Once the ECO record has been approved and updated within the system, this Tool/Fixture information will be carried forward into the PDM and Routing Setup modules.

The completed screen will appears as follows:

Depress the Header tab.
Note that the ECO Cost/Unit columns have updated at the bottom left hand side of the screen:

Depress the Save record action button or the Abandon changes action button.

Upon Saving the user may be given a message if one or more of the parts do not have the same number of reference designators as the new quantity within the ECO, or BCN. This is giving the users the option to print out a report to list these item or not.

If Yes is selected the report, ECO Report Incorrect number of reference designators will go directly to the default printer and
the next message will be displayed.

The user now has the option to cancel out of the save or continue.

The user should go back to the reference designators section for the part listed in the report and change the number of designators to equal the quantity required.

The Approval button will be available. Depress the Approval button.  You will be prompted for the appropriate department password. Continue this process until all of the departmental approvals have been entered, as displayed:


Once all of the Approvals have been fulfilled then within the Update Records tab the “Update All Records" button will become available.

Depress the Update All Records button. The records you selected will update. The ECO or BCN will now show with the following Updated time stamp.


Note: For a new revision, P/N, etc., go into the Inventory Master and if desired, update for the Warehouse location in the Quantity Information tab (the system will copy the warehouse information from original Product selected).   Also, update for Mfgr Part Spec.
Adding A New Deviation Record 


The difference between the ECO and the Deviation is: A Deviation is a method to document and approve a temporary change from the normal operation until an ECO is created to replace the Deviation, it is only a record that someone approved a change in some method for a work order(s).  That is the reason the Deviation has an Expiration Date field in the main page and it will not update any active modules, part number change, rev change, description change or anything else.  Whereas, ECO is a permanent change and change the part number, or rev or description, or standard cost, or anything thing else including updating any or all active files.

The basic procedure of processing a Deviation follow basically the same rules as a Regular ECO except for the Update Records button is disabled.

Enter the ECO module. Depress the Add Record action button Select the desired product number. Then for the Type Select Deviation


Once Deviation has been selected as the Type,  continue on and enter in the remaining Deviation information as explained in the Adding ECO section above.  Note:  For a Deviation you MUST make sure you complete the expiration date so users know that it is for a limited period of time.  If this field is left blank the deviation will NOT be displayed in the SFT module.

 The Update Create Records tab will remain grayed out and unavailable for any Deviation records entered within the system.

Once the Deviation has been completed the normal list of Approvals need to be entered.

The status of the Deviation record will update to Approved.

Changing the status of a Deviation from Approved to Completed.

The Status of a Deviation will remain as Approved in the system until the users manually changes the status to Completed.  Once the status of a deviation has been changed from Approved to Completed it will no longer appear in the SFT (Shop Floor Tracking) module.


 Find the desired Deviation record.  

Depress the Edit record action button. Click on the down arrow next to the Status field, the following selections will be available for Deviations.

Change the status to Completed.  Depress the Save record action button to save the changes the changes, or depress the Abandon changes action button.
The Deviation will now show in the Status listing of Completed Records. Copying An Engineering Change Order

Enter the ECO module. Find an existing ECO record within the system.

Depress the Copy Record action button. The following message will be displayed:
Select Yes, enter your password. Then the next message will be displayed:
The following selection will appear: 
 Once you have selected the desired product number the following will be displayed:

The following information will be copied fwd from the original ECO to the new ECO record.
Header Information
  • ECO Type
  • ECO Source
  • Customer  (if applicable)
  • Purpose of Change
  • ECO Instructions
  • ECO Cost/Unit 
  • ECO Coordinator


Update/Create Records Information
  • New Values (if applicable)
New Build Quote Information
  • Labor Cost Description

Rework Quote Information
  • Rework Cost Description



1.5.5. Reports - EBD

To obtain the ECO Reports within the Web, select the WEB Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen. For further detail on How the Reports work within the Web refer to Article #5477.

Note: In order to access the Reports within the Web the Company Root URL must be setup within the System Appearance module and user must be linked to web within the System Security Module.

Select the Report Type:  ECO - A List of Reports will be displayed that are available on the Web for ECO 

To obtain the ECO Reports within the desktop, select the Print button from the ManEx action buttons at the top of the screen.


The following reports screen will display a list of reports that are available on the ManEx Desktop: 


Select the Printout of ECO report and then depress the OK button and the following screen will be displayed: 

The ECO record that is open within the ECO module will default in – but the user does have the option to enter in a different ECO # record if desired.

The ECO Printout Report will appear as follows:


If you highlight the ECO Status Report and then depress the OK button and the following screen will be displayed:


Select the ECO Status and ECO Type by pressing on the down arrow next to the window. Highlight the desired status.

Enter the Customer:  (If All Customer are desired leave * as default)  NOTE:  You MUST enter a Customer or have the default (*) for this report to work. If the ECO record does NOT have a Customer selected, then it will NOT appear on this report.

Enter Starting Date Range and Ending Date Range in "yyyy-mm-dd" format

Enter Starting Part Range and Ending Part Range:  (If all parts are desired leave * as default)

Depress the OK button. The following ECO Status Report will appear as follows:



1.5.6. FAQs- EBD
Facts and Questions for the ECO, BCN & Deviation Control Mgmt (EBD) Module
1.6. Work Order Traveler Setup
1.6.1. Prerequisties for WO Traveler Setup

After activation, "Product Routing" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

A Product Number

The Work Order Traveler Setup must refer to a product by part number. The part number must be established in the Inventory Control Mgmt module.

A Work Center The Work Centers to be used in a Work Order Traveler Setup must be defined in the Production Work Centers & Activities .  
An Activity Center

The Activities for Work Centers (if they are to be used in Work Order Traveler Setups) must be defined in the Production Work Centers & Activities

W/O Release Check List Items Must be defined in the  Shop Floor Tracking Default .

1.6.2. Introduction for WO Traveler Setup

The Work Order Traveler Setup module is used to define the details of the Production Work Order Traveler Setup for a product.   Certain work centers are “hard-coded” into the ManEx program. These are Material Staging, Finished Goods, RWRK, RWRKQC and Scrap. These work centers may not be modified by the user, or omitted from a Work Order Traveler Setup, because they are associated with special codes that are essential to our system.
For example:  "STAG"  is the first step so when a Work Order is created the material can go into Staging.  

"FGI"  when material is moved into finished goods a number of thing happen within the system, (1. Receiving into the inventory; 2. accounting transaction WIP to inventory, etc.) 

RWRK and RWRKQC are used to move material directly to Rework Work center and rework Quality Control Work center. Would be used for RMA's ect... 

"SCRP" - if material is moved into scrap or MRB some GL transactions are associated with the move. 

They are the gateways to and from the Work Order Traveler Setup for WIP management.

1.6.3. Fields and Definitions for WO Traveler Setup Header
Work Center and Activities Routing Setup Header Field Definitions


This is the classification for the product.

Type This is the type within the classification.
Part Number Rev This is the internal part number and revision for the product.
Per Pnl/Sht

If the user wishes to move material by the panel, sheet or roll, they may select “Default to PANEL” as the method of tracking quantities in the Shop Floor Tracking Defaults setup. This requires the user to define in the product definition the number of products contained in a panel/sheet/roll. Then, if this method is chosen, the user moves panels and ManEx keeps track of the number of units .If this is the case, the field will contain the number of panels associated with the product. 


If this box is checked, the product will be subject to serialization.


This is the description of the product. 


The status of the product, either Active or Inactive.

Current Work Center

The name of the Work Center highlighted.

Traveler Released  Check this box when ready to release Traveler/WO and  the date, time and users initials will be recorded at that time.   Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to modify this field.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access. Work Center Tab


Fields and Definitions


The ID established for the work center.

Work Center

The name of the work center.


The indication if the work center is to be processed Inside or Outside the company.

This button allows the user to "Add" or "Delete" a Work Center to the routing for this product.

Work Center Decimal Format
If this box is checked the setup time and run time is set to decimal format (1.575 hours).  If this box is unchecked the 1.575 hours is converted to 1:34:30.000.  So with the decimal field unchecked you can put in hours, minutes, and seconds. Note:  To add Times in Routing, the run and set up times must be selected in Production Scheduling Method module.
Setup Time The set up time for the work center selected.  If there are activities present and the user adds or edits the setup time on the activity level the WC setup time will be re-calculated from the activity level. 
Run Time The unit run time for the work center selected.  If there are activities present and the user adds or edits the run time on the activity level the WC run time will be re-calculated from the activity level. 
PPM This is the number of defect opportunities that exist for an assembly in a Work Center. For more detail see Article #674
Setup Time (Total) setup time for all work centers and/or activities.
Run Time (Total) run time for all work centers and/or activities.
Depressing this button will allow the user to reorder the routing for this product.
Once the routing is set, the user may use this button to update any Work Orders which were created before the routing was entered or changed.
Starting Work Center for Tracking Serial No This field will display the name of the Work Center where Serial Number Tracking will begin, if the Serialize box is checked at the top of the screen.  NOTE:   If the starting work center is removed, when user clicks “Update WO” button, all the WC qty and SN (if any) except for FGI, RWRK, RWQC, and SCRP work centers will be moved back to STAG work center because the system will treat the STAG as the starting tracking SN work center. Activities Tab

The activities tab is used to add specific activities that take place within a Work Center.  For the Work Center which is highlighted within the Current Work Center field, the Activities Tab will change to RED text if activities have been assigned to that work center.  Within the window, the 1st column is the abbreviation used for the activity and the 2nd column is the full activity for the Work Center listed. The list of activities are set up in System setup – Production Work Centers & Activities.

Fields & Definitions


This button is used to add or delete activities for the Work Center listed.


This button is used to reorder the list.

Setup Time

For the activity highlighted, this field is for the set up times.   If user enters setup time at activity level the system will accumulate the times for all the activities (for that specific work center) and assign it to the WC level and overwrite whatever number if any entered there.

Run Time For the activity highlighted, this field is for the run times.  If user enters run time at activity level the system will accumulate the times for all the activities (for that specific work center) and assign it to the WC level and overwrite whatever number if any entered there. WO Release Check List Tab

The Work Order Release Check List tab is for the user to select check list items for the Work Center listed in the Current Work Center field.  The Work Order Release Check List is set up in the Shop Floor Tracking Default set up screen.  In this module, the Check List items are selected, as detailed. Then when the user reaches the Work Order Shop Floor Tracking module, the items added in this module will be available.


Fields &  Definitions 


This button allows the user to add or delete the check list items to or from the Work Center being displayed above.

Add all This button allows user to add all check list items (displayed on the right) to the current work center being displayed above. 
Remove All This button allows user  to remove all check list items (displayed on the left) from the current work center being displayed above.
Done Depress this button when you are done making changes. Tooling Tab

The Tooling tab is used to describe the tooling requirements for the Work Center. It also provides for a location notation and an Expire Date. An example of a Check List item as discussed above might be to perform the Work Center tooling, as detailed in this tab.

Fields & Definitions

Tool/Fixture Description 

This is the description of the Tooling item.

Work Center

This is the name of the Work Center where the tooling will take place.


This is the location within the Work Center where the tooling will take place.

Expire Date

This is the date of expiration of the tooling.

add more

Checking this box allows the user to add additional tooling lines.


These buttons allow the user to add, edit or delete tooling items.


The Tool/Fixture description pulldown information is setup within the System Setup/Tools Setup .  The Tooling/Fixture information can also be added, edited, or deleted from the PDM  (Product Data Management) module


To delete a line item from the Tooling Tab.  Highlight the line item.  Depress the Delete button.  Click on the second column (which is NOT labeled), the field will change to Black. Depress the Done button. Outsource Tab

The Outsource tab shows the services to be performed outside of the user’s shop. These services are indicated with an “O” in the work center tab.

 Within the window, the 1st column is the abbreviation used for the activity and the 2nd column is the full activity for the Work Center listed. The list of activities are set up in System setup – Production Work Centers & Activities Setup.

Certificate Required This box is checked if the outsource supplier is required to provide a certificate of completion.
Service Footnote This button is for notes regarding Service. 
Outsource Note This button is for notes regarding Outsource.

1.6.4. How To ..... for WO Traveler Setup Find a Work Order Traveler

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality Engineering/Work Order Traveler Setup


The following screen will be displayed:

In this screen, a Work Order Traveler setup is either Created or Edited. 
Depress the Find record icon, the following dialog box will be displayed:  If user elects to find by the Product Number or by  Part Class they must enter in the Product Number or Part Class in Red box.   If you do not know the exact number, Customer, etc you may enter in a partial number, letter, etc, then once you depress the enter key the system will pull up the matching record onto the screen or a list of all Part Numbers that contain the partial number, letter, etc. entered, to select from. 
If user elects to find by selecting the "All" radio button.   The user selects the desired product by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and double-clicking on the desired product. 

The following screen will be displayed with the data for the selected product.  

. Setup/Edit a Work Order Traveler Routing

Setup a Work Order/Traveler Routing

Find the desired Product number record.  

Depress the Edit button from the main tool bar: 

Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to check the "Traveler Released" box.  Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.    This box must be check when usiing the Unreleased Work Order List and the Work Center Checklist .

User may Add/Delete Work Centers, by depressing the     button and a screen then fills the right side with all of the standard work centers (setup within the Production WC/Activity Setup module).

Work Centers may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.

If the user wishes to add all work centers to the Work Order Traveler Setup, then remove a few unwanted ones, pressing the “Add All” button will transfer all work centers to the Work Order Traveler Setup. Likewise, pressing the “Remove All” button will remove all but the fixed work centers from the Work Order Traveler Setup.

Work Order Traveler Setups may be added more than once, to accommodate multiple visits to the same work area during production (e.g. test). 

Depress the Done button when the movement is completed.

The  "Reorder" button allows the user to reorder the Work Order Traveler Setup in any order desired. Pressing this button will bring up ordering buttons on the left side of each work center in the Product Work Order Traveler Setup.  The user may then click on any of these buttons and drag a work center to the desired order.

Depress the Done button when the reordering is completed.  

"Starting Work Center for Tracking Serial No"  Choose from the pull down which Work Center you would like to begin tracking the Serial numbers.  The system does NOT allow selection of "FGI" or "SCRP" as a starting WC for Serialization, because this will cause the system to become stuck between SFT and Serial number assignment.   NOTE:   If the starting work center is removed, when user clicks “Update WO” button, all the WC qty and SN (if any) except for FGI, RWRK, RWQC, and SCRP work centers will be moved back to STAG work center because the system will treat the STAG as the starting tracking SN work center.   

User may enter/edit the WC Setup/Run time or the PPM.   The user should place the cursor on the work center to be edited, then on the times to be edited.  The user may modify one or more Work Centers. 

The area labeled "All Work Centers", will show the total times of all work centers and/or activities. This will automatically update. 
Note:  There are two different ways to track SETUP and RUN times for Job Costing and Product Data Management in ManEx.

1.    By entering Run and Setup Times in the Work Order Traveler Setup under Production Planning.

2.    By entering the Run and Setup Times in Activities Setup under the Work Center Setup.

Using the first choice is preferred when there is a great variability in the products produced and the setup and run rates in each work center. The second choice is preferred when the product flow is uniform, the machine rates are well established and the setup times very uniform regardless of product. The choice is made in the Production Schedule Setup module. Use of Run and Setup Times is optional unless Job Costing module is in use.

Then depress the Save button from the main tool bar to save the changes and the Update Open Work order button becomes enabled.

Update Open Work Orders

This button allows the user the option to update specific work orders which will then reflect the modified Work Order Traveler Setup. Otherwise, current Work Orders will NOT be updated, but future Work Orders created will carry the modified Work Order Traveler Setup. Depressing the button will bring up the following screen:

To select multiple items in the list, hold the Ctrl key down and click on those items you want to update.

Depress the OK button.


 After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. Copying a Work Order Traveler Setup

Find the desired Product Number, that you wish to have updated.

Depress the Copy Record icon.  The following message will be displayed: 
Depress "OK"

If user elects to find by the Product Number or by  Part Class they must enter in the Product Number or Part Class in Red box

If user elects to find by selecting the "All" radio button a list of all the Active Product numbers will be displayed.   The user selects the desired product by either entering it into the red box, or scrolling down the list and double-clicking on the desired product. 

The user may elect to copy only the Work Order Routing, or the Work Order Routing and Instructions. The Setup Times/Run Times, for Work Centers and Activities, WO Release Check List, Tooling, and Outsource information will also be copied.

After verifying entries are correct, pressing the “OK” button will copy the Work Order Traveler Setups (and instructions) to the current product. Setup/Edit Work Center Activities
Note:  if a Work Center has activities associated with it, the “ACTIVITIES” tab will be showing in RED font.

Add/Removing Activities
In the Activities screen, the user may add or modify activities and Setup/Run time associated to that activity. 
The activities must have been set up in the Production Work Centers & Activities module and be attached to the Work Center. 
Find the desired Product number, select the Edit button from the main tool bar, highlight the Work Center, then enter the Activities screen.


Activities may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.

The  button will allow the addition or deletion of activities associated with the Work Center. The activities listed on the right side will show only activities associated with the work center in the system setup.  Activities may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.
If the user wishes to add all activities, then remove a few unwanted ones, pressing the “Add All” button will transfer all activities to the Work Order Traveler Setup. Likewise, pressing the “Remove All” button will remove all activities from the Work Order Traveler Setup.

Depress the Done button when the movement is completed.

The "Reorder" button allows the user to reorder the activities in any order desired. Pressing this button will bring up ordering buttons on the left side of each activity in the Product Work Order Traveler Setup.   The user may then click on any of these buttons and drag an activity to the desired order.


Depress the Done button.
When in Edit mode, user may add/edit Setup Time and/or Run Time to an activitiy associated with a work center.

Note:  If user enters setup/run times at activity level the system will accumulate the times for all the activities (for that specific work center) and assign it to the WC level and overwrite whatever number if any entered there. If the user tries to change the WC setup/run times they will receive a warning that there are setup/run times at the activity level and these must be removed before they will be allowed to change the WC setup/run times. If the user decreases the activity setup/run times to 0 or remove the activity, then the user can add or edit the WC setup/run time.

After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. Add/Remove Work Order Release Check List Items
In this screen, the user may add or modify Work Order Release Check List items used in a Work Center. 

the desired Product number record.  
Depress the Edit button from the main tool bar: 
Enter the WO Release Check List screen:

User may Add/Delete check list items to be assoiciated with the Work Centers, by depressing the     button and a screen then fills the right side with all of the standard check list items (setup in the Work Order Preparation Check List module).. 

Check list items may be moved to either side by double clicking on the side from which to move.

If the user wishes to add all the check list items to the Work Order Traveler Setup, then remove a few unwanted ones, pressing the “Add All” button will transfer all check list items to the Work Order Traveler Setup. Likewise, pressing the “Remove All” button will remove all check list items from the Work Order Traveler Setup.

Depress the Done button when the movement is completed.
After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. Add/Edit Tooling Information

Adding/Editing Tooling Information  

The Tooling tab is used to describe the tooling requirements for the Work Center. It also provides for a location notation and an Expire Date. An example of a Check List item might be to perform the Work Center tooling, as detailed in this tab.


Find the desired Product number record.

Depress the Edit button from the main tool bar, or enter the Tooling screen then depress the Edit button from the main tool bar: 

To add a Tool/Fixture depress the "ADD" button.

Select the Tool/Fixture Description from the pull down selections (setup within the Tools Setup module). 

Select the Work Center from the pull down menu: 

Enter the Location, and the Expire date. The completed screen will appear as follows:

To delete a line item from the Tooling Tab. Highlight the line item.  Depress the Delete button, the following message will appear.  Select Yes to continue the deletion, select No to abandon the deletion.

After modification, the user must either Save or Cancel the modifications. 

 Add Outsource Information

The Outsource tab shows the services to be performed outside of the user’s shop. These services are indicated with an “O” in the work center tab.

Highlight the Outsource Service, then go to the Outsource Tab and the following screen will appear:

Highlight the Outsource Service. Depress the Add button for the Supplier. Select the Supplier from the pull down.  

Then continue across the columns and enter the quantity, cost each and markup. The Charge column will automatically update. When data entry is complete, depress the Done button.

In a future release, outsourcing will be available to create POs, receivers, etc. 

If the "Certificate Required" box is checked, this indicates that the supplier of the outsourced service is required to provide a certificate of completion.

Depress the "Service Footnote" to attach a footnote regarding the services for this product.

Depress the "Outsource Note" to attach a note regarding the outsourcing for this product.

If you want to add a Service Footnote or an Outsource note, depress the applicable button.   Depress the Edit button. Type in the note. Depress the Save button. Depress the Exit button.

Depress the Save  button at the top of the screen to save changes, depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes.

1.6.5. FAQs - WO Traveler Setup
Facts and Questions for the WO Traveler Setup Module
1.7. Product Data Management (PDM) (OPTIONAL Module)
1.7.1. Prerequisites for PDM
Prerequisites Required For PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT:
ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks.  For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase.   To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com\contactus.aspx

After activation, "Product Data Management" (PDM) access for each user must be setup in the ManEx
System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.

Product An existing product or assembly must be established within the  Inventory Control Mgmt module to create work instructions.
Product Work Order The part number must have a Work Order setup
Traveler Setup

A Work Order Traveler Setup must be established 

Standard Specification Number

The Standard Specification Number must have been set up in PDM Standard Process Specification .

Optional Prerequisites for Entering a New PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT:


If images are to be included in Work Instruction and Set Up Instruction view screens.

1.7.2. Introduction for PDM

The Product Data Management (PDM) Module is the place where Engineering may establish work instructions, setup instructions and/or checklists.   References to related documentation, Engineering notes, and production feedback on the product is also available. With the PDM module, the user may create both text instruction and graphical images.


Once a product has been established, similar products with some or all of the same instructions can have instructions copied from the original product, then modified to suit requirements.


The work instructions are available to users in the shop floor module, and users may elect to print the work instructions in the Work Order Traveler Setup traveler module. 


Information entered in this module can be accessed via the Shop Floor Mgmt module.  Work Instructions, Special Instructions, Documentation, Work Center Check List and Notes are available.

1.7.3. Fields & Definitions for PDM Header Information

Product No  The part number of the assembly. 
Rev The revision of the assembly.
Description  This field will contain the Description of the assembly.  
Selected Work Center/Activity  This area displays the work center (or activity) from which each of the action buttons below are launched. It is selected by placing the cursor (by mouse or tab) on the work center (or activity) of interest Routing Tab

ID The ID or abbreviation established for the work centers 
Work Center The name of the work center 
ECO Pending  This Text/characters turn RED if an ECO is Added and Saved. When the ECO is approved, this button characters turns back To gray. This criteria is based on the product number and no revision number as the ECO will change the revision number.  This feature has been added because of the importance of the users needing to know that an ECO is being initiated by the production personnel. This will help prevent product being built according to the original instructions and cut down on any additional rework or schedule delays.

If this button is displayed in Red there is Related documents attached.    Depressing this button will give the users the ability to scan any related documents directly into the ManEx system and attached the document directly to the item in the ICM Module.  For further detail see Article #2396.  Once the information is loaded, the user may re-visit the Documentation in the PDM module and may also access the information from the Shop Floor Tracking Module.
If Red there is information available related to the product and the work center.  User may edit or add information in this module also. 
If Red, there is information available related to the product and the work center.   This field is provided as a means of recording observations and communications about the product as it is being manufactured.  User may edit or add information in this module, as well as from the Shop Floor module.  Production Feedback note is intended as one way of communication from the production floor to the engineers of the suggestions and pointing out the errors created by the engineering department.  Engineering department reading the feedback can take necessary action to correct or incorporate the information and then erase the contents of the Feedback note.  This information may be added or edited in this module as well as from the Shop Floor module.
If Red, this button displays Work Instructions in text and pictorial format for operations associated with the work center.  The Work Instructions must have been established in the Product Data Management module first.  Users may load a PDF file in the Work Instructions. This allows users access to whole textbooks from within ManEx. PDF files can be drawings, images, CAD files (as printed to a plotter) and multiple pages of mixed test and graphics. Users may also print these PDF files from ManEx. 
If Red, this button displays Special Instructions in text and pictorial format for setting up the work center. The Special Instructions are not printed on the travelers. The Special Instructions must have been established in the Product Data Management Module first.  
If Red, this button will display any Tool/Fixture information which has been assigned to the Product through the Routing or Product Data Management (PDM) Module.  This information is then also updated to the Routing setup module. Users will be able to edit the information from both the PDM and Routing setup screens. This information will then be available within the Shop Floor Tracking module for the users to View only.
If Red, this screen will display the WIP Status of all the open work orders for this product and show where the quantities are in the shop floor. 
If Red, the part numbers that are assigned to that specific Work Center within the BOM module will be listed within this screen. 
If Red, there is an ECO with the status of Approved within the system.   
If Red, this screen will list the detailed information pulled forward from the ECO Control Management module pertaining to any approved Deviations for the selected product.  
If Red, this screen will display Quality information for the Product that is displayed for the selected work center. Check List Title Screen

This screen allows the user to establish check lists for each PRODUCT.  Note that this is a different check list than the one for Work Order which is set up in Shop Floor Tracking Defaults .   Items may be added to the check list in the edit mode.

Check List Title Description of the Check to be Performed
Tool/Fixture Released Check this box to release the Tool Fixture.  This box MUST be check when usiing the Unreleased Work Order List  and/or for the Tool/Fixture button to be enabled in the Shop Floor Tracking module..  

Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to check this box. Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.  

This box will display the date and time of when the Tool/Fixture was Released and will also display the initials of the user that checked the box
PDM Released Check this box to release the PDM.  This box must be check when usiing the Unreleased Work Order List  

Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to check this box. Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.  

This box will display the date and time of when the PDM was Released and will also display the initials of the user that checked the box. 
Pressing the ADD button opens another field in which information may be placed in the Check List per product number/work center. 

Pressing the DELETE button deletes the item from the Check List that the cursor is on when the delete button is pushed.

Standard Spec No Select the Standard Specification Number from the pull down list displaying after depressing the down arrow. These are defaulted in from the PDM Standard Process Specification module.

This information will be carried forward into the Shop Floor Tracking module for the highlight Work Center.

1.7.4. How To ..... for PDM Finding A Product Data Management Record


Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality Engineering/Product Data Management (PDM)

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Find  Record action button.  The following Selections will appear.  User may select to find a record by Product Number, Part Class, or All.  If user selects by Product Number they may enter the PN in the Red box or enter in a partial Product Number and a list of Product Numbers will be displayed that contain this number to select from.  To Find by Part Class user may enter in a Part Class and a list of Product Numbers within this class will be displayed to select from. 


If the user selected to find by All.  All the Product Numbers within the Inventory records will be displayed to select from: 


When the part number is located, the screen displays Work Order Traveler Setup information about the product.


The plus (+) mark preceding work centers indicate that additional activities are included in the work center, and may be viewed by clicking on the plus sign. Add Information to the PDM Module
Find a PDM Record.

To attach Related Documentation See Article #2396 Once the information is loaded, the user may re-visit the Documentation in the PDM module and may also access the information from the Shop Floor Tracking Module.
See Article #3272 on how ManEx can help to simplify the process of identifying, tracking, and eliminating attrition and scrap. 
To add Engineering Notes or Production Feedback, depress the buttons, a blank screen will appear, type in the information, and depress the Save action button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.
To view existing Instructions or add Work Instruction or Special Instructions, depress the buttons, a screen will appear, type in the information, and depress the Save action button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.  To load PDF files depress the clipboard next to the Work Instruction or Special Instructions.  This allows the user to load and give users access to whole textbooks from within ManEx. PDF files can be drawings, images, CAD files (as printed to a plotter) and multiple pages of mixed test and graphics. Users may also print these PDF files from ManEx.    See Article #2823 for instructions on loading pdf files to the Work Instructions or Speical Instructions.
Depress the Tool/Fixture button and this screen will appear:
Depress the Add action button.  Select the Tool/Fixture from the pull down. 

Enter the Location and Expiration Date.  Depress the Save action button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes

WIP Status - displays the WIP Status of all the open work orders for this product and displays where the quantities are in the shop floor.

 WC BOM -  The part numbers that are assigned to that specific Work Center within the BOM module will be listed within this screen.

Depressing the “View Entire BOM” button will then display all parts listed on that BOM regardless of the Work Center. If there is a customer part number linked to the highlighted number in the main grid, then the Customer Part number information will be displayed.  The Reference Designators will be listed for the highlighted part number, which is pulled forward from the BOM module.  All AVL information will be displayed in the Approved Manufacturer list, and the system will show the approved AVL’s with a check mark next to it (same as in the BOM module)   Alternate Part Number section will list any Alternate part numbers that were selected within the BOM module.  

Depress the “Inventory Status” button, the following screen will be display Available Inventory information for the highlighted part number.  EXIT will bring you back to the previous screen.


Depress the “Open PO” button. The following screen will display all open Purchase Orders and their Balance Quantities for the highlighted part number.  Exit will bring you back to the previous screen. 

 ECO - All of this information is carried forward from the ECO Control Management module.  If the highlighted part number within the Part Change Information section was added as a Consigned item, then the associated Customer Part Number information will populate the field.  EXIT will bring you back to the Product Data Management module.  
DeviationAll of this information is carried forward from the ECO Control Management module.  If the highlighted part number within the Part Change Information section was added as a Consigned item, then the associated Customer Part Number information will populate the field.  EXIT will bring you back to the Product Data Management module.
Quality Info - This screen will display Quality information for the Product that is displayed for the selected work center.
If the highlighted work center has not had Inspection information entered against it, then the following message will be displayed
Once you depress the OK button the following screen will be displayed. You can then change the selections to view All Work Centers if need.
If there has been Inspection information entered for the highlighted work center then the following screen will be displayed.  The Quality information displayed on screen will appropriately update as the user selects the desired button selections. Exit will bring you back to the Product Data Management Module.
Depressing this button will display the following screen. Which is just there for reference for the users to use, just in case they do not recall what the displayed Defect Code stands for on the previous screen.


 Load Document
Depress the Clipboard next to the Work Instructions or Special Instructions Button 
The following screen will appear:

To load images or documents, depress the "Load Document" button, up in the right hand corner of the screen.  A browser screen will appear similar to this one: 

Find and highlight the desired Image file, as illustrated.

Once the file name appears, depress the Ok button.

Note: that the user can also load other document types by changing the File of Type to ALL

The file will appear in the screen as displayed:
Depress the Save action button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes action button to abandon changes.  Exit will bring the user back to the Product Data Management module.

All files and images planned to be used within the Product Data Management module should be stored in a permanent directory on the server, which users will have read access to. The user will define the directory and file for each product in this module, but the information will be available elsewhere throughout the manufacturing module.

 Setup a Checklist
Find a PDM Record.
Depress the Check List Title tab.  The following screen will be displayed:

This screen allows the user to establish check lists for a specific Work Center for a specific PRODUCT.  This checklist is for users to check if they do all the necessary task, but it does NOT enforce the user to check all items before the user can transfer to next WC.  Note:  this is a different check list than the one setup for Work Orders which is set up in Shop Floor Tracking Defaults

Depress the Edit button.
Select the Work Center/Activity from the Pull down:
Select the Standard Specification Number from the Pull down: 

These are defaulted in from the PDM Standard Process Specification module.

NOTE:  Only one Standard Spec No can be selected for a product number/work center. 

To Create the Check List, depress the "ADD" button and enter all the necessary information under the Check List Title per product number/work center directly.  Depress the "ADD" button to enter a new specification under the Check List Title until the Check List complete for that specific Work Center/Activity.

Pressing the DELETE button deletes the item that the cursor is on when the delete button is pushed.
While screen is in Edit mode, user may also check the Tool/Fixture Released and/or PDM Released boxes.  Note: Users MUST have special rights within the Security module to check these boxes. Users with “supervisor’s rights” will automatically have access.  These boxes must be check when usiing the Unreleased Work Order List  and the Work Center Checklist

Depress the Save button to save changes or depress the Abandon changes button to abandon changes. The completed screen should appear as follows:

This information will be carried forward into the Shop Floor Tracking module for the highlight Work Center.   NOTE:  If  there are existing Work Orders to update user MUST go to the WO Traveler screen and depress the "Update Open Work Orders" button. 
 Copy Information from another Product
Find a PDM Record.
The following screen will appear:

Depress the Copy button, to copy a routing  and the following selection screen will appear:
Users can select one or more of the options by highlighting them.  To continue depress the "OK" button.  
Note:  All notes on the existing routing will be removed and/or replaced with the new notes when copying a routing.

The following message will appear:

Depress the OK button

The following selection screen will appear:

Choose to find Product by Product Number, Part Class, or All

The following message will appear:

Depress the OK button

Double click on the Work Center Selection
1.7.5. FAQ's - PDM
Facts and Questions for the Product Data Management (PDM) Module
1.8. PDM Standard Process Specification
1.8.1. Prerequisites for PDM Standard Process Specifications

ManEx’s standard module configuration allows most users to accomplish their daily tasks.  For those users wanting to get more from ManEx by leveraging the total solutions, this is one of the optional modules available for purchase.  
To place an order or to learn more about this specific module or any of the other optional modules please contact us at http://manex.com\contactus.aspx

After activation, "Standard Process Specifications" access for each user must be setup in the ManEx System Security module.  Users with “Supervisor Rights” will automatically have access.
Work Centers  Work Centers must have been established in Production Work Centers & Activities

1.8.2. Introduction for PDM Standard Process Specification

The PDM Standard Process Specification Module is the place where Engineering may establish process specifications. Text and pictures may be included in detailing the specifications.  Standard specifications relating to the Work Center can be accessed in the Shop Floor Tracking Mgmt module.

1.8.3. Fields & Definitions for PDM Standard Process Specifications
Spec Description
Standard Process Specification Description.
Work Center
The Work Center the Standard Process Specification Applies to.
Depressing this button will allow you to edit or add text to the Standard Process Specification.  This button will be Red if there is Text or Memo that applies to the Standard Process Specification Highlighted.
Depressing this button will allow you to edit or add text to the Standard Process Specification.  This button will be Red if there is a Document attached that applies to the Standard Process Specification Highlighted.

1.8.4. How To ...... for PDM Standard Process Specifications Add a PDM Standard Procress Specification

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/ PDM Standard Process Specification 

The following screen will be displayed:

Depress the Add  Record button.  You’ll be prompted for your password. Enter in the Specification Description, then select the Work Center from the pull down:

To add Text/Memo depress the   button and the following screen will appear:

Enter in the notes, depress the Save button to save notes or the Abandon changes button to abandon the changes.
Depress the Exit button to return to the Standard Process Specification module.
To load images or documents, depress the   button.  The following screen will appear:

Depress the "Load Document" button, a browser screen will appear:
Find and highlight the desired Image file, as illustrated.

Once the file name appears, depress the "OK" button.
Note:  The user can also load other document types by changing the File of Type to ALL. 

The file will appear: 

Depress the Save button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes to abandon the changes.  Depress the Exit button will bring you back to the Standard Process Specification. module.
All files and images planned to be used within the ManEx system should be stored in a permanent directory on the server, which users will have read access to. The user will define the directory
and file for each product in this module, but the information will be available elsewhere throughout the manufacturing module.
The complete screen will look like this.  

Note:  The Standard Spec button is now being displayed in Red. 
User may add more standard process specifications, edit or delete existing specifications or exit.  

Once the Standard Spec is assigned to a Work Center in the Check List Title.

This information will be carried forward into the Shop Floor Tracking  module.     NOTE If there are existing Work Orders to update user  MUST go to the Work Order Traveler screen and depress the"Update Open Work Orders".


 Edit a PDM Standard Process Specification

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/PDM Standard Process Specification

The following screen will be displayed:

Highlight the Specification user wants to edit.  Depress the Edit button. 

User may change the Work Center, edit the Standard Spec (Text/Memo) or (Document).
Once the changes have been completed, depress the Save button to save the changes or depress the Abandon changes button to abandon the changes.
 Delete a PDM Standard Process Specification

Enter the SQLMANEX.EXE (within the ManEx root directory)
This action will then prompt the user for a password

The following screen will be displayed, select Quality/Engineering/PDM Standard Process Specification

The following screen will be displayed:

Highlight the Specification user wants to delete.  Depress the Delete button, enter password. 
The following message will be displayed:

It will be defaulted to No.  Depress the Yes to continue the Deleting and No to abandon without deleting the specification.